Chapter 12

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 12

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

After introducing Khun and Annabeth to the guys, we all went back to our original "catching up" conversation. We talked for what seemed like hours that evening. It almost brought a sense of nostalgia, looking at us just sitting around and talking. It made me think of the good old days. Well for the most part, when Khun and I weren't busy arguing.

It was different now though. I guess these kinds of changes just come with age. Annabeth gave me a look when Khun had got up to use the bathroom. As soon as he was out of earshot, she quickly scrambled across the floor to get to me.

"Okay, spill it! How in the world did you meet up with RESISTANCE?!"

I quickly put my hand to and looked over in the direction of the bathroom to make sure Khun was no where in sight. I then looked back at her and took my hand away. I whispered harshly, "Yah! Are you crazy? Don't be so loud!"

She muttered a quick "sorry" before going on, "Anyway is this what you were going to tell me about? What you mentioned before I mean?"

I nodded. "Yeah. If it weren't for Khun showing up, I would have told you the whole story by now but I have no idea what side he is on now so I couldn't mention anything."

Annabeth scratched at her chin while nodding her head. "You're right. His preferences might have changed in the past 6 years. Good thinking. Hopefully he is still neutral like us though." She added that last part in a hurry. She didn't want to think badly of him, same as me.

I nodded and grabbed my empty cup. I said a quick "excuse me" and got up to go to the kitchen. As I was getting ready to wash my cup, Khun walked out of the bathroom. He noticed me washing by the sink and smiled.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully while rinsing off the soap suds on my cup. 

"Hey." He replied back.

We both then laughed at the slight awkwardness of the situation. He spoke up first, "So your friends seem really cool. One of them is Yang Seungho right?"

I almost dropped my cup. My heart started racing as I looked over at him slowly with wide eyes. 

He held his hands up defensively. "Hey relax! I'm neutral remember? Or have you forgotten after so many years?"

I practically blew out the huge breath that I had been holding in. He laughed at my reaction and I began to laugh with him. Now I feel dumb. "I'm sorry Khun. I didn't mean anything by my reaction. I should be more trusting."

He shook his head. "No, I completely understand. I mean we weren't exactly the 'best of friends' back in the day." He laughed at his own comment.

I smiled at our memories and leaned against the sink counter for support from my near cardiac arrest. "Yeah I guess you're right about that. But I still feel bad for not being more trustworthy."

He scoffed. "You? What about Annabeth? She and I are closer and she didn't even mention squat to me."

I looked at him with my head cocked to the side. He noticed and added, "My hair might be blonde but I'm NOT. I could tell from the look on her face that she recognized the guys."

Note to self: get G.O to teach Annabeth a better poker face sometime in the future.

I dried off the cup that I had been holding in my hand and turned to face him fully. He was leaning against the bathroom door frame with his arms crossed over his chest and a very satisfied smirk on his face.

"You are so full of yourself, you know that right?" I commented as I threw the dish rag at his face.

He of course had quick cat-like reflexes and caught the thing before it hit him in the face. He looked at the rag in disgust. I laughed at his facial expression and walked by him towards the living room.

He called out after me, "I'm glad you and Annabeth BOTH decided to be healers instead of fighters! You guys ." He muttered the last part to himself but because I had walked back in I had heard it.

"YAH!! I heard that you babo! NOT NICE!!!" I yelled while stomping my foot and looking for the nearest object to throw at him.


Seungho was currently looking over Thunder's shoulder. "How far are we in decrypting the blueprints?"

Thunder, who had been sitting and typing in front of several computer screens, pulled up a progress report. "We are about halfway done Yang Leader. The blueprints are very detailed, which is good for us but it means more time is needed to transfer the files onto our main computer system."

Seungho nodded in understanding. "That's fine. We still have other missions to complete before hand."

He his heel and walked off. Thunder went back to rapidly typing away on his keyboard. G.O and Joon walked in not long after. 

"Leader seems to be kinda impassive today doesn't he?" Joon asked while taking a seat next to Thunder.

G.O sat on his other side and nodded. "He mentioned having a weird dream."

Thunder had stopped typing to look over at his hyung. "He mentioned something like that to me too but he wouldn't go into too much detail."

"Aish! Why don't I ever get told anything around here!" Joon exclaimed while throwing his hands in the air.

G.O smirked. "Because compared to the rest of us, you're just not as important."

Thunder tried his hardest to suppress his fit of giggles. Joon looked at G.O with a betrayed expression. "Yah! That's not funny!"

"It wasn't meant to be funny, muscle babo. It was the truth." G.O replied with a self-satisfied grin as he got up and left the room in a surprisingly cool manner.

Thunder couldn't hold in his laughter anymore and finally let it out. Joon could only stare after his hyung with an open mouth. "YAH!!!!!"


Mir was currently getting some weapons ready for the mission. On the table before him he had laid out 2 handguns, a shotgun, and some throwing knives. He was going in and out of the weapons artillery vault, trying to decide which items to take with him. He added a small blade to the table.

Joon looked at Mir's choice of weapons and his eyes grew wide. "Yah! Do you really think you need ALL of that for this one mission?"

The mission in question sounded simple enough. There was a main security building nearby Lord Delacroix's fortress. That's where all his battle planning and defense planning were held. The job was to get in, plant a bomb in the center of the building, and get out of there as fast as humanly possible. Yes, these guys were planning to blow up Lord Delacroix's main security building.

The main objective was to weaken his defense. If his main security base were to be destroyed then Lord Delacroix would have no choice but hold all his battle and defense planning in his own fortress. This meant that he would have to evenly distribute his royal guard force between inside and outside his fortress. Almost always, he had numerous guards around him. 

On top of that he would be missing a chunk of his royal guard force from the explosion that these guys were about to create. A simple plan with a big reward if they succeed.

So of course the maknae took it all very seriously. "Yes hyung of course! Aigoo. Do you really think I'm going to go into this mission unprepared?"

Joon looked at him incredulously. Just then Seungho and G.O walked in. Mir and Joon automatically straightened up and greeted their hyungs. 

Seungho spoke first. "Alright, is everyone just about ready?"

The others all nodded. "Good. Let's go check in with Thunder and get our headsets. Then we're moving out."

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

After Khun and I explained to Annabeth what we had talked about in the kitchen, she of course got a little embarrassed as I had. Khun, being such a nice guy and all, forgave us but not without some teasing and left soon afterwards because it had started to get late.

I had decided to spend the night there since I really didn't feel like walking over to my place. Plus I was getting really sleepy. Annabeth had let me borrow some extra clothes to sleep in, seeing as how we're both about the same size. As we were getting ready for bed in her room I began to relay the details of my journey since the Blackheart Forest.

We both laid down in the same bed. We didn't really care, that's how close we were. We've known each other for too long for this to be an issue. 

That night was spent mostly talking instead of sleeping since I had LOTS to tell her.


That very next morning I was extremely tired but I also had a job to do so I made myself quickly get ready for the day. As Annabeth and I were eating breakfast in the kitchen, I decided to ask her about what she knew of the old ruler's whereabouts.

"Well I'm not quite sure but I'll try to give you what facts I know from everything that I've heard." She replied while wiping with a napkin.

The next hour was spent with her giving me names and addresses of people who claim they know things of the old ruler's whereabouts and such. I wrote them all down in a mini notebook that I had packed. 

As I looked at my written list of "informants" I got up and went over to Annabeth and gave her a hug. "Wow, you have no idea how much this helps me! I'm eternally grateful!"

"I would be eternally grateful if you would let go of me and allow me to breathe!" She replied a little out of breath.

I quickly let go and gave her a sheepish grin. "Aigoo. I'm sorry. My bad." I scratched the back of my head a little nervously.


I was currently at my place, packing some things that I needed in my bag and unpacking things that I didn't need. Most of the addresses that Annabeth had given me were from out of town. I let out a deep sigh. More traveling and I had just gotten back to my hometown too.

I pushed back these thoughts. I had a mission to complete. The sooner I got this done, the sooner I would get to see Seungho again.....and the 4 village idiots of course. I smiled to myself. Just thinking about them made me happier and lifted my spirits.

I wonder what they are up to at this very moment?

I was walking out the door when I heard a familar voice call out to me, "Alexa!"

I turned in the direction of the voice and smiled. "Hey Nichkhun!" I waved at the man that was now running towards me.

As soon as he reached me he held up his finger in a "wait a minute" motion. I smiled amusedly. "Nichkhun is out of breath? Wow is the world gonna end today or something?"

He gave me a look and I couldn't help but bust out laughing. Once he had caught his breath he spoke up. "Not funny."

"Oh on the contrary Khun, it was VERY funny." 

He gave me another look. "Listen, do you want to hear what I have to say or not?"

"Okay okay. I'm sorry so what's up?" I asked.

"I heard from Annabeth what you were going to be doing. I don't think you should go alone." He replied back in all seriousness. Since we met up yesterday, this was the first time I've seen him with a such a serious looking face.

"Oh and who's gonna be keeping me company? You?" I laughed a little nervously at my own comment but the look on his face said that I had hit that one right on the spot.

My laughter faded quickly. "Wait, you're really going to travel with me?"

Without any hesitation Khun answered, "Of course."

"Just the two of us?"

My voice had gotten a little squeaky at the end there and Khun either chose not to acknowledge it or did notice it and thought it was very amusing to not let it show on his face. My money is on the second choice.

A million thoughts ran throught my head at that very moment. Khun seemed to know what was going on and began his teasing again. "It's not like we're going on a honeymoon Alexa. Besides, why would I ever marry you?"

That last comment broke me out of my reverie. "YAH!!!! What's that supposed to mean?!"

He burst into a fit of laughter.


Mir quickly attached a silencer to one of his handguns. "I'm in position. G.O hyung, whenever you're ready to move forward let me know."

He was hiding behind some trees from the nearby forest as he was steadily aiming his gun at one of the guards standing by the front entrance to the main security building. There was another guard next to him. They were both facing each other and talking.

"I'm ready. So are Leader and Joon. We're standing by now." As soon as he heard his hyung's reply he took the safety off his gun.

He took aim and fired the first bullet straight through the first guard's head. The blood sprayed into the other guard's eyes, blinding him and giving Mir more of a window to aim. Not that he really needed it because not even a fraction of a second later he shot the other guard in the head as well.

As they both went down, G.O went forward and pulled an electronic device out from his hip pouch. He ran up to the front gates and placed the antenna looking device on the security pad that opened the gates. When the security pad asked for the password G.O spoke into his headset.

"Thunder, I've attached the antenna. Hack into the system and get the password for me."

"Already on it hyung." Thunder answered back.

G.O heard some rapid typing before he noticed movement on the security pad. Thunder was sending the signal to the device which was currently typing in the password for him. Once the device was done hacking, the red light on the pad turned to green and the gates opened.

G.O took the device off the pad and made a motion with his hand to let the other guys know the coast was clear. Joon, Seungho, and Mir all came out from their hiding places and ran forward towards him. 

Seungho spoke into his headset. "Thunder, have you made sure to loop the cameras so no one will know that we're here?"

"Yes Leader." He replied back quickly.

Seungho looked at the others and nodded his head, letting them know it was safe to move forward. Joon went in first, followed by G.O and Mir, with Seungho being last. 

As soon as they were in Seungho turned to G.O and gave him his orders. "Since you have the bomb, you will be with Mir. He will act as your lookout. Make sure you ask Thunder for exact directions to your location."

G.O and Mir both nodded in understanding and went off to the left. Seungho then turned to Joon. "You're with me. Your strength and my balanced abilities should keep the royal guard force at bay. We need to make sure no one gets passed us or notices what we're up to."

Joon nodded and Seungho was satisfied with that. 


Mir attached the 2nd silencer to his other handgun. He was now holding two silenced handguns. He had decided to leave the shotgun behind since it was really noisy. He instead brought extra ammo and more throwing knives along with a small blade that was attached to his back.

G.O followed Mir cautiously. They needed to make a quiet entrance which was why Mir was in the front so he could make speedy kills with the silenced guns. 

"Keep going straight down the corridor. Once you reach the end, open and go through the door on the right." Thunder's voice filled both their ears.

They moved forward as they were told. Once they reached the door, they opened it slowly. It lead to a room full of file cabinets and computers. No one was currently in sight. 

"Keep going through that room you're in. Once you reach the exit, move cautiously. There are some guards in the next room."

At this G.O and Mir both looked at each other and nodded in understanding of what they must do. G.O reached into the pack that was on his back and pulled out an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) device. It was a device that could shut off all electricity within a certain radius.

With this it was literally "lights out" for the guards in the next room. They would use it to turn off all the electricity in this room and the next. No electricity, no light. G.O then pulled out a couple of small night vision goggles and handed a pair over to Mir. They both put the goggles on. 

Mir took the safety off his guns while G.O placed the EMP device on the nearby computer desk and punched in the number code to activate it. He looked over at Mir who gave him a quick nod of his head. Once sure they were both ready he pressed the switch and the device.

Everything went dark as the two men quickly their night vision goggles. They could hear some complaints from the guards in the next room.

G.O quietly opened the door and Mir brought up both of his handguns in front of him and aimed in the room. He saw about 5 guards in an eerie green light due to the goggles. With both guns he shot the first 2 guards nearest to him at the same time. As soon as they fell he shot the next 2 straight through their heads before they could even register what was going on. 

The last guard felt the blood spray on him but had no idea what it was. Mir shot him right between the eyes. "The coast is clear. All the guards have been taken care of hyung."

At this G.O turned off the EMP device and took off his night vision goggles as the lights came back on. Mir did the same and waited for his hyung to come into the room.


"How are they doing so far?" Seungho was currently asking about G.O and Mir.

Thunder did some typing before replying back, "They have successfully gotten halfway through."

Seungho looked over at Joon and nodded, letting him know that the other two were alright. "Thanks for the info. Can you tell us how many guards are in the room next to us?"

"There are about 10 of them. It looks like a training room. They don't seem to be in uniform either so they shouldn't have their radio controls on them. To be on the safe side, I'll jam the radio signal in that room just in case."

Seungho looked over at Joon to make sure he heard. Joon gave a curt nod. He walked up to the door and put his hand on the handle. He looked over at his leader and waited for him to give the signal. That's when Seungho mouthed "on three." 

Joon nodded in understanding and waited patiently as Seungho began to do the countdown on his fingers.

End of Chapter 12

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!