
Boyfriends From EXO Planet?!



Kris turns around, along with the other 11 boys. SeokJin stands there, with his head hung down a bit.

"If you have something to say, say it now. We're busy," Kris says.

"I.... wanted to apologize," SeokJin says. The rest of the guys look at each other in confusion. "I couldn't make her happy, I'm sorry," he apologizes, bowing.

"Wow wow, SeokJin sshi, you sound like you're going to break up with _______," Chen says.

"You guys didn't hear?" SeokJin asks, lifting his head up. "When we were at the park, we broke up."

"You.... did?" Kai asks. SeokJin nods. "Seriously?" he asks again. SeokJin nods again.

"Why?!" LuHan asks.

"It's my fault she got bullied, and I think all I do is hurt her.... And I don't think I can protect her," SeokJin explains. "Plus, she looks happier when she's with you guys."

"Of cours-"

"She looks happy with you too," XiuMin says, blocking SeHun's mouth. SeokJin chuckles.

"Not even," he says with a smile. "You can protect her better."

"Ya, Kim SeokJin," Kris calls. SeokJin faces him.

Kris raises his fist and swings it, hitting SeokJin's left cheek. SeokJin falls down from the sudden shock. The other boys go to him to help him up.

"That's for making _______ cry and for apologizing so many times," Kris says.

SeokJin scoffs. "So I get another one? For breaking my promise to make her happy?" he asks.

Kris scoffs back. "I already knew you couldn't keep that promise," he answers. SeokJin chuckles.

"You never change," SeokJin chuckles. He stands up. "Maybe you should try being a bit more mature?"

"Huh, shut up," Kris snaps back. "Maybe you should try being a bit more nice?"

"Never," SeokJin replies. Kris scoffs. "But hey, I am so nice to _______, you know that?"

"Then I wonder why she was crying?" Kris challenges.

"They know each other?" BaekHyun whispers to ChanYeol, while the two guys argue.

"Seems like it," ChanYeol replies.

"Hyung, we need to go!" Lay reminds.

"Oh right!" Kris says. "See ya, loser," Kris greets, waving his hand to SeokJin.

"Kris! Be nice!" SuHo scolds.

"Ha ha~ You got scolded at~" SeokJin jokes.

"Shut up!" Kris snaps back.

"KRIS!" SuHo scolds again.


"...So I guess they're good friends now," Tao concludes.

"Ya, who said so? I would rather eat that stuffed animal than to be friends with that kid," Kris says.

"Hyung, you better not eat my present," ChanYeol argues.

"Mine either," XiuMin joins.

"Guys, he won't actually eat it," SuHo points out.

"D.O, you can put that vase down. I don't think he'll do anything with that," Chen says.

D.O shakes his head sideways, still hugging the vase in front of his chest.

"Hyung, don't rip the pages, OK?" Lay says, laying his finger on the notebook.

"You can't draw on our faces with these," Kai says, holding onto the pens.

"You can't open this yet!" LuHan says, hugging his unopened present box.

The boys keep telling Kris not to touch or do anything with their presents.




It's.... quite noisy....

Are the boys arguing again?

Did the "beagle line" do something? Did Kris oppa do something?

....Oh? My sight's getting more clear..... Come on, a little more.....

So bright.....

.... Do I see XiuMin oppa...?




XiuMin walks to the side of the bed, near where _______'s head is. He chuckles as the others argue.

_________'s eye lids slightly move.

Surprised, he calls the others.

"Ya, ya, guys, _______'s eyes moved!" he exclaims.

Everyone rushes to the bed side. They all look down at ______.

Very slowly, her eyes flutter open.

She looks around, only with her eyes, then fixes her gaze back at XiuMin.

"Hey," XiuMin greets.

_______'s expression softens, and she slowly forms a smile.

"Hey...." she greets back.










I like this chapter.... a lot....

YAY~~~~ 'YOU'RE' AWAKE~~~~!!!! Now you can go critisize people and make fun of the boys :3

You'll find out about the relationship between Kris and SeokJin later~~


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I love reading them and I will reply~ ^^









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PieLife #1
Chapter 4: Ryeowook!~
PieLife #2
Chapter 1: Im excited for this book ^.^
... I JUST COULDNT STOP SAYING THIS HAHA...^^ XD but it's just so goooooooddddd :)
Gaojingyi #4
Chapter 46: Crying....this is such a good story~ Good work author-nim!
Chapter 46: aigoo... TT.TT their messages are so sweet!!! I'm going to miss this story... I WILL READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! uwu

//they broke the fourth wall omg
Chapter 46: I'm going miss this story OTL And no problem ! ^^ Continue writing amazing stories like this one! LOVE YOU <3 ALSO FIGHTING ^^
Chapter 45: awwwww ^^ they r so cute togever ^^
ㅠ.ㅠ awww these oppas

//i guess food can be painful

and btw my mom makes drinks like those...

now i'm sad...

(>_<) i don't want this to end
Chapter 44: AWWWWWWW WE ARE ONE!!!!
Chapter 43: TOGETHER FOREVER~~~!!!♩♬♬ *breaks into song* XD sorry lol

and omo yes do an epilog, if it's not too much for you~

:') it's almost over... this story was jjang, authornim