
Boyfriends From EXO Planet?!


"There you are," I say, walking up to the lonely back on the beach. Everyone else follows close behind.

Kris oppa doesn't turn around. He just stares right ahead. We sit down around him.

"Kris oppa," I call. He doesn't answer. "You weren't going to move," I say. His ears twitch.

"We checked the apartments you said you'd move into. There was no contract with your name," XiuMin oppa explains.

Kris oppa scoffs. "So you guys were nosing around, huh," he says.

"That was the only way to stop you," SuHo oppa says.

Kris oppa scoffs again. "And why would you want to stop me?" he asks.

"Because we don't want you to move!" Tao exclaims sadly.

"It's my life. Let me do what I want," Kris oppa coldly replies.

"We can't. Not if that choice will do no good for you," Han oppa says. Kris oppa sighs.

"Can I ask you something?" ChanYeol asks. Kris oppa nods. "Why did you lie about moving?"

"If I hadn't, I would've kept on arguing with _______," Kris oppa answers. "Plus, I couldn't chicken out on the plan," he adds.

"Plan?" BaekHyun asks. The older ones look down at the sand.

"Kris oppa, XiuMin oppa, Han oppa, SuHo oppa, and Lay oppa. You guys were originally planning to move out all together, right?" I question. They look up at with wide open eyes. "I had a feeling that you guys were blaming yourselves for financial things," I explain.

"I'M SORRY!" Han oppa apologizes. "We thought it'd be easier to live if we didn't have so much to worry about, especially financial things..." he confesses. "So I'm sorry."

The other older ones apologize as well, earning tight hugs form the younger ones.

"YOU COULD'VE TOLD US!!!!!!!!!!!" Kai complains.

Watching everyone embrace each other in their arms and happily (well some furiously) joke around, my heart aches.

"I'M SORRY!" I apologize loudly. They face me curiously. "I'm sorry, I'm... I've been hiding something too," I confess.

Everyone looks at each other, then releases their grips around their hyungs.

"Oh, about the notebook?" Kris oppa asks. I nod. He laughs. "I told you you were bad at keeping secrets," he says.

"Ya, Kris oppa!" I scold. He laughs even harder. I sigh. "Anyhow..." I say, turning back to the boys.

"That notebook that Jung SeoHyeon took from me, it had information about your powers," I begin. Their faces twitch, but they don't say anything. "Out of all honesty, I was confused about your powers when we first met, so I wrote my feelings down as well as your powers. I also wrote down stuff when you guys were away and when you lost your powers. I wrote it all in detail so I could remember it later on..."

"Can we see it?" SeHun asks.


The boys flip through the pages very slowly and carefully.

"I was going to throw it away or something, but I couldn't," I say. "I'm sorry," I apologize again.

XiuMin oppa walks over to me, with a warm smile. He sits down next to me. "You wrote it in so much detail.... You must have spent so much time writing all that down," he says. I shake my head sideways. He chuckles. "I'm glad you didn't throw it away," he says.

"Yeah," ChanYeol agrees. "This thing is a piece of art. It should be in a museum or something," he says.

"But... how was Jung SeoHyeon using this threaten you?" Chen asks, his eyes off from the notebook.

"She said she'd reveal all about your powers to everyone if I don't listen to her...." I say.

"Why didn't you take the deal?" BaekHyun asks.

"How can I? I was the one who said your powers should be kept a secret. I'm not going to break that promise. Ever," I answer. "And... I can't possibly let you guys get hurt because of what I wrote in the notebook."

"What do you mean?" D.O asks.

"She was also threatened that if she doesn't listen, that b*tch will 'have a little talk' with us guys," Kris oppa answers instead, while I bite my lower lip in regret.

Kai comes over and hugs me softly. "You are an idiot, like Kris hyung said," he says. "We don't care even if we get a scratch or a broken arm. It's better than watching you be hurt alone..."

"But..." I insist.

"AW JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!" Tao exclaims, joining the hug. "I HAVE KUNGFU SKILLS. WE'LL BE FINE!!!!" His tears hit my shoulder.

The others soon join the blob.

"We don't have the powers anymore, so why bother? Even if the powers get revealed and everyone hates us, we'll still have you by our side," BeakHyun says.

"We will.... right?" SeHun asks, doubtfully. I chuckle.

"Of course I will! I'll always be by your sides," I assure.

"Alright alright alright. Enough hugging for the day. Let's part away now," Kris oppa, who has not joined the group hug, starts nagging. But none of us loosens our gip. "Yo yo yo guys, dudes, come on. Time to make dinner, XiuMin. I'm getting hunry here," he complains.

"Then go cook by yourself," XiuMin oppa bluntly answers.

"Yo XiuMin that's cold man. Yo D.O wanna cook something for me then?" Kris oppa asks. D.O shakes his shead in denial. "DUDES!!!!!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!! LET'S EAT!!!!!!! AND GET OFF FROM _______!!!!! SHE'S DYING!!!!!!"

"No she's not," Chen assures. "Are you, _______-ya?" he asks.

"Nope! I'm perfectly fine!" I answer cheerfully.

"YA!!!!!!!!!!!!! _______, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE!!!!!!! SAY THAT YOU'RE DYING!!!!" Kris oppa hollers.

"That will be shocking and upsetting and depressing," D.O points out.


"Hyung! You're so loud! Be quiet!!" ChanYeol scolds. We laugh.

It feels so nice, being a part of the whirl of laughter. It feels so free when your heart is completely open and you have nothing to stress about, when you're trying to hide something.


We've finally come over the big strong wall that has stood stubborn, separating our hearts, making it harder to reach for each other's hands.

Now, we are holding onto each other's hands, some embracing others, everyone feeling as happy as they can ever be.











Sorry for the long chapter ^^; It wrapped up most of the things that were pretty big form like the earlier chapters~

The next chapter will be more exciting and up beat~!!!!!


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PieLife #1
Chapter 4: Ryeowook!~
PieLife #2
Chapter 1: Im excited for this book ^.^
... I JUST COULDNT STOP SAYING THIS HAHA...^^ XD but it's just so goooooooddddd :)
Gaojingyi #4
Chapter 46: Crying....this is such a good story~ Good work author-nim!
Chapter 46: aigoo... TT.TT their messages are so sweet!!! I'm going to miss this story... I WILL READ THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! uwu

//they broke the fourth wall omg
Chapter 46: I'm going miss this story OTL And no problem ! ^^ Continue writing amazing stories like this one! LOVE YOU <3 ALSO FIGHTING ^^
Chapter 45: awwwww ^^ they r so cute togever ^^
ㅠ.ㅠ awww these oppas

//i guess food can be painful

and btw my mom makes drinks like those...

now i'm sad...

(>_<) i don't want this to end
Chapter 44: AWWWWWWW WE ARE ONE!!!!
Chapter 43: TOGETHER FOREVER~~~!!!♩♬♬ *breaks into song* XD sorry lol

and omo yes do an epilog, if it's not too much for you~

:') it's almost over... this story was jjang, authornim