Chapter 11

All's Fair in Love & War

Chapter 11


It was oh so OBVIOUS to everyone but Seungho himself that he was missing Alexa already. Sure it's only been about half a day but there were already signs showing that he was missing her.

While everyone was busily moving around the communications area, he was sitting at the table looking at all the files laying out before him. He hadn't even picked one up yet, he was just looking.

The rest of the guys noticed little things like this throughout the day. Thunder seemed to be the most understanding one. "Those two were finally starting to have a relationship develope and then BAM! She leaves for her hometown on a mission. How would you guys feel if someone you loved just left like that?"

G.O nodded. "He has a point. As much as I hate to agree with him on this. I think we just need to give Yang Leader a little bit more space than usual."

Mir and Joon gave each other knowing looks. G.O noticed and pointed accusingly at the two. "Yah! Now don't even think about trying anything funny. Cheering him up is not a good idea right now."

Mir pouted at his hyung. "Aish! But hyung, he NEEDS to be cheered up! He can't just mope around all day. I hate seeing him as Yang Dark Clouds."

Thunder and Joon began to laugh at his last comment. G.O kept his poker face on. "No is NO! I understand the Leader a little more than the rest of you. He needs some time."

Joon spoke up at this point, "Aish! Alright alright, we won't try anything stupid. Besides, I wanna live to see the next morning."

The maknae looked over at his so-called "partner in crime" with a gasp. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Hyung!! How could you betray me so easily!"

Thunder began to laugh a little hysterically at their interaction. G.O slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead. "Aigoo."

Joon looked at Mir with an amused expression. "Sorry Mir but I'm not gonna die tonight."

"You're right hyung. You're not gonna die tonight. YOU'RE GONNA DIE RIGHT NOW KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With that, Mir lunged at Joon while Thunder and G.O could only watch in both horror and amusement. Maknae vs. Hyung ROUND 1.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Annabeth and I couldn't hide our surprise. Our little Khun had grown up SO MUCH! Nichkhun, Annabeth, and I were all really good friends back in the day. Well actually it was more like Annabeth and Khun. I was good friends with Annabeth but Khun and I always fought over everything.

For some reason when we first met we got off on the wrong foot. So Khun and I were always in some kind of disagreement or fight about something and Annabeth would be the one to intervene. We were really young, not even considered teenagers, more like pre-teens. So I guess you could say it was a regular love-hate relationship that most boys and girls had at our age.

After several years though, once we had reached a mature age of 13, we finally settled our differences. Not long after, Khun left to go train, since this was around the age that most boys went off to learn how to fight. Annabeth and I stayed behind in Grenaria to become healers. We had some lessons in fighting though.

Now 6 years later and we are all reunited in the same place by total coincidence. It was a bit of a shocker to say the least. Annabeth had gone up to him first and gave him a huge hug. "Oh my God! Just look at you! You've got so much muscle now! And your hair! It's blonde!"

He laughed at her comments and tried to playfully shove her away. "Can you get up in my grill any more? Give me some space will you?"

Annabeth quickly punched him in the arm for that one. He looked at her with an amused expression. "That didn't even hurt. I can see why you decided to become a healer."

Her eyes grew twice their size and she lunged at him with a kick which of course he dodged super easily. "Temper, temper."

He laughed at her annoyed expression and turned to look over at me. "And you. You've grown up well. No longer the short little kitty cat I used to pick on so much."

I slightly grimaced at the old nickname. He used to call me a cat because my hair was dark while my eyes were a bright color, kinda like a cat. He laughed at the look I had gotten on my face. "I'm just playing around. We're still good right?"

He then held out his arms. Oh why not? It's not like we were still childhood enemies. I walked up to him and into his arms. We hugged and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He was very muscular. As I thought this I quickly tried to get out of the hug as unnoticable as possible.

I don't know why but hugging another man besides Seungho or the 4 village idiots for that matter made me feel uneasy. I shouldn't be feeling this way, after all it's just Khun. I shook my head to clear my train of thought. It's not like I was cheating on Seungho or anything anyway.

So why is my heart feeling so anxious?

I was broken from my reverie when I saw a hand wave in front of my face. "Hello? Earth to Alexa?"

When I saw that it was Khun, I quickly got flustered and embarrassed. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I, uh, was just......thinking."

Smooth Alexa, real smooth.

He laughed at my response but brushed it off none-the-less. "It's cool. Since the 3 of us are together again, how about we catch up?"

I smiled at the thought of us 3 together again, just sitting around and talking. But you can't forget about your mission. My smile faded a little. Should I really blow off my two friends? That doesn't seem right. I think I should compromise and split the time spent between the two things. Now that's better.

I looked at the two of them who were obviously waiting for me to answer. I gave them my best smile and nodded in agreement. "Well what are we waiting for then? Let's go!"


We were at Annabeth's place, sitting on the floor of her living room and drinking green tea which was my favorite.

The whole time we spent talking and laughing I couldn't help but notice that our seating arrangement had Khun sitting pretty close to me. Why do I feel so guilty? I shouldn't since I wasn't doing anything but my heart is just so incredibly weak, it's almost hard to NOT think this way. 

I was startled and I jumped a little when I suddenly heard the lines to a VERY familiar song:

"Let's get it on....AHHHHHHHHHH"

Khun and Annabeth looked at me with confused expressions. What the hell? Was that MY phone playing Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On?" Sure enough, I reached in my pocket and saw that the fancy phone that G.O had given me as a farewell gift, was going off.

I'm going to KILL, no MURDER G.O the next time I see him.

The reason why? Because the caller ID read Seungho's name with a little heart next to it. He so did this on purpose and I was so EMBARRASSED.

I quickly said an "excuse me" and left the room as fast as humanly possible. Once out of the room and out of earshot, I picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Ah yeah,'s me." Seungho's quiet voice came on the other end.

I automatically felt better from the little incident that just happened. His voice managed to sooth the savage beast that was about to spring out of me because of a certain man named G.O. 

I laughed a little at it now and decided to be an evil snitch and tell Seungho what just happened with the whole phone thing.

His reaction was priceless. "G.O!!!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


After hearing some random noises and lots of commotion on the other end, Seungho had finally come back and started talking to me again.

We had talked a little about everything. I let him know I made it to my hometown safely and stuff like that and he would ask how everything was, yada yada yada. It almost felt like a real long-distance relationship sort of thing. I smiled at the thought. I'm so cheesy.

Our conversation was starting to get long-winded so I decided to change it to a video call so I could introduce him and the guys to my friends. "So you can see me clearly right?" I asked while looking at his beautiful face on my phone.

He smiled and nodded. "I'm gonna call the other guys to come here so hold on."

"Okay cool. I'm gonna walk into the living room and let my friends know what's up." I replied back while waving my hand at him.

As he disappeared from my sight on the phone I walked back into the living room and was met by very curious looks from both Annabeth and Khun.

I sat back down in my spot and explained to them that I was going to introduce them to some "new friends" of mine that I had met on my journey. Since I still hadn't gotten around to tell Annabeth everything because of Khun, I kept the part about them being in the "Resistance" a secret. 

No doubt she would figure it out herself since she always paid attention to the world news but she wasn't dumb and knew when to keep shut. Annabeth and I were both neutral but we didn't really know if Khun has changed sides since the last time we've seen him. He was neutral like us and hopefully he still is but nothing was for sure yet.

I heard Seungho's voice on my phone and lifted it up so I could see him on the screen. He nodded his head as I saw the 4 village idiots standing behind him smiling except for G.O. He was sitting in a chair with an ice-pack on his head. I almost burst into laughter but I decided that for his sake I would keep it in.

That's when I finally showed my phone to my friends and introduced them to the guys.

*Seungho's POV*

After being introduced to her friends, he was a little on edge. One of her friends had been a man and that man was both good-looking and muscular. NOT a good combination for Seungho.

Not that he didn't trust Alexa but seeing that man made him feel uneasy. He seemed nice enough and everything but the thought of her spending lots of time with him made Seungho's jealousy act up.

AISH! What's wrong with me?

He decided to take out his anger on his pillow. He had been laying down in bed, staring out the window, looking at the stars in the sky. He fluffed his pillow violently before laying his head back down on it. He then looked back out his window at the twinkling stars in the sky.

If only Alexa were here to share the view with me....

His eyes began to droop down in exhaustion. It wasn't hard for him to fall asleep fast.


"Khun! Could you help me with this?" Alexa called out. 

She had been trying to fix something underneath the sink. It looked like a plumbing problem. She was wearing nothing but black short-shorts and a skimpy red tank top.

Khun walked in shirtless, with his jeans riding low on his waist, showing off some Calvin Klein boxers. Alexa got out from under the sink and stood up. As soon as she noticed Khun, she eyed him up and down.

"Help with what?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

She gave him a seductive smile. "Oh it's nothing really. I'm just so HOT from doing all this plumbing work and I keep getting WET from all the water that's been leaking."

Khun bit his lip. He then ran up to her and picked her up, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist. He set her on the kitchen counter and began attacking her lips with his own in a wild frenzy. Her hands were all up in his hair while his own hands were around her waist.

They kept kissing each other passionately until they both fell back on the counter with Khun on top of Alexa.

Just then Seungho shot straight up in bed in a cold sweat. He was breathing heavily and his heart was racing. He couldn't get the horrible images out of his head.

What a terrible nightmare.....what's WRONG with me?

He slowly laid back down on his bed and tried his best to control his breathing.

End of Chapter 11

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BlaqAngel #1
Nice! Just started and I kinda got stuck;)
a-positive #2
this seems wonderful, i just started reading but sorry, i keep misreading blackheart forest as blackforest heart...

LOL hehehe yes, i'm a bit hungry
ohmigoodness i love the 4 villge idiots!!! >.<<br />
and i really loved the ending!!!!
jhaven1998 #4
The 4 village idiots are freaking hilarious especially in the end! I can't stop laughing at what they thought seungho and alexa were doing! :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just freaking loved the ending!!!!<br />
HAHAHAHA!!! Those 4 are just...priceLESS!!!
OMG!!!! You're fo damn fast! 13 chapters already!!!<br />
Kekekekeke...I think I will stay up all night again :D:D:D<br />
Keep up the good work!