



"Ya! Ya! "was what i heard whispered in my ear as i was being shaken awake. I stratched and felt my fist hit something. "ow!" i opened my eyes, i punshed Jhope in the cheek.

"oh! im sorry!" i cringed my arms back close to me as i looked at him with an "aw " look on my face.

"sh sh sh! its okay, but hurry wake up before manager-nim gets back?"

"i thought he was sick?"

"he still is but HitMan Bang asked him to come in today!"

"where is everyone else?"

"the guys already took them home"

"then why are we still here?"

"aiiiishhhhhh~ you ask so many questions Surin!"

"im just curious!"

"ya, okay because i got up and tried waking you up but your stubbern self didnt want to wake up so i left you there to sleep a little longer while i went to clean somethings up."

"aw you let me sleep in?"i smiled like a retard as i used hissweater to cover my smile.

"yes, now right now is not the time to act cute! the manager is gonna be here soon and i need to get you home befo-"


"hey, im coming in!" yelled from outside the entrance door.

"ahhh, manager-nim!!!! hurry hurry!"

"hurry wherer!?!"

"shhh sh sh sh, here hide here in the sheets!!!" he pushed me into their room full of bunkbeds. I could immediatly see they didnt bother to clean their room, clothes and sheets and blankets everywhere. 

"where is everyone?" i heard the managers voice grow louder so i immediatly jumped in the first bed i saw and covered myself to hide the best way possible.

"oh the members? haha well, um, they went to get breakfast, heh heh."

"why didnt you go with them?"

", i had problems on the toilet!"

i covered my mouth to keep my laughter from escaping, he was just making anything up!

"you sure theyre not hiding?"i then heard the bedroom door fling open and i froze, trying to stay as still as possible so he wouldnt see any movement under the sheets.

'no! their out to eat i swear!"

i suddenly heard more foot steps walk into the dorm.

"See! Manager-nim here they come!" i heard the rest of bangtan walk in greeting their manager. 

"Well, since your all here, meet back at the company building in 3 hours, im not feeling well so im going to go get medication for myself. and while you boys are here, clean that room, it looks disturbing! for all you know something could be hiding in there!"

that scared me. i heard the manager walk out the dorm and as soon as he closed the door behind him i threw the covers off me to breath. "HOLY CRAP WHO SLEEPS HERE CAUSE THEY NEED TO CHANGE SOME SHEETS!"   i was stil; sitting in whoevers bed catching my breath. the members then walked in.

"thats my bed ur messing it up!"scolded V as he ripped the sheets from under me.

"well that explains why it smells!!"

"it doesnt smell! its my own special scent!" he grabbed his sheets and left the room with his nose in the air.

"dafuq is wrong with that kid? o.e" 

"well, Jin hyung said theirs no more food in the fridge so we're gonna go help him get more food, and the girls made it back home so yeah, you coming?" Jungkook asked Jhope with his eyes widened.

"nh, go on without me, i have to take her back home and i have to clean the room as well before manager scolds us again."

"alright, see you later then! and later Surin, id shower if i were you, you dont know where V hyung has been!" he walked out the room and all 6 members left the dorm once more.

i smiled at Kookie's  comment.

"wah, that was a close one!" Hopey threw himself on the bed beside me. he then looked at me as i sat there, "i should be talking you home now, huh?"

i looked down and smiled as i played with his hoodie i was still holding on to, "yeah i guess so, i dont want you to get in trouble." I looked down towards him to find him with him falling bacvk asleep with one finger in his ear. i began to lightly slap his forehead. "hey, i have to go home!"

"ahh okai okai, im getting up!" he sat straight up. "ready to go?"

i rubbed both my eyes realizing it was still early in the moring, "yes..."

its then when i froze with my hands still covering my eyes when i felt a sudden pressure on my left temple. i paused for a second then put my hands down and looked at him. he was looking at me then burst into awkward laughter. 

"well, um, COME ON LETS GO!" he grabbed my hand and we went straight out the door.

He walked in a hurry, and i understood why, but i was walking quickly and quietly beside him as he didnt loosen his grip on my hand. i looked down at our hands,...his fingers were creepy as ,.so slender. o.o He then brokw the silence.

"sorry if i scared you.."

"oh no, its okay"i used my free hand to cover my left temple.

"you just looked sad, so i thought it would make you smile at least, and..yeah.." he spoke but only kept looking forward.

We continued to walk towards the apartment, when he let go of my hand to leave, i realized i still had his sweater, "oh! here! i totally forgot about it! haha i dont want you to think i stole it or anything."

"oh no, its fine, you can hold on to it." he didnt seem to smile as brightly. Did i make him feel embaressed about what happened earlier? i began to feel kinda bad. "well, i really have to go, my schedule will start soon and i still have to straighten things around the dorm an-"


he looked up at me semi-shocked at my sudden informal response. i walked straight up to him while twiddling with my fingers. i stood on my tippy toes to get as close to his height as possible (i was still shorter by at least 3-5 inches) and gave a quick peck on his right cheek. "i said it was okay, you can smile Hopey.." i immediatly saw those huge teeth show threw him smile."

"ah atahh~~!" he hugged me so suddenly i almost tripped. "i was beginning to think you didnt like me back! you know you act stubbern and cold when im with you?" he poked my forehead. "but thats okay, i'll brake you out of that haha!"

"i thought we were supposed to be a secret?"

"oh yeah..well i guess that explains, well when its just you and me, dont be act like your cold!"

"okay fine, i promise"

'you better promise, or i'll kick you in the ."

"dont touch my e.e"

"haha", he put his freaky fingers in my bouncy curls then pulled my face closer to his, "you hair is so thick, and you have llarge curls that are so soft~" i have no clue what the hell he was talking about, my hair was frizzy and felt like hay.

"your drunk arnt you?"


"cause you obviously havnt seen my hair!"

he lent his head back in frustration, "ahhh!!! i have a lot of work to do with you! Surin, i have to go now though, wait for me. I'll text you as soon as i can today." he gave me one of those big embaresing kisses on my cheek that you mom gives you before you leave to school. "mmmmmmmwa~!, love you yeobo!" he let go of me and ran back to the dorm. 

 I walked  inside and headed to the bathroom and took a shower. It began to rain and all the girls stayed inside and they all talked to each other about the movie night at bangtan's dorm while watching tv or eawting in the kitchen. i walked into our bedroom alone and looked at the Jhope's hoodie i had accidently brought back with me. I threw it on over the clothes i had already on, and laid in bed and used the large hoodie as a wearable blanket. I held the over sized sleeves up to me face as i laughed over what had just happened at the dorm and infort of the apartment. When i did so, i smelt his scent on the hoodie, it smelt exactly how he did at the studio that one night when he first hugged me. I snuggled deeply in his hoodie while laying in bed on my side staring at my phone as it layed on the small dresser next to the bed, waiting for my phone to vibrate from his incoming texts.




[A/N:  this is my latest chapter so far. i try to update every other day, but if i dont keep up with that schedule exactly, please forgive me >~<] 

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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..