I Love You

Boyfriends From EXO Planet?!


I flip through the album, and find a piece of paper between the last few pages.

Don't we look so young in here? It scares me... But no matter how much you change, I will love you.

"You still look young, you're the youngest," I chuckle.

I put the album back into the shelf, and move onto behind the TV.

I hate saying cheesy things so I'll go straight to the point. I love you.

"Kris oppa, this sentence is pretty cheesy too," I say, smiling to myself.

I then go to the entrance, where everyone's shoes are lined up.

"How did I know," I chuckle, taking the piece of paper off of ChanYeol's shoes.

_______-YA!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U I LOVE U   Ah~ I feel better saying it now :3

Shaking my head sideways, I bring the papers to the coffee table and line them up with the other 4 I discovered.

"The remaining is Han oppa, Tao, Lay oppa, SuHo oppa, and Kai...." I say to myself.

I turn around and begin searching again.

Something in my heart tells me not to find them all. Something tells me I shouldn't finish this game.

But ignoring that, I read the piece of paper that was behind the mirror.

I can only tell you so much because I'm not good at Korean still... But I can definitely tell you the words "I love you"

"If you draw a panda, I'm gonna know who it is, you know," I chuckle.

I notice something flapping on the stair rail. I walk over there, and carefully remove it.

I really wish you'd find me first... Oh well, that doesn't change the fact that I love you.

"Or the fact that you're always using the stair rail for support when you're doing ballet," I say, smiling.

Then my eyes catch the corner of a paper between the deer stuffed animals sitting on the stairs.

I kind of wish that I still had my power. I want to know your reaction when you know that I sincerely love you.

"I don't think you'll enjoy my reaction, Han oppa..." I say.

I return to the coffee table and add to the line.

A warm breeze blows in from the open balcony window. My feet take me out into the balcony.

There, I spot a piece of paper on the edge of a flower pot.

Don't stress out too much and smile! I love you! Lay

I laugh. "Lay oppa, did you forget the rules?"

My smile and laugh disappears very quickly.

There's only one more piece of paper left to find.

When I find that last piece, I have to pick one.

One. Out of 12.

I go back to the coffee table. I place Lay oppa's paper at the end of the line.

I read each one over carefully.

"I love you" appears in all of them.

It's feels weird reading it, although we've said it to each other many times. It has a.... different feeling this time.

"Although this is a game, we're going for the win with everything that we've got."

The boys' quote replays in my head, followed by their serious faces.

"So they're serious..." I remind myself. "I have to pick one, I have to pick.... one...."

I cover my face with my hands, trying to gather up my courage to find the last paper.

But if I find it, I have to pick one. How in the world am I supposed to do that?

....If I don't find it, and wait for the time to pass, then I don't have to pick one.

...But then I won't be able to read that last one. It won't be fair to SuHo oppa.

When I look up, there's a paper flapping under the coffee table.

My heart stops.

What do I do..... Should I take it...? Or should I surrender...?

....If it says something other than "I love you" on it, I will laugh it off.

But if it says "I love you," ... then I will choose. I would have to.

With trembling fingers, I reach for the last piece of paper.











So I was looking at the subscribers page because there were notifications, and OMG I LOVE UR PROFILE PICS AND GIFS AND OMG (not o be creepy or anything.... .__.;;;;; )

They're amazing :3

About the story...

I shall not say. I am having too much feels from watching EXO Showtime for the 12787482374812th time, and from writing this. I shall see you all at the next chapter.... WHICH WILL HAVE MORE FEELS





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PieLife #1
Chapter 4: Ryeowook!~
PieLife #2
Chapter 1: Im excited for this book ^.^
... I JUST COULDNT STOP SAYING THIS HAHA...^^ XD but it's just so goooooooddddd :)
Gaojingyi #4
Chapter 46: Crying....this is such a good story~ Good work author-nim!
Chapter 46: aigoo... TT.TT their messages are so sweet!!! I'm going to miss this story... I WILL READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! uwu

//they broke the fourth wall omg
Chapter 46: I'm going miss this story OTL And no problem ! ^^ Continue writing amazing stories like this one! LOVE YOU <3 ALSO FIGHTING ^^
Chapter 45: awwwww ^^ they r so cute togever ^^
ㅠ.ㅠ awww these oppas

//i guess food can be painful

and btw my mom makes drinks like those...

now i'm sad...

(>_<) i don't want this to end
Chapter 44: AWWWWWWW WE ARE ONE!!!!
Chapter 43: TOGETHER FOREVER~~~!!!♩♬♬ *breaks into song* XD sorry lol

and omo yes do an epilog, if it's not too much for you~

:') it's almost over... this story was jjang, authornim