Me and a random kid

Secret till the end


  • They're all mostly 18 years old
  • Mark has some past relationship with Yoohee
  • >Yoohee, oblivious of Mark
  • Jinyoung her childhood friend  

[Narrator's POV- 10 years ago]

It has been 2 years since Yoohee has seen the little kid who gave her the daisy chain. She aims to thank him when or if he comes back. Naive girl (that she was): thought he was going to come back within the next day, so she waits for him everyday on the very same filed where he gave her that daisy chain. Tired at most days, her flourishing smile seeks for him, every day and every week. He was always the only one who makes all the trivia in her life easier. Whenever her parents are fighting, she would go to him. 

One day, the leaves and trees blew with the subtle breeze. Even though the wind's strength wasn't all that strong, the leaves seemed to easily loose its grip. Meanwhile someone sat beneath its branches, captivated in a book which had made her cry several times. The young girl never thought that she'd ever be hooked into words within a printed papers. Closing it as she read the last few words, she finally asks herself What am I doing here? Finally grasping the fact that he was never going to come, she lifted herself up from her sitting position and dusted off the excess grass on her trousers. A heavy sigh left her as she stood in disappointment– realising her reckless actions later than sooner. 

While in walking away, a boy walked towards the tree with a manga book grasped within his hands: a strap of the dark, black sac rested on his right shoulder; wearing dark blue jean complimented with a white shirt; and mahogany like brown shoes, he marched towards her. Ignoring her presence, he continued on walking. She took one glance at him, while he walked past her but the took a second look to check just incase. 

The boy (releasing his bag beside him) sat under the leafless tree, with his head down completely concentrated on the book. Then his hand reached for the zip of the bag: in order to open it; to which he did without looking; then a collection of manga books pouring out. Coming to the end of the book, he takes a quick glimpse in his bag.Then he rummaged through the books, right after shutting the previous book that he was reading. 

Yoohee's head drew closer to the boy, trying to see if he was the guy she has been waiting for. Reluctant to come closer, just incase he wasn't him; opened instead to say, "Hello?" -No response- she asked again just incase he didn't hear her, but again he didn't answer. The boy was too entranced by the book that he wasn't able to hear her either way. 

She approached him with the thought that he's an otaku– [Otaku is a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests, commonly the anime and manga fandom.] therefore she figured that he going to be temporarily engulfed by the book itself. She sat next to him, then tilted her to check what he looks like. He didn't flinch one bit. Starring at him for a long time, he didn't seem to be bothered, she knew that it wasn't the guy she was looking for after all. Even so, she stayed next to for she found him fascinating. Plus she hasn't had company for a while and it was nice to see that there were actual people in the world.

Although she had friends in school, she still felt invisible. She enjoyed resting her back on the tree. Whereas the boy thought in his head Don't talk to strangers.

After a few minutes her head began to feel heavy and her eyes where closing. Instinctively, her mind said, No, you can't fall asleep you might get taken, nevertheless her body wouldn't listen so she ended up sleeping with her head resting on the tree. Her head went off balance, which diverted it on the boys shoulder. Startled, his concentrations got disturbed. Frustration was seen on his face as; he saw calm sleeping Yoohee for the first time. He looked at her and smiled finally feeling at peace. Though he was interrupted by her, it seemed nice not to have someone stare at you for the longest seconds in his life. He was conscious of her presence but he chose to ignore it. 

Two hours later, the boy decides to wake her up, the sun going down and it was going to be dark soon. Bolting up, she looks at her watch, then sprinted away while waving bye to the boy. When the boy was about to stand up as well to leave, he notice that she left her book behind. Troubled, he decided to pick it up and give it to her when she comes back. 

Fortunately, she did come back, but not having the same intention as last time. She just wanted to rest there instead. The place gave out a reminiscent aura; thus she took the time to look back at the most enjoyable moments of her life. A quite distinct feature to her caught the child's eye as he came close to her (even tough he didn't notice it himself; you could see it in his eyes) as he said, "Why are you smiling by yourself?"

"Its you again" she said. 

"Here you go.You left it yesterday." he handed her the book.

"Thank you." she bowed politely. 

The two began to know each other as time went by. Their relationship grew closer and closer as the guy's father coincidentally transferred him to her school. They became best friends ever since. A year has passed and the two went around school looking like a couple, although people teased them, they would always say that they were friends.  

A new transfer was rumored to be coming in their school. From the rumors he was apparently intelligent. He got the top grades in his old school and since his parents divorced he lived with his mom. Then his mom got married which caused them to go to where Yoohee goes to school. The newbie came into their classroom with an introduction. Yoohee's face flushed as the transfers face looked familiar to her. It was him.  

The following day she approached him confidently. The nervousness grew on her as she thought of talking to him before but when it came to the moment she no longer had that nervousness because as she came closer to him; she felt more comfortable; and the familiarity began to kick in.


All three of them walked the school ground for the whole year. He seemingly remembered her after a lot of explanation. She walked between a cute guy and a cold guy. Many people talked about her and the two flower boys but they would always have a comeback that they'd say if they try to insult her. The two princes'  stood beside her no matter what case. She was guarded and protect, but you know how the story goes. There can only be one prince. 

We walked back to the group and Mark explained, "Yep. we're together." I nodded refusing to speak. I didn't want to agree to it but if its the only was  for my secret to be kept, then I had no option. I don't want Jinyoung to hear it from anyone else but me. "I was going to tell you, my dear princess wanted to keep it a secret. Aren't I right?" he slowly stretched his arm around the back of my my shoulder; so I viciously trudged on his foot, after giving him a sarcastic smile. Turning my head away, I felt angered and used at the same time. He laughed vaguely, trying to keep his act up. "Well.." he said. The bell rang or our lessons, "that's the bell! We better get to class" he grabbed my hand dragged me with him. I looked at him, and said, seriously who is this guy?



A/N: Thank you to the people who upvoted and commented~~ much appreciated and 'hi' to all the new subscribers ☺☺☺. I hope you liked this chapter. Just asking but who do you ship more markson or jinmark | markjin? 

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Next update at Saturday 13th September. I don't wantt to rush the next chapter. Sorry for the delay~


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indahsrc #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating!!! :') I thought you gonna abandongin this story T.T haha
Ahh this going to end soon? Hope you make it a good ending :D Update soon!♥:):)
indahsrc #2
Chapter 16: Please update this story~~~~ *puppy eyes*
Authornimmmm fighting!
Thanks so much for everyone's comments!! I read all of them and they always make my day :D don't be afraid to leave comments~ much appreciated~
Thank you so much for the subscribers and upvotes~ You guys are the one who keeps me motivated to write ^^
70V3LY #4
Chapter 16: Great update! Never cease to disappoint ^_^
michellebagans #5
Chapter 14: i like this one.
kpop_angel44 #6
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic.. i was a bit confused at first but things are clearer now.. except why does he have to leave?? he shouldn't go! he should ask to stay with jinyoung.. or maybe even yoonhee
blanca06 #7
i love it. mark is my bias and sohyun is the bess child actresss i love her so much jiji. now i ship them i am also a markzy shipper
Chapter 13: OMG! Haha!! I can't believe yoohee heard what mark said
SHINee_lover092391 #9
Chapter 12: I love it so far!! Update soon!(:
kawaiimacaron #10
Chapter 1: I love it so far :)