
Boyfriends From EXO Planet?!

"Welcome home umma~ appa~!!" I welcome as they enter the house.

"OMONI!!!!! ABEOJI!!!!!!" the boys exclaim, rushing to the entrance.

"Omo, my boys! How are you guys?" mother asks. They nod with big smiles. I chuckle in amusement.

"Umma, you do remember your real daughter, right?" I joke.

"Of course I do! How are you young lady?" she replies, giving me a hug.

"Are we just going to stand here with chaos, or are we going to sit down and rest?" father questions, passing through the big mob at the entrance.

"Sit down and rest!!" the younger boys answer as they follow my father into the living room.

"He missed you guys," my mother whispers playfully. The remaining of us chuckle.

We all gather around the couch while XiuMin oppa and I prepare drinks.

"So... did anything exciting happen?" my mother asks.

The boys and I gulp. But no one opens their mouth, recalling the harsh punishments.

"Uhmmmm, no, omoni. Nothing exciting... Oh, _______ had a boyfriend!" SuHo oppa suggests. The rest of us sigh in grief.

"Wait, SuHo oppa, you can't tell that!" I snap, but it is too late. My parents are looking at me with curious eyes.

XiuMin oppa chuckles, and he pushes my back to go join the circle. D.O comes to the kitchen with a smirk. I sigh and walk to the living room.

"Um.... Well.... Remember my tutor, Kim SeokJin sshi? I dated him for like.... 3 months...." I confess awkwardly as I take my seat in between my parents.

"Omo! That intelligent boy who moved to Canada?" my mother asks. I nod. "I knew he was a nice boy," she says as she nods.

"Why did it only last that long?" my father questions. Ouch, not a topic I want to talk about.

"They realized they weren't meant for each other, abeoji," Kris oppa answers for me. As my father gives an unsatisfied nod, Kris oppa looks at me and smirks. I stick my tongue at him, making him do the same.

"Yeobo, don't think too much. You should just be happy that our daughter has grown up," my mother soothes.

"You didn't have any other boyfriends, did you? Or anyone you are dating right now?" my father questions.

We gulp again.

"Not any that we know of," Chen says.

"She is quite popular, but I don't recall her asking anyone out," Han oppa supports.

"Or being asked out," SeHun joins. "By person," he quietly adds.

"She's not dating someone, abeoji," Kai assures. "She's dating all of us," he adds very quietly as well.

"Hmm..." my father says, scratching his chin.

"What if she's dating the boys?!" my mother jokes. We give an awkward, nervous laugh.

"What?!" my father demands. "You guys aren't possibly...."

We all shake our heads sideways, we think it might fly off from the force. My mother lets out a laugh.

"I was kidding everyone. No need to be so serious," she says.

"Omoni, that's a bit too dark for a joke," ChanYeol says, faking a laugh.

"Oh gosh, if that were to be true..." my father says, massaging his temples.

"Abeoji, I think you are very tired. Please, have some tea and relax," XiuMin oppa suggests kindly as he places the tea cup in front of my father. D.O puts a cup down in front of my mother.

As they drink their tea peacefully, the boys and I eye each other.

That was SO close.... but they didn't figure out... So... No punishments?

Can we call it a... safe...?











Damn, good save there, boys! But uh... that was reeaaaally close.... Abeoji has sharp instincts... Gotta watch out -___-

I feel like the parents' personalities changed, especially omoni's.... in a good way^^ Maybe because of age??


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PieLife #1
Chapter 4: Ryeowook!~
PieLife #2
Chapter 1: Im excited for this book ^.^
... I JUST COULDNT STOP SAYING THIS HAHA...^^ XD but it's just so goooooooddddd :)
Gaojingyi #4
Chapter 46: Crying....this is such a good story~ Good work author-nim!
Chapter 46: aigoo... TT.TT their messages are so sweet!!! I'm going to miss this story... I WILL READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! uwu

//they broke the fourth wall omg
Chapter 46: I'm going miss this story OTL And no problem ! ^^ Continue writing amazing stories like this one! LOVE YOU <3 ALSO FIGHTING ^^
Chapter 45: awwwww ^^ they r so cute togever ^^
ㅠ.ㅠ awww these oppas

//i guess food can be painful

and btw my mom makes drinks like those...

now i'm sad...

(>_<) i don't want this to end
Chapter 44: AWWWWWWW WE ARE ONE!!!!
Chapter 43: TOGETHER FOREVER~~~!!!♩♬♬ *breaks into song* XD sorry lol

and omo yes do an epilog, if it's not too much for you~

:') it's almost over... this story was jjang, authornim