Rainy Day




After waiting for about an hour or two I got tired of waiting and decided to head towards the kitchen.

"Yerin what are you eating?"


"well no ."

"ramen, here" she threw a dry ramen cup at me.


"hey, whose sweater is that?"

I looked down at what I was wearing, I completely forgot I was wearing Jhope's sweater. "oh, um, its uhhh.."

"OH MAH GAWD!!!! isnt that the hoodie Jhope was wearing yesterday?"

"ugh, no. I mean, yes. ..uhhh we just haopen to have the same sweater o.e" I was a horrible lier under pressure.

"SHUT DA UP! your lying!" she grabbed the hoodie and dragged me to the living room where all the girls were just chit-chatting.

"GUYS! I THINK SURIN HAS TO TELL US SOMETHING!" she pushed me onto the couch and everyone looked at me confused.

"shes wearing jhopes hoodie! why you wearing it huh Surin? hmmmm e.e" Yerin was all up in my face it made me really uncomfortable, I didnt say anything but she kept starring at me so I gave in and told them even though I promised him I wouldnt say anything.

"ugh, ok fine!" my voice became quieter, "...it is Hopey's hoodie..." I tried not to look any of them in the eye.

"Hopey? is that like a pet name?" Mai looked at me confused.

"ARE YOU 2 DATING?!" Kyungmin stood up with this extremely shocked look.

"..erm, well, not exactly..." I twidled with my fingers looking in a different direction trying to ignore their stares the best I could.

"oh god" was all Eunmi could say.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!" Kkamagwi pushed her hands onto my shoulders. I was thrown back and rather startled.


"but...why?" Baesai sat next to me.

"...I promised Jhope I wouldnt"

"why doesnt he want you so say anything?"

"if his manager or the company find out he could get in trouble."

"OH HOW CUUUUUUTE!!!" Kyungmin smilied and squirmed. "maybe when I go practice I can take you with me so you can visit him haha"

" thats too risky and hes probably too busy anyway."

"I still cant believe this is actually happening!"



"ugh you guys dont acted so shocked! Do you not see the way the guys look at all of you! might as well say were all dating a member."

The girls didnt believe me until I explained everything to them at how they all look at them. Well one thing is for sure that not one person didnt have a smile on their face.


  Due to the rainy monsoon weather we stayed inside since we werent quite used to this weather. 

Out of boredom I plugged my ipod nano onto a stereo dock and played "A Real Lady" by Swings ft.Beenzino, Grey, and Zion.T. it was a perfect song to play on a gloomy day like this to keep the spirits up. I sat on the window sill while brushing threw my wavy hair that would have large curls towards the bottom. In the middle of brushing I heard my phone ring in the hoodie pocket. I pulled out my phone to see a new message.

"you okay?" it was Rapmon

"yeah why?"

" the weather, just wanted to make sure you girls where okay and that you didnt get caught in the rain or anything."

" haha no we're okay. I promise we didnt get blown away ^^"



"saw you and Hoseok yesterday"


"a guy has to use the bathroom at night too ya' know"

"HAHA~! "

"But seriously, dont get caught. By the manager or fans. It could start a huge scandle and it could hurt his reputation and just cause him trouble."

I put my phone down and starred out the window thinking about what Rapmon said. I became scared. What if we do get caught? What if fans became bitter towards Jhope? What if he gets punished or suspended from the group because of me?

I became worried and decided to text Jhope first.


" aha! I was just about to message you! I didnt forget :* "

"can we talk?"

"arnt we talking now?"

"yes but I mean like at a library or something?"


"yes, at the library. I'll leave in about 20 minutes and meet me there whenever you can. please."

I put my phone down and finished brushing my hair and getting ready, 20 minutes passed like nothing. I told the girls I was going to the library down the street. I pulled the hood over my head and grabbed an umbrella and walked out the apartment door. I began to walk down the stairs to the main entrance to the apartment building when I saw him standing at the end.

he flung his head back and let out a sigh of disappointment, "UGHHHHHHHH!!!! I was gonna surprise you at your door! I knew I shouldnt have stopped at that food stand on my way here or else I wouldve been at your door on time e.e" he stood there drenched from the rain.

"what are you here for?"

"you honestly think I'd let you walk out in that weather? ya your crazzzzzzyyyyyy~"  he stomped up the stairs and linked his arm in mine, "we can talk here ^^" and he continued to walk towards our apartment door. He walked threw the front door and yelled, " IM HOOOOOOOOOOOME HAHAHAHAHAHA"

All the turned around then looked at me like why the hayo was he here for? I just shrugged my shoulders.

" woooeeee your house is niiiiiiiiiice~" as he walked around with his mouth open examining the apartment. then he opened the fridge.

"HEY DONT GO IN THERE! THATS MY STUFF!" eunmi was very territorial about her food. it scared Jhope and he slammed the fridge door shut. He then ran towards me and leaned over, "so what did you wanna talk about?"

" we can talk in there." I pointed towards the bedroom. he walked in and I was close behind, shut the door, then opened the blinds to tge window so it wouldn't be so dark.

He layed back on my and Kkamagwi's bed. "ahhh~ this feels better then our dorm beds" he grabbed and pillow rubbed his face on it. "ah my Surin smells good!"

"babo, thats Kkamagwi's pillow"

"oh! Then she smells weird!" he threw the pillow then grabbed mine. "so what did you need me for Love?"

I sat on the bed. "....should we be doing this?"

"doing what?"

"this! I mean, c'mon do you want to get in trouble!?" I coukdnt help but raise my tone.

"hey!" he sat up, "why shouldnt we? why are you so upset suddenly?!"

"IM NOT UP-" my voice cracked then began to shake, "im....im not upset. I- I - im scared!"

He sat all the way straight and next to me and looked at me with a concerned look. "why?"

I showed him the text Ramon sent me, "what if you get in trouble because of me? what if your career is ruined because of me? It'll be all my fault!" my lip began to quiver and I wiped the one or 2 tears that fell down my face.

" hey hey! dont cry!" he hugged me with one hand holding the back of my head and the other rubbing my back and began to talk softly.
"shhhhhh~, its okay. As long as im here, I promise you I wont let anything be your fault, because it isnt. and about Rapmon, dont take it so negatively,  hes the leader so hes just concerned. its just what leaders do. he thinks you girls are really cool, so dont take it like he was threatening you."

I didnt say anything and just hugged him back.

"ahhh! dont be so sad!" I could here the laughter in his voice, "smile!"

I tried smiling but it felt awkward.

" thats not a real smile! I want a real one!" he then put his lips on my cheek and blew air. [you know like how you to to babies to make them laugh? xD] it felt funny and tickled and could help but laugh and squirm trying to get him to quit it.

" ahh aha! stahp that tickles!"

" theres that smile!"

I looked at him then punched him in the shoulder.

"ow! what was that for?!"

"this!" I jumped on him and did the same thing to him.

he tried to act serious but his laughter didnt hide it very well. "YA! AHA STOP THATS NASTY!"

I jumped on him a little to hard and we fell back onto the bed. we both had this semi-shocked look on our face. But I laughed and kissed him on his cheek and he chuckled and pulled me into his hug with the pitter patter of the rain hitting the window in the background.

For once, I actually felt like everything was gonna be okay. I havnt been this happy in a long time, I really liked it.





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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..