Night View




 I woke up in a dark room. I lifted my head and squinted to see if it would help me see better.(it doesnt idk why the i do it anyway) I then found i was looking at myself. Mirror? ohhh yeah~ the studio! Wait, why was i sleeping in the studio? Was Jhope a dream? I stoof up immediatly to see if their was any evidence of him being their. No bag, no change of cloths, no water bottle, nothing.

"I guess it was only a dream.." I began to rub my neck realizing how cramped it was from the awkward sleeping position i slept in, at the same time i couldnt help but smile retardly from my ridiculous dream. I went to go grab my phone and bag and stepped out the door to look up to my surprise.

"Hey ^^" i was greeted with a friendly smile.

"uh, hi. not to sound rude but, what are you doing here?"

" I work here."

oh my gawd. why. I pulled my phone out, its 2am. Who the works at a dancing studio this late? I looked back at him.

"your lying."

"Haha! why would i lie about that?" as he pointed to his name tag. and sure enough, it did say 'MAK'. i looked down and laughed while shaking my head. 

"You sir are full of surprises."

"that makes me special right?"

"sure why not!"  i couldnt help but laugh how he seemed so oblivious yet so sarcastic. 

"wait, sh!"has he put his finger in front of his lips signaling my to be quiet. We heard foor steps running through the halls our way along with a slight yell saying "go! go! go! yeaaahhhhhhh~~~ go go go hahahaha~!" And WHAT DO YOU KNOWWWWWW~~~~ coming right across the corner to where we were standing was Jhope with two juice boxes in his hand.

wait wait wasnt a dream?! i stood straight and made a confused and disturbed look at not exactly sure how you can do that but i cant discribe it any other way. I then looked at Mak and Jhope. Those both stood their looking at each other. I slowly started walking backwards hoping they wouldnt notice me.

"ya, who are you? ... e.e"

"names Mak"as he bowed and stuck his hand out for Jhope to shack.

"ahhh...i see."

i was getting scared because Jhope was still looking at him aggressivly,.. then of course....

"MY NAME IS JHOPE! IM YOUR HOPE! ahahhahahahaha!!!" he shook Maks hand happily and gave that huge smile showing all his oddly huge teeth. I bwas and yet wasnt expecting that.

"well, if you boys dont mind, im heading home~" as i pointed at the door and awkwardly made my way out the door. too much was happening in the past 5 minutes i was freaking out on the inside.

"ya ya ya ya ya!!!"he ran up to me holding out both hands, "accept my juice box" i wasnt sure if i should smile at how cute it was or how retarded it looked. I grabbed the juice box with both hands carefully and smiled and thanked Jhope for the little gift. "yeaaahhh ahaha!" then he sipped out of his making all sorts of noise.

"well my shift will be over in 10 minutes. Wanna go get some coffee?"

ugh, did i really want to? its 2am, im supposed to be home, and plus i'll be at a cafe with Mak and Jhope that really a bad thing??? i looked forward towards the door, then slowly looked behind my shoulder to the 2 guys waiting for my response....

"UGHHHHH~~~fine. BUT ONLY for a little bit. i need to get home before my friends find out." 

"alright then, i'll drive" Mak pulled out two sets of keys, one he gave to a co-worker at the front desk that went to the building doors, and the other one was his set of car keys. Mak and Jhope seemed to click right off the bat, and im just following behind them both quietly. 

"I call shot gun!"yelled jhope childishly. i didnt really care, cause i didnt want to sit next to anyone anyway, and i made my way into the back seat. Mak got into his drivers seat and started his engine and opened the sun roof, letting the night summer Seoul breeze in. This made me think, i never actually did find out how old Mak was. HOW OLD WAS THIS DUDE!?!?! 

"Not cold are you?" as he turned his head to look at me as he buckled his seat belt.

"no, the breeze feels nice actually, um, Mak?"


 "haha, um, question, how old are you?"

"23" he started as he slipped on his shades...why the hell does he need shades at night?but also, HES FRIKKEN 23!!! He was a whole 5 years older than me. I looked over to jhope. He was picking his ear again. I question so much. "hey, hyung, where are we going?"

"night club"

"NIGHT CLUB!?!" i squeeled in shock. "Um im not going to a night club."

"I'll protect you sweetie" .... did MAk just call me sweetie?

About 20 minutes later when we got to the club i couldnt help but clench my entire body due to how uncomfortable i was. Mak was dressed fairly casual but his shades make him look like he came prepared. Jhope had his London boy pants that he always practiced  with along with his blank tank. He just thru his leather jacket over it and it seemed complete.  I honestly never comfortable in these places, i didnt mind dancing, but when your rubbing your asses all over each other, it disturbed me. Not to mention the people would get exceissivly drunk. All 3 of us walked to a table and sat down while people dancing and the loud music filled the background.

"ah, its been such a long time since ive been to one of these!"as Jhope began to examine his surroundings.

"we're not staying long right?"

"nah, an hour the most."

"you wanna go dance? "

"no thanks, im too tired."

i watched as Jhope and Mak went to go have their own fun. I asked for a cup of water and began to slowly sip it while watching these buttwipes dance like they were having a seziure. f anything i was enjoying it alot. Untill this girl came and started dancing with them. Psht,  psht, jealous? me? pleasssssssse....,

 i continued to stare,....fine i admit it! this heat of some jealously burned in me. I found myself clenching my cup firmer than normal. And i did the unthinkable.

 I went up to the girl and jhope and tapped her on the shoulder.

"um excuse me"

"uhhh, yes?"as she gave me the up-and-down look because i was still in my capris and baggy sweatshirt. 

"Can i have, date back." WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?  she gave me the typical stare. I stood thinking about what i just said,i was disturbed in myself and slowly turned my head towards Jhope. Before i could even get a clear vision of him, i felt a body thrown on me. HE hugged me out of no where.

 He whispered in my ear, "date, hm?" he then playing with my hair.

I leaned back and looked at him," are you drunk? o.e"

"ugh,...seriously. You ruined it. Wheres Mak?"

"Bathroom, i think?

"Well then follow me."   He pushed me from the back thru the dancing crowd to a back corner of the room then to a back exit door.

"what are you doing? what about Mak?"

"Im not leaving him, i just want to show you something."

he then led me to a back ally part of the building when there were a set of stairs that led to the roof. He pushed me up the stairs against my will and once i reached the top he immediatly covered my eyes.

"ahhhh just trust me!" he kept pushing me, i thought for a split second h was trying to throw me off the building so i punched him where ever i could feel him.

"OW! why!?"

"i dont know, im scared!"

" Surin ya! seriously! now stop squirming and open your eyes"

i opened them to see the amazing view, i didnt realize the club sat on high hill, and from the roof you could see the mountains directly to your left and the busy city to the right. The city lights glittered and sparkled as i sat their in awe. I ran to the ledge where there was a metal railing that i used to lean on to continue in my gaze. I then head the slow foot steps behind me get closer and tun my head to see Jhope making his way to where i was standing and lean forward on his arms on the railing right next to me.

"ah, its no Jeolla-do, but its almost as pretty. You like it?" staring off into the distance.

"Yes, its beautiful.... Jeolla-do, your home town."

"yeah, i miss it, its the most beautiful place to me."

"then why dont you go and visit?"

"its not that easy. This idol life isnt easy.  I've always wanted this life, and i love it, but theirs just some normal things i miss doing, like visiting my parents, hanging with friends,"

"haha, i bet you had a lot of girlfriends huh?"

"nope, only 1. We broke it off after i got accepted. She couldnt accept my lifes goals and dreams. I loved her but i loved music more, if we would share that, my one life passion, how could be possibly continue dating if she pretty much didnt accept me."

I wasnt sure what to say and my smile disappreared, and turn my head from looking at him back to the city lights. Right when i opened my mouth to say something her inturrupted.

"But the past is the past. I love what im doing and dont regret my dicision." he looked at me and smiled then stood up straight. "maybe we should go back in before Mak thinks we ran off."

"but,.. i dont want to leave, its so pretty up here."

"thats not the only pretty thing up here." When he came and hugged me from behind and layed his chin on my right shoulder. i clenched the railing trying not to panic.

"a-, and who would that be?"

he laughed and dug his chin into my shoulder makeing me laugh and squirm at how ticklish it was.

"haha, well me of course!"

i laughed so hard i couldnt breath, "haha breath!"he yelled at me, laughing and wiping off my tears of laughter.

" i cant go back to Jeolla-do, but will you be my jeolla-do?"

ï smiled and used my hand to cover it. "um, only on one condition~"  he turned me around and to have my back lean against the railing and that i'd face him. he put his hands on the railing so he could lean in closer.

"and what would that be,hm?"

"i get to be th pretty one, not you ^^"

he leaned closer and pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes smiling, "any thing for you~"


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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..