Old vs New

Secret till the end

Reluctant to open the door, I put on a fake smile and entered the house, "I'm home!" I could feel the dreadful aura spread throughout the whole house. I headed straight up the stairs to my room. My room was the only place where I felt relaxed and calm. Leaving my room just makes me feel stressed and irritated. As everyone would agree, their bedroom is their official resting place (well, mine anyways).

I jumped onto my comfortable, cosy bed. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it while tucking myself in. Then it began– the shouting and screaming. I sometimes worry about how my little sister is going to live with like I did but I'd hope I would stop. When is this going to end, I cried myself silently to sleep.                                                                                                                              

Narator's POV [few years ago]:

"Yah! Yohee," the small kid called for her, "When are you going to come out again?" 

She smiled as she answered with high-pitched voice, "Tomorrow." Turning back to her home she see the sight of her two parent's arguing.

"What do you mean you're going to quit?" her mother exclaimed

"I'm going to find another job," her father explained. 

"I won't have enough money to support the whole family!" 

As her father was about to say something she rushed to her mother and hugged her. "Please don't fight," she cried. Mother full of infuriating rage; pushed her daughter away, leaving her falling on the ground. Her eyes about to water; her father felt pity therefore he came to comfort her. 

"Look what you've done!" he patted Yohee's back.

"I'm sorry, dear" she approached them with a hint of sympathy in her eyes, "I didn't mean you hurt you"

"Don't cry, Yohee. We won't do it again"  

This was the first time she's ever seen them so serious and of course at a young age you wouldn't know what was going on. She probably didn't have the power to stop it even though the innocence of a small child has the ability to stop something so big. The most unfortunate thing was that they gave her hope– we wont do it again. Once that hope is lost she can never believe to trust them again. And so... they were the reason why she is who she is now.


Next day, she went to see her friend. Dressed in vibrate yellow sunflower dress with a white and baby blue sun hat, she giggled seeing her friend. "You look nice," he said blushing as they held hands, "come on, I've got something to show you" he dragged her to a a familiar place. The light and dark contrast of the grass collided with the scent of the fresh outdoors. Yoohee couldn't help see the daisy chain that sat directly infront of them.

It startled her as the she has never seen the sight of beautifully proportional chains of daisy's. Awed, she stared at them for a while then asked “What are they?

"Wait a sec,” he sat down and connected another daisy on the daisy chain after wrapping it around her wrist, "This is for you, I saw my sister make it and I thought you'd like one

"It's pretty," Yoohee smiled in joy.

A new day; the sun is shining; the birds singing; and I ready yet hesitant to hit somebody. I guess since I can't take out all my anger out on my parents, school was a great option to do so. Hence, a lot of people avoid me for my quick temper. I would say that I'm kind in the inside but that would be a lie: I undoubtedly despise a lot of people; especially those kids who run around for no distinct reason, I like kids and all but you've got admit that they're sometimes annoying. 

Coming through the school gates, an old friend gave me a greeting. "Hey, yoohee!" he waved in excitement. I wasn't in the right mood to talk to him, so I continued walking; pretending that i didn't see him. "Hey, did you miss me?" he ran up to me. 

"No," I said firmly. 

"Aww come on, not even a little", he moped, whilst jumping up and down like a little kid.

"No" I groaned, "Leave me to be, Jin young"

"Yoohee~" he pouted, with his cheeks puffed up and his eyes wider than usual. 

"You're improving," I said, turning away, "but you know that's not going to work on me." He laughed hysterically, nearly tripping he caught his fall and kept walking with me.

"How come it works with my friend then."

"Unlike them I don't get easily fooled by you're controlling aeygyos." 

"You know me too well," he chuckled. Linking to my arms, he placed his head on his shoulders. He stared at me hoping to get a reaction, "You're not even flustered by that," he lifts his head and lets go of my arm. "You've really become tougher."

"Thank you," I took it as a compliment. I've always been too weak and gullible but ever since my parents were like that, I've learned to stop trusting so easily. Also I don't really take notice of my surrounding even; I was completely dense when it comes to love.         


"Are you and Jr dating?" Jina asked my two suspicious friends looked at me.

"No, he's an old friend" 

"And you tell us now?" Hyorim voice increased in volume. I watched her take out some type of book. Opening the book, she took out pen from my pencil case,  "Well this makes everything more easier." Amazed by what they are are doing, I laughed with amusement. In the book they set out a plan on 'how to get closer to Mark'. I thought to myself these guy are crazy (not even knowing that thing were about to become more crazier).

As always I went along with it (which I felt like it was a deja vu from yesterday). They didn't really have a proper plan except from (lets just say stalk Mark). Knowing that I'm friends with Jin young (aka Jr), they were going to use me to get closer to him– to which I obviously refused. With that, they just stuck to stalking again, completely forgetting what I said yesterday.              

After school we decided to grab something to eat for Jina's birthday and Hyorim said that she'll treat us. Of course I agreed, I mean who wouldn't say 'no' to offered food, plus I was hungry. My parents never have the time to cook because they're always at work and if they do have the time they end up fighting anyway. Not bothering to tell my parents I got changed and went to the place where we were supposed to meet. 

Arriving at the meeting place: I saw Jina already there; dressed up in: black knee-high dress elegantly suited with small white purse, decorated with pearls. "You look nice," I was awed by the dress and how well it matched her.

"Thanks. You too," she smiled. I smirked as my outfit wasn't anywhere near amazing as hers was. 

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Next update at Saturday 13th September. I don't wantt to rush the next chapter. Sorry for the delay~


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indahsrc #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating!!! :') I thought you gonna abandongin this story T.T haha
Ahh this going to end soon? Hope you make it a good ending :D Update soon!♥:):)
indahsrc #2
Chapter 16: Please update this story~~~~ *puppy eyes*
Authornimmmm fighting!
Thanks so much for everyone's comments!! I read all of them and they always make my day :D don't be afraid to leave comments~ much appreciated~
Thank you so much for the subscribers and upvotes~ You guys are the one who keeps me motivated to write ^^
70V3LY #4
Chapter 16: Great update! Never cease to disappoint ^_^
michellebagans #5
Chapter 14: i like this one.
kpop_angel44 #6
Chapter 14: i love this fanfic.. i was a bit confused at first but things are clearer now.. except why does he have to leave?? he shouldn't go! he should ask to stay with jinyoung.. or maybe even yoonhee
blanca06 #7
i love it. mark is my bias and sohyun is the bess child actresss i love her so much jiji. now i ship them i am also a markzy shipper
Chapter 13: OMG! Haha!! I can't believe yoohee heard what mark said
SHINee_lover092391 #9
Chapter 12: I love it so far!! Update soon!(:
kawaiimacaron #10
Chapter 1: I love it so far :)