Gasping For Air




The smell of food drew me straight to the kitchen. "Ohhhh~~~What are you making Unnie?"

"Nothing, just reheating some left over food from last night. Did you still want some? We didnt eat your plate, as tempting as it was, haha~" 

 Eunmi unnie was probably the unnie that took the best care of me, not that my other unnies didnt, I just knew i could always rely on her. My stomach suddenly started making whale noises. "Uhhhh, yes please! kinda regret not eating last night..." 

"Well, now that your up and rested, and all the other girls are still sleeping, wanna say what happened last night?"

I looked at her with my mouth half way open as if i was about to say something, but the words just couldnt find their way out. "Just tell me already!"

"Uh, its nothing bad, we just hung out after the cafe, and he gave me a friends give each other hugs right?"i tried hiding the question but quickly and loudly sipping my water immediatly after the question left my mouth.

"Well, as long your not getting yourself into trouble its not bad. Why you so scared to say anything though?" "I dont know, i guess i was just shocked by the situation." "Hm, well wake up the other girls and ima head to the shower, its really nice out so i think we should have time out with all of us together."

 I nodded, finished the rest of my water, and ran to the bed room. I went to my side of the bed and grabbed my pillow, "time to up.." i whispered to myself, "GET THE HELL UP!!" i yelled as i went to everyone and hitting them several times with my pillow. Every one moaned and groaned as i stood their laughing. "Guise, get your lezy butss UPPPP'- OOOF!" 

"get out surin.." Mai isnt a morning person and so decided to get revenge with her own pillow. I then ran back into the kitchen and came running back in with reheated heotddeoks from last night, and with the smell of food everyone sprang back up.

", time to get up." Kyungmin then came up to me, took one, then headed for the living room. Everyone else followed. By the time everyone finished their heoddeok, Eunmi was out the shower and joined us in the living room.

Baesai, stretched,and layed back on the floor, "So what are we doing today?"

"i was actually thinking about looking for a somewhere to get some ink."as Kkamagwi (Jaehwa) pulled up her sleeve showing her bare arm.


"oh, gawd guys, i totally forgot to tell you!" Kyungmin was so hyped about her news she almost tripped over her own feet from getting up from the coach to stand up. "Okay,well at practice yesterday, yeah well i met Rapmon again!" She jumped and clenthed her arms and hands from excitement.

"Welllll what did he say?" i asked as my eyes widened.

"Well, he gave me his number! But not for what you think! OKay so he came up to me and asked how i was doing and if i needed any help. Then he said he gave me his number saying if any of us needed help getting around, hed try to help us out if he wasnt on schedule. But to make it simpler i asked ig i could just give all of you his number and he said he was fine with it, he said once you get his number to text him asap so he could save our numbers."

"SERIOUSLY!? " Mai stood up and ran to Kyungmin with her contacts list ready, and soon enough we all put Rapmons number in our phone and each texted him who it was. Poor guy was confused when he got Kkamagwi's text. He was used to her real name 'Jaehwa'. She had to explain herself for a while before it clicked for him. Then simultaneously, we all recieved from no other than Rapmon himself.

"Free today?"

He wanted to hang out already? it hasnt even been 8 hours since we last saw him. We werent gonna lie and said yeah.

"Well, good. We gotta run a few errends and just wanted to know if you girls wanted to come along with just to see whats around town."

By the time i finished reading my text and looked up from my phone, everyone had ran to the bed room to get dressed. so, im assuming thats what we're doing today? I got up and got ready as well. Out of every one of my friends, i was the only one with large curly/messy/wavy curls. Well Baesai had curlly hair, but she got the magic perm done and well, her hair is straight now. Everyone just brushed their hair in a few minutes, threw it up, or left it down, and they weredone, i was still in the mirror brushing out the naps in my hair and taming my extrmely poofy layers. "UGH KKKK ITTTT!!! "i threw my brush out of frustration. "haha calm down!"baesai walked over and picked up the brush and started my hair from where i left off. 

"its useless, its a frizzy jungle."

"YOUR HAIR IS PRETTY NOW SHUT THE UP! you just need to learn how to deal with it."

"cant i just straighten it again?"

"no, thats why your hair wont grow any further than half way passed your back. why dont u want ur curls today? Bangtan? "

".....yeah. i mean you guys all have straight hair and it just flows and plus when they saw me, my hair was straight. i dont want to scare them with this mess...i mean look at it. it looks like someone put a stick of dynamite in it dammit -.-"

"Haha, it looks fine"

I looked up, she did my hair in a pretty messy that sounds like anoxymoron. Only thing i didnt like was that all my hair was brushed back, so i pulled out my fringe and straightened only that part slightly, and mwalah~ now that looked a little more like me. I thanked her and looked at what to wear. Since my hair was done pretty girly, i didnt feel right to throw my sports gear cloths. I threw on some black capris, and a large white baggy London Boy sweater. Even though it was summer, it was extremely breezy so it seemed right to wear a thin spring sweater. "Surin hurry we gotta go!" I heard Kyungmin yellin then quickly put my royal blue converse on and then we all slipped out the door. Since we were gonna be in public all day, every one dressed up more then we did the day before.

my phone vibrated. "meet us @ the subway station" 

"all do respect rapmon, but um, dafuq is that at? ._. "

"at the subway station"

"NO !" i yelled at my phone. 

 By the time we arrived at the subway station, all 7 boys where waiting for us. And there was V, with that same damn stare. 

"V what DO you want?"

"your soul.. e.e"

"the fuuuuuuu... O.e" i walked away saying a prayer, hes not human.

Jin walked over and shook all our hands greeting us with a smile and bow, "How are you beauties doing today? ^^"  I swear to you he was trying to butter us up, or make Yerin drool more then she already was. We shook everyones hands then Jimin came running towards us with his snap back half way falling off with his arms spead wide. "TIME FOR HUGGGGGGSSSSSS ahahahahahahaha~"  Jimin was such a playful brat, Mai didnt seem very amussed tho. Jimin ran tbetween us giving high-5s and hugs, not reaizing his snap back fell off. So i picked it up and ran towards Mai and flopped it on her head. just in time for Jimin to run right up to her.

"Heyyyy~i have a hat just like that"he pointed then reached for his, and his eyes widened when he came to notice it was gone. He bagan to turn his head franticlly searching for it then came to a sudden stop. He slowly looked up at Mai smiling and laughing, "HAHA thats miiiiiine. Ha, yeah i knew that! xD" Mai began to feel the toop of her head surprised to find that it really was on her head.

"oh, here! i dont know how it got there!" slowly handing it bacvk to Jimin.

"nah, you look cute in it!"and he flapped it back in her head and gave her thumbs up with his squishy eye smile. I dont think ive seen Mai blush so bad before. Who would have thought chubby cheeks would break her barriers? haha

 We then boarded the subway and headed for the far east part of Seoul. Everyone clicked back to their previous conversation from 2 days before as if their was never a gap between. Suga and Kkamagwi shared a set or ear phones as they listened and talked about some of the new tapes he was in the process of making, But they bumped heads a lot, literally, as they both tried looking at his phone screen reading his lyrics and the rocking of the subway cause many head collisions, but theyd laugh it off. Jimin would continue to compliment Mai on his hat. JIn would talk to Yerin and she would listen and throw some jokes in just  to hear him laugh. Then he started putting chapstick on, her stare was priceless. If she could devour his face she would.  I then looked in front of me to see Kyungmin and Kookie, talking as natural as could be, as if they had been the best of friends ever since childhood. They even started singing a chorus to a fun song together, and tried to out sing each other till an old ahjumma hushed them both. They laughed and began whispering instead to each other real close. They were so cute i wanted to hit both of them haha. Rapmon and Baesai were talking in english. I couldnt quite here exactly what they were saying since they were furthest from me, all i know is that i heard the words "yeah"and "swag"leave Rapmons mouth far too many times. Next to them was V and Eunmi. They werent even talking, all V was doing was using chopsticks as pretend antlers and making strange animal noises. Eunmi seemed to love it, she could hardly breath choking on all that pocky from laughing too hard. Suga was sitting at my right side but with his back facing me as he talked with Kkamagwi. And to my left sat jhope smiling as he was reading an ebook on his iphone.

 About 10 minutes passed and the train made its 2nd stop since we boarded. and the train was packed. Right when the doors were about to close, an elderly couple walked in. I immediatly stood up and offered my seat to the elderly wife. Jhope soon saw the situation and gave his seat to the husband.The only real open space to stand was by the doors near the wall. we both squeezed in their and i stood awkwardly as he continued on reading.There was a safe 10-12 inches between us but then the train made another stop and more people barded, causeing everyone to squeeze closer together. The safe 10 inch range change drasictly to a range of about 6-7 inches. I COULDNT BREATHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

 You didnt realized just how much the subway jerked untill u stood up. Then the train suddenly jerked and Jhope fell forward. To keep from colliding directly into me, he placed his free arm out on the wall i was leaning on right  next to my head. I got scared and closed my eyes kinda cringing. "ah, haha, im sorry!" "oh, haha, its okay"i couldnt look him in the face, i could only respond while looking towards the floor. He was obviously taller then me by a good 5 inches. I didnt realize how tall he really was till he was this close. The train finally made its last stop before we made it to our destination, and of couarse the last few people that could squeeze in, made us all turn into sardines in a can. Jhope was now only 3 inches away from me. He couldnt read his ebook anymore for their wasnt any room to hold his phone out so he stuck it back in his back pocket. The train jerked and jerked and people would begin to trip over themselves. I learned my back against the wall the best i could to keep from falling. Jhope put both hands on the wall to keep from falling into me. And for another 10 minutes we stood their awkwardly not saying anything as i was stuck their staring at his jaw and neck cause thats all that was in my face. I tried to keep my self from breathing tooo hard from all my inner panic. But i swear i probably sounded like an obese man after a jog, i couldnt control it at all.

 I looked over to my right, i couldnt see much with Jhopes arm in the way and with the large crown of people, the rest of the group was lost in the sea of strangers. i looked back forward with my eyes closed and let out a long sigh. i gasped and covered my mouth when i realized when i just breathed all over his neck. I slowly looked up to he is he reacted, apparently he did notice. Next thing u know the doors opened and i slipped out from his human cage and got off at our stop. I began gasping for air as if i  was help  under water for a long time. Soon shortly everyone else came out and met up with me and jhope.

"It was hot as hell in their i swear! so much in people like where they all going anyway?"Yerin raged as she walked my way and then whispered in my ear "i think Jins lip was sweating.. e u e" "the , how is that even possible?" i whispered back. "i dunno but it was magical!" then she skipped back to where Jin was. Yerin scares me when it came to JIn.

Mai and Jimin where walking side by side as she was still holding on to the snapback on her head making sure it wouldnt fall off. I didnt know how everyone was so comfortable, i could hardly breath around this human horse yet everyone else acted as if it was the easiest thing in the world. I decided to follow behind Suga and Kkamagwi since Jhope pulled out his ebook once more. I poked Suga asking if i could listen, he nodded and handed my his head phone then stood on the other side on Kkamagwi where she didnt have an earbud in so she could hear him speak. I couldnt believe what i was listening to! Sugas tape was amazing. I was lost in the entire thing untill Kyungmin tapped me on the shoulder letting me know we arrived where Bangtan had to go. It was a professional photographers office. 

" We have a photo shoot for amagazine scheduled for today. you guys dont mind right?" We were fine with it then followed them into the building. We waited sitting behind the camera man, then came out bangtan in their outfits for the photoshoot. They all had bermuda shorts. Jin and Jimin came out with sleeve less graphic shirts. U could see the curves of Jimins arms and the broadness of Jins shoulders very well.  Suga had this forest green tank with a weird net shirt over it. Idol fashion, i never understood it, but i never questioned it either. Jungkook came out with a slightly see through white tshirt that was more form fitting thsn ur average guy , not to mention his bed hair. I looked over to Kyungmin, she immediatly covered her eyes, but then peeked through her fingers, i was about to laugh until i saw V walk out. He had these huge bug eye pink shades, and a nasty hawaiian print shirt. hm, fit his personality, WEIRD AS .  Then Rapmon and Jhope came out with the same shirt but in a different color. They had fairly tight t-shirts with a low v neck line. Rapmons shirt was a bright cherry red and Jhopes was a charcoal grey. I looked away and whispered "..too much chest for my EYES!!!" 

 The shoot soon ended and the guys were allowed to keep the cloths, which shocked them. They thanked the stylist and kept the new cloths on. Except suga, he took off the net layer and left the tank and pulled an un buttoned colar shirt over the tank. We then went out for coffee for who ever wanted it and headed back for the subway station. The subway wasnt at all as busy as it was earlier that morning, so we all got to sit comfortably. Even though it was only about 8pm, we were all exhausted. Suga and Kkamagwi were silently watching a movie on his phone, Jimin fell asleep on Mai's shoulder, V and Eunmi were playing with each others fingers, Jin was humming as Yerin tried staying awake to listen, Rapmon and Baesai where still laughing as they were fighting each other on an online game against each other, and Kookie and Kyungmin were well knocked out faceing each other from when they were talking. Soon enough the train jerked and their fell kyungmin into Kookie, he only twirtched a little and fel back into a deep sleep. I heard Jhope next to me laughing at them. 

 We arrived back home, Everyone was sleepy but me, we went home and everyone went straight to bed without saying a words to each other. I snuck out of the house and down to a dancing studio that was open 24 hours. I wasnt a dancer, well i good one that is, i dance like a duck honestly. But it was a fun way to get rid of stress or exhaust yourself. It was a public studio and it was almost 11pm. it was usually empty around this time. I walked in surprised to hear music. I peeked inside the door to the room i heard the music playing. IT WAS JHOPE! what was he doing here? Dont they have their own private studio? When i slowly tried to close the door i accidently tripped and fell inside the room. 

"Yah! what are you doing here Surin?"

"I came to dance! sorry i didnt mean to spy, i was just surprised someone was here at this time."

"well so am i, wait, you dance?"

i looked at him and laughed, "yes and no. i can dance for fun, but its not really on my talents list."

"i can teach you if you want"

 I began to wonder, why is he suddenly talking to me now? I mean he wasnt mean, but maybe he was just uncomfortable, i didnt quite understand what made this situation so different from the rest that cause him to openly talk to me.

"well, do you want me to teach you or what? Though i mostly pop and boogaloo." dafuq was a boogaloo?

"Um, whats this boogalooing you speak of? O.e"

"its a sub unit of popping in specialize in, here look!" he began dancing, and i was mesmorized. 

"now if your not experienced in dancing, that may not be the best thing to start off fairly simple.Wanna try our 'Boy In Luv'dance, most of it is fairly simple?"

"Im up for the chanllege"i boasted confidently. He then played the song and tried keeping up as best as i could with the song, about half way thru the song i became tired and quit.

"thats it! your done already?!"

"im sorry im tired, i dont work out everyday like you!"i threw my self on the floor and laid down. He then shut off the music, walked off to his bag grabbed 2 water bottles and sat next to me.

"Here, take this if you thirsty."

"thank you, ugh im sleepy!"i wheezed as i began to yawn and rub my eyes. When i opened my eyes, i saw him staring at me with his head tilt and smiling. I kinda raised my brow at him,"what?"

"your hair, its cute."

I felt my eyes widen"oh um thanks, my unnie did it for me earlier to day, and um, i-" i kept stumbling over my words> i became so nervous from the sudden compliment i wasnt sure what to do with myself. I then felt these arms wrap around my neck and head.

"ahhhhh, why are you so weird! ahaha!!" i didnt move. I felt his side of his head pressed againt the side of mine and his breathing from behind my ear.  He then began rocking back and forth as he sat there hugging me. All i could see was some of his hair and his neck. I felt the heavy breathing coming back like on the subway.

He then unlached his arms and grabbed my arms and made them wrap around his waist, then threw his arms around my neck once more. "you know its okay to hug your hope back"

my hope? as in hope in the future, hope in mankind? or My Hope!?!?! I sat their silently hugging him back with this grin on my face, even tho he just finished dancing and was slightly sweaty, he didnt smell of must, infact he still smelt of the cool minty cologn he had put on earlier. I inhaled it slowly and silently  when he began playing with my messy bun while still hugging me. 

"Your such a silly girl you know that right?"

I smiled and let out a small giggle then hid my face into his inner shoulder.

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omfg! sorreh! finals are coming up and ive been too busy to update T~T


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Chapter 21: I think there should be more (being the major I am) XDDD
Chapter 21: *begins to hypervenilate* *takes out enhaler* ahhhh... Better.... Wait... I don't have asthma... Or an enhaler... Dafuq? XDD but i freaking love this story!!!! It just keeps getting better >~<
Chapter 20: it's really good omg omg xD I spent all day reading this~~
Chapter 20: *random words pour out* holy shiet... That hoe only in boxers ...*boom* my ovaries O-O .... I still like mak doe... But i guess that hoe is ok... O u o
Chapter 18: Nooooooo! My poor baby mak T.T buuut hopie too ...
Chapter 17: ...I-but hopey- and mak- but but but WHA THA FUUUUU!! #TheStruggle T.T i sorta like mak a lil more....
Kissme1626 #7
Chapter 16: Woahhhhh... I practically read this while story in like 2 hours XD it's so interesting that I could stop. I felt so bad and sad of what happened with Surin and J-hope. But wow... her and Mak?! I wonder what's going to happen next! ^-^ update soon author nim
Chapter 16: (;゜0゜)(°_°) hooooly shiet...
Chapter 15: I wanna try commenting every time you update, but by time i'm done reading i'm just...speechless... <3333 대박!!!
Chapter 13: OuO....I just...I...the feels...I just...oh god...its happening again..*feels overload*..