The Cry

Secret till the end


  • Daisy chain guy: Jinyoung
  • Manga reader: Mark 


While staring at him keeping a look out, there was someone who said said something similar to what he just said however it was somewhat different to how he said it. Instead of "'cause he'll definitely take you" this person said "she's mine". Whether that wasn't what Mark was trying to say, the tone of voice a coincidentally identical. Though the person in my childhood was nothing like Mark, I couldn't brush off the feeling that I knew him; that I've met him before. Although I had been ignoring it for a while now, I only looked upon it at that time, which also forced me to reminisce about the past. Till that day, I refused to look back or neither did I ever speak about it with anyone. There was a time where I felt like an idiot for believing something so naive. 

[Narrator's Pov]

In her younger years, she had things that other people didn't have like; the Barbie doll that received from her grandmother, which found its way underneath her bed. When she received it, the feeling of great joy of happiness brought her to promise to keep it safe. She did. But the innocent child mistook it as 'lost' yet she always sees it under her bed while she searches for other toys to play. Therefore the doll wasn't lost but forgotten. 

However, there was a twist that came in this little story of hers. Though she learnt to forget the lost, there was something that she wasn't going to like about loosing the forgotten. Although that thought never came to her mind, it was going to happen soon enough since the 'forgotten' came back.


By the age of 13 she was living a normal teenage life. She stayed in contact with the two guys but weren't like they were before. They grew apart as months pasts, but they meet at the memorable field weekly to recollect memories or just hang out. The group wanted their friendship to last but they didn't know that when one thing changes everything else changes with it. 

One day at the green field, Yoohee sat with a book held in her hand, waiting for the two guys to come. There were times when neither of them would come or only one would but she would always wait patiently for their arrival. 

The person sneaked up on her, trying to surprise her but Yoohee wasn't going to fall for that trick for the second time, so grabbing a mirror as soon as she heard footsteps, she grinned for she saw Jinyoung coming from behind. She felt inconsiderate to have let all his plan go to waste, therefore she pretended that she didn't know who it was when he asked, "Guess who?" 

"I don't know," an obvious sarcasm came out exaggerated than expected.

"A~ are you joking with me?" Jinyoung sensed the sarcasm. 

"I know it's you Jinyoung," she grunted, while he lets go of her. 

"So what are you reading today?" 

"A book." She concentrated on the book more than Jinyoung, which lead Jinyoung feeling alone and at a awkward position. As they don't usually concern themselves with each other in school, there wasn't much to talk about and the more Jinyoung questioned, the less Yoohee responded. Jinyoung and Yoohee's friendship wasn't considerably close since it has only been a years since he came back and they were still getting used to each others company.

"Did you miss me?" Mark came in with his hand in his pockets, breaking the ice between the two. 

"Mark-" both Yoohee and Jinyoung's voice collided as they were pleased to see him. 

"One at a time, there's only one of me." he sharpened his smirk as he felt fame for the first time.

"Don't overdo it," Yoohee warned him for she knew that he can get a bit over his head when it comes to these types of situations. 

"So what did I miss?" simultaneously looking at both of them. No response. "Nothing then." 

A conversation started after that, then they finished off with their goodbyes and that's how it usually was. It was hard enough to talk to each other in school but the fact that they were in different class made it so much tougher to be able to communicate with each other. Plus Jinyoung needed time alone with Yoohee, at that time knowing that Mark was eventually going to come, Jinyoung never had the chance to properly catch up. Uncertain whether he should inform Mark about this thought of his, the decision didn't take action: until a certain event...


Mark was walking down the neighborhood, when he heard a loud quarrel coming from one household. Not meaning to be nosy; he never intended to listen in, but the door was open so it was easily heard.

The streets were clear of and people so he was with a dilemma as he heard a someone shout sounding it tears "Why are you doing this?" Instinctively thinking that there was something wrong, he stood frozen in front of the house confused to what actions he should take. As the argument went on, he assumed  that it wasn't out of the ordinary after all. With that in mind, he was about to leave when he heard in glass shattering, sounding intentional.

"I've had enough of your yapping!" the woman's voice screamed, "Shut up! Shut up!" 

"Why did you do that?" a man shouted.

"I've had enough!" The woman cried. She yelled in agony like something had happened. She kept yelling and Mark made his decision to go and help for he couldn't just stand there and listen to her painfully sob. He had to at least help them somehow, therefore he ran in and listened to where the howl was coming from.

As soon as he found them, he saw a pool of red blood lay fresh; continuously flowing out below the right-side of her chest, while the man stood shellshocked as he watched his wife bleed. 

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Next update at Saturday 13th September. I don't wantt to rush the next chapter. Sorry for the delay~


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indahsrc #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating!!! :') I thought you gonna abandongin this story T.T haha
Ahh this going to end soon? Hope you make it a good ending :D Update soon!♥:):)
indahsrc #2
Chapter 16: Please update this story~~~~ *puppy eyes*
Authornimmmm fighting!
Thanks so much for everyone's comments!! I read all of them and they always make my day :D don't be afraid to leave comments~ much appreciated~
Thank you so much for the subscribers and upvotes~ You guys are the one who keeps me motivated to write ^^
70V3LY #4
Chapter 16: Great update! Never cease to disappoint ^_^
michellebagans #5
Chapter 14: i like this one.
kpop_angel44 #6
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic.. i was a bit confused at first but things are clearer now.. except why does he have to leave?? he shouldn't go! he should ask to stay with jinyoung.. or maybe even yoonhee
blanca06 #7
i love it. mark is my bias and sohyun is the bess child actresss i love her so much jiji. now i ship them i am also a markzy shipper
Chapter 13: OMG! Haha!! I can't believe yoohee heard what mark said
SHINee_lover092391 #9
Chapter 12: I love it so far!! Update soon!(:
kawaiimacaron #10
Chapter 1: I love it so far :)