He is...

Boyfriends From EXO Planet?!


"Just, please don't be too creeped out from the guys..." I say before opening the door. SeokJin sonbaenim nods.

I turn the nob and slowly pull the door. We enter, and loud chatter immediately fills our ears.

"I'm home~" I announce while letting sonbaenim take off his shoes.

"_______-YA!!! COME OVER HERE!!!!! WE FOUND THIS HILARIOUS VIDEO!!!!" I hear BaekHyun exclaim.

I lead the way to the stairs. Everyone's head turns this way, and their eyeballs almost shoot out in surprise.

"Um.... This is Kim SeokJin sonbaenim and uh.... he's here to help me with my homework so uh.... sorry guys, I'll watch the video with you guys later," I say.

"OK..." ChanYeol replies, his eyes glued onto sonbaenim.

"Hello everyone," SeokJin sonbaenim bows politely. "I'm Kim SeokJin. It's truly an honor to meet you all," he says with a smile.

Kris oppa stands up. "Whatever," he says. He walks over to the stairs without another word. He looks really upset.

"Kris-sshi, right?" sonbaenim calls. Kris oppa stops, but doesn't turn around. "I feel like we can be very good friends," he says. His smile doesn't seem to delighted.

Kris oppa turns only his head, his eyes glaring at sonbaenim. "That's great, SeokJin-sshi," he says.

Then he goes up the stairs and into his room. He slams his door shut. Sonbaenim quietly watches him.

Is it just me, or is there like a really tense mood between them two?


"Ya, what's up with you these days? You seem to be in a bad mood," SeokJin sonbaenim says, concerned.

"Huh? Oh, nothing," I reply, forcing a smile.

"Don't lie~ You're calling me 'sonbaenim' and you're so formal.... It feels like you're so far away," he says.

"Ah, I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, it's just...." I trail off, searching for the right words.

"...Is it that girl?" he asks.

"Yeah, kind of...." I answer honestly. He sighs.

"I'm sorry. She's my hoobae and she's been acting like my girlfriend ever since high school," he explains. He sighs again. "Not to be rude, but honestly, she's not the nicest person."

My hand naturally goes on top of the scratch. "Ah, I see," I say.

He turns to me and holds my shoulders gently. "Look, if she tries to do anything to you, just tell me, 'kay?" he says.

I nod. "Thank you, sonb-"

"Oppa. SeokJin oppa," he says.

I smile, giving up. "Thank you, SeokJin oppa," I rephrase. He gives me a satisfied smile.


"Ah~ Leaving already?" XiuMin oppa asks, standing up from the couch.

"Yes. She finished everything so quickly," SeokJin oppa chuckles.

"She is very smart," Lay oppa comments.

"Yes, she is," SeokJin oppa replies. I blush.

"Oppa, you're going to be late to your conference," I remind him.

"Ah! True!! OK, I'll be going now!!" he hurries. I chuckle.

"Oh! XiuMin-sshi! Your coffee was REALLY good! And D.O-sshi's cookies were SO good!! THANK YOU!!!" He storms out of the house.

I chuckle and shut the door.

"He's a very nice person," SuHo oppa compliments.

"I know right? He's the best," I reply with a bright smile.

....Did their expressions darken for a second? Oh-uh...... I... didn't make anything weird..... right...?











Wait, did I say that this chapter was going to be chaotic? My bad, I was talking ahead.....

The next chapter is heart warming? Kind of heart breaking?




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PieLife #1
Chapter 4: Ryeowook!~
PieLife #2
Chapter 1: Im excited for this book ^.^
... I JUST COULDNT STOP SAYING THIS HAHA...^^ XD but it's just so goooooooddddd :)
Gaojingyi #4
Chapter 46: Crying....this is such a good story~ Good work author-nim!
Chapter 46: aigoo... TT.TT their messages are so sweet!!! I'm going to miss this story... I WILL READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! uwu

//they broke the fourth wall omg
Chapter 46: I'm going miss this story OTL And no problem ! ^^ Continue writing amazing stories like this one! LOVE YOU <3 ALSO FIGHTING ^^
Chapter 45: awwwww ^^ they r so cute togever ^^
ㅠ.ㅠ awww these oppas

//i guess food can be painful

and btw my mom makes drinks like those...

now i'm sad...

(>_<) i don't want this to end
Chapter 44: AWWWWWWW WE ARE ONE!!!!
Chapter 43: TOGETHER FOREVER~~~!!!♩♬♬ *breaks into song* XD sorry lol

and omo yes do an epilog, if it's not too much for you~

:') it's almost over... this story was jjang, authornim