The word 'yes'

Secret till the end

Resting on his lap, I looked up at the dark, bare sky. My glance metetronomically changed from Mark to the gloomy, sky for he had this distinct expression that completely differed from the blackness of the sky. Although the sky grew darker, it couldn't compare it to his discomforted face . He looked like he was reminiscing on something, which lead me to looking around instead. I didn't want distract him from his thoughts, but I had to ask, "How did I get here?" 

"I carried you" 

"Why?" I said without thinking, although instantly feeling like it was a stupid question as soon as I said it. 

"Firstly, you fell unconscious, because you failed to miss the huge, massive pillar behind you" he mocked me. 

"Like I'd know that it was there," I had no strength to comeback, for if I did, we'd probably have a hell of an argument. 

He grinned, With a hint of guilt al over his face. He reluctantly said– keeping a monotone voice, "Anyway... I have a favour to ask."


"Will you pretend to be my girlfriend for a few days?" he kept his expressionless face as if it was nothing. Mortified, I looked at him, giving him the What The Hell look. Was he serious? He avoided any eye contact and kept his straight face. Given what he saidwas totally out off pace, I looked at where he was looking just incase there was something that gave him the idea to say that all of a sudden. But all I saw was darkness. The streetlight above us was the only light that was keeping us from becoming blind to our surroundings. Looking at him and the distance darkness, that he's been staring at ever since, and again wondered Is this guy serious? "You serious?" 

He finally looked at me and said, "Yes." He didn't even explain; he straight-forwardly said 'yes'. Did he really have that much overconfidence that I will just accept like that? I still couldn't forgive him for what he did back then– without my permission dragging me into his own troubles. 

I sat up, about to leave, because this guy was really frustrating me. He goes off on his own will to falsely announcing that we were together, now he comes demanding me to become his girlfriend. He could've been more sincere about it or at least spoke in a desperate tone which might have given me the slightest thought of consideration (which is highly unlikely anyway). I turned my to face him. "Aren't you a bit over-confident? Are you a narcissist" 

"I might be"

"That's concerning, you should get that checked"

"I will, as soon as I go to the doctors"

"Better safe than sorry" I laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind"

"Well, I better go" I said while standing up.I had a nice chat with him and I didn't intend to extend it any further. Purposely forgetting the request that he demanded a few minutes ago, (thinking that it was just a joke– the 'girlfriend' thing) I walked off in the depth of the shadow. He didn't argue; I heard no respond from him; and he didn't move. I would've thought that he would've at least persuaded me or something therefore I assumed that he was joking. Although, I did wonder why he made such a joke. It wasn't even funny. It made no sense. 

Having had no clue of where I was I just wondered around the impeccably dark streets, luckily not having any troubles with stranger (even thought there were some shady people) that would try and approach me at any creepy way, I recognised a shop a block away from the restaurant. It was called 'Infinite wedding'. Witnessing a woman enter it, I glanced and I smirked: "That'll be me someday"  Completely becoming taken in by the white, long dress– the top half being layered with glistening, elegant lace – started at me  convincing eyes. Hesitant I reached out for the dress; the window blocking the way. I longed for the moment of getting that beautiful dress, even though I didn't seem like the type of person, because it's something that I couldn't afford and it was gracefully design in a way that attracts girls' attention. 

Narrator's POV

Meanwhile, "Aish!!" Mark violently scratched his head, "I guess asking her didn't work" After seeing her leave, he walk also makes his way out. His mouth lifted to smirked as he thought of Yoohee, "she's the same as always."

Returning to the restaurant, there seemed have been some kind of investigation. Detectives and polices were standing near the front door, having some kind of intention of finding someone. I searched for the table we sat in, which was near the door and found the seats empty. Confused, I sat down to grab my bag and took out my phone. My phone received about 357 messages and still on going. Clearly shocked, I opened the messages and it was all from Jina and Hyorim saying: Where are you?; Are you alright?; and Answer your phone! And many more calls.

I had probably concerned them for no reason. After explaining everything to them as soon as they noticed me there, I had to execute a apologetic speech (to the police and detectives) to tell them that it was all a misunderstanding. However they didn't take it very lightly; they moaned because so much time was wasted (which I found quite rude for people who's suppose to be helping people). 

After having had the conversation with the police and detectives, I sincerely apologised to my friends as well; I caused them so much trouble. My friends curiosity grew as I didn't give them much information about my mysterious departure. All I said was that I felt sick and I wanted to get fresh air but they didn't seem to believe my alibi, for their response concluded to asking more question. I kept quiet. Their suspicions might have grew from my action but I didn't want them to know the truth, since it might have caused chaos (you know, because they're fangirls and it's impossible that they wouldn't react over the top). Even after all that, we still indulged a fantastic meal. Since it was Jina's birthday we didn't want it to be ruined by something meaningless. 


When the lunch bell rang I grabbed my bags and left with my friend, who had continuously, non stop talked about Mark, as you could've guessed. What's so special about that guy? 

Jackson approached us, jumping and running, with his friends, "Yoohee!" I clenched my teeth as the overly excited monkey slowly reached us. Embarrassed, I covered my face trying to avoid the judging eyes. "Yoohee, are you alright?" he shook my shoulders. Dropping my hands down, I slapped him at the back of his neck. I didn't think for even one second that a full grown teenager would have the stupidity to act so childish. 

He rubbed his neck as his friends came over laughing at Jackson. "Nice one Yoohee!" Jingyoung laughed hysterically. 

"Don't go around running like that!" I scolded him.

"It's a free country" I held my hand up, ready to slap him even harder. "okay, okay I'm sorry" he cried. 

Calmly, I placed my hand back down, "So, what brings you here?" appointing to everyone in the group. 

"I wanted to see you-" Jinyoung said with a joyful face.

"Don't get me started" I threatened him for I was already in a mood because of Jacksons' silly actions. 

"Jackson just wanted to talk to you" JB answered.

I looked around the whole group; I asked, "If that's so, why did everyone else come with him?" They all looked at each other probably asking themselves the same question. 

"Anyhow," Jackson interrupted,"Yoohee," he took a deep breath," i like you!" he shouted before he strangled me with his hug. It didn't sound serious; like he was trying to pull my leg. 

"Aish!!" i tried to push Jackson away bit he was hold a strong grip. Looking at the group, who clearly saw him say that, they didn't seem to be surprised at all. I gave the What's Going On face then Jinyoung mouthed, "He thinks that you're the best because you're not like the other girls who follows us around." I replied with an 'okay' sign. 

"Okay Jackson, you can let go now," I tried to push him but he kept hold, "Jackson, let go." 

"She said, let go." Mark said with a deep, dark voice. He pulled us away from each other. Although I thought Jackson was taking it as a joke, Mark took it seriously.

"Dude it's alright. I wasn't going to do anything to her" Jackson backed off. 

The group seemed to look stunned by what they just observed but they just laughed it out. "It's rare to see Mark act like this." Yongjae said. After that everyone joked around saying: Mark has his times and when he does it's always something to look forward to; Jackson, man, you hopeless romantic; Why are you so serious Mark?; and Who would've though? That was all I could make out from all the racket, but a question was said, which unsilenced Mark. 

"Are you her boyfriend or something?" Jinyoung asked. 

"Yes. I am." his three words answer shut everyone up. Though, I felt like it was a deja vu from before.

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Next update at Saturday 13th September. I don't wantt to rush the next chapter. Sorry for the delay~


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indahsrc #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating!!! :') I thought you gonna abandongin this story T.T haha
Ahh this going to end soon? Hope you make it a good ending :D Update soon!♥:):)
indahsrc #2
Chapter 16: Please update this story~~~~ *puppy eyes*
Authornimmmm fighting!
Thanks so much for everyone's comments!! I read all of them and they always make my day :D don't be afraid to leave comments~ much appreciated~
Thank you so much for the subscribers and upvotes~ You guys are the one who keeps me motivated to write ^^
70V3LY #4
Chapter 16: Great update! Never cease to disappoint ^_^
michellebagans #5
Chapter 14: i like this one.
kpop_angel44 #6
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic.. i was a bit confused at first but things are clearer now.. except why does he have to leave?? he shouldn't go! he should ask to stay with jinyoung.. or maybe even yoonhee
blanca06 #7
i love it. mark is my bias and sohyun is the bess child actresss i love her so much jiji. now i ship them i am also a markzy shipper
Chapter 13: OMG! Haha!! I can't believe yoohee heard what mark said
SHINee_lover092391 #9
Chapter 12: I love it so far!! Update soon!(:
kawaiimacaron #10
Chapter 1: I love it so far :)