18th chapter flashback part 12

unlike anyone...


Down below~

“what’s going on?!” DO asks.

“is he winning?” sehun looks

“ of course he is, he’s thunder, strong and smart.” Dara says but inside she was worrying.

“if he is then why did he get capture before?” kris leans on a tree. Dara stares at him and quickly appears in front of him. She grabs by the neck at lifts him.

“what did you say!!!” dara yells at him.

“dara let him go!” bom yells. but she wouldn’t budge. Bom tries to use her powers to hold her back. Minzy also tries to pull her away.

“kris you shouldn’t do that to her” CL says. “She’s hurting right now.”

“so what exactly happen?” kris ask

CL turns to him. “You know thunder and joon were best friends. Joon gone crazy one day and this happened. It’s not because he’s weak. You wouldn’t kill your own members would you?”

“How do we know he’s going to do it then?” kris looks at her in the eyes.

“It’s because I trust him, we trust him” CL turns away and walks to the girls.


Kris POV~
does she like thunder or something. She seems like she really cares for him. Maybe she’s changing. It has to be she’s changing. She can’t like him, it’s not her. I’m also sorry for dara. I didn’t know…

End of POV~


“Look its coming down.” Xiumin points.

“doong ah!!!” dara yells as she sees a flash. “CHEONDOONG AH!!!” The platform started to level with the ground. “where is he?”  Cheondoong wasn’t there but a lifeless body was lying in the middle. Dara run to joons body and lifts him up. “joons died but cheondoong is gone.” Dara looks at everyone then cries.


“Does it mean everything over now?” minzy ask.

“I guess…” CL looks, “what do we do now?”

“what happens now?” suho ask

Just then the senior appears. Dara notice this and runs to senior yang. “senior yang, can you bring back cheondoong? What happened to him? DO SOMETHING”

“calm down dara! You know that flash you saw? He was teleporting but we don’t know where”

Wait so he’s not dead then what’s going on?” dara wonders.

“you’ll know soon just calm down. The rest of the girls follow me, we’re leaving”

“what? What’s going on?” bom looks at him.

“we’re leaving. This mission has been accomplished we’re leaving.”

“sure but I’m sure there are more hybrids around here. We have to fight.”

“They may be dangerous but we can kill them off, it’s not like theirs someone making more of them anymore.” senior yang brings they girls to the side to talk to them.

“exactly that’s why boys you have been the guardians of the forest but it’s time to leave. Our job is also done here.” Senior lee tells the boys.

“yes sir” the boys bow. “can we say our good byes?”

“CL and Minzy I know you aren’t immortal but I want you to continue staying with us, we can figure something out. Bom and dara you as well, would you stay with us?”

“sir I talk for minzy and I . We’ve lost our families and we’ve been alone for a long time. You’ve been like family to us so we’d gladly accept” CL and minzy bows.

“I’ve hadn’t been able to return home and I really don’t know what to do anymore. Until I can leave I will stay.” Bom bows.

 “ I would like to see my family, although I haven’t seen them since the accident but i've  found cheondoong. I believe that if I stay I will find all of them. I will stay.” Dara bows.

“thank you girls. We will leave to our base as soon as you are ready” senior yang left the girls. The girls bowed at turned to the boys.

“I guess it’s the end boys.” CL spoke up.

“it was nice to meet you guys, although I thought you were scary, you were great as a partner.” Suho says.

“we’re sorry if we came off as rude or mean, we’re just very serious about work.” Minzy says. “We’re actually really fun and playful.”

“jjinja!?!” chen says. “ maybe someday we could hang out instead of work. Hope you can feel comfortable with us later on”

“don’t believe us? We’re too playful at times, mostly bom and me, CL is more of aegyeo type.” Dara said.

“really!? Aegyo?” kris almost chokes and sehun laughs at his hyung reaction

“I know right, she doesn’t show it unless she’s off a mission.”dara was punched by CL “ oh chen hanging out seems fun but I don’t think we’ll see each other again” Dara says “by the way kris I accept your apology.”

"thank you dara noona" kris smiles

 “Can we meet again though” luhan says

“yeah won’t we meet again?” xiumin exclaimed.

“maybe someday in the future” bom replied

“it’s time to go.” Minzy pulls CL.

“You will meet again in the future. But for now you must forget each other and leave. This land is to be forgotten and you will seem to live normally until a given time. They have seemed to have disappeared but I do have a feeling they will return when they do be ready. You two must separate when you do memories you have of each group will disappear.  Until then you must remember the letter. I senior yang will train the girls while senior Lee will train the boys.  Girls here is a bracelet. This will keep you hidden from others. CL and minzy you will be given immortality with these bracelets. you can’t rely on the bracelet too much, it won’t hid you identity forever.”

“sir do we have to forget each other?”

“I’m sorry but you must.”

“Boy this one is for you. This is a symbol for your power but will give you immortality too.

The portals have been opened.”  2ne1 quickly runs to the boys and bid farewells.

 “Until we met again.” CL spoke and they went into there portal’s





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Chapter 21: What will happen next??? ugh...I cannot wait. You're very good at writing, authornim :)
Chapter 13: like ur plot & i love it......thumbs uppppp? <^_^
jannelle #3
Chapter 20: belated happy birthday authornim :)
thanks for the update
Chapter 19: it's okay authornim take your time. I am really loving this!
ShaiRa1009 #5
Chapter 19: kris chokes after hearing that cl do aegyo wahhhh >...<
heztza21 #6
Chapter 18: Next chapter!!
Chapter 18: Chapter 16-17: yay~ they are complete again! They found Dara and Thunder! OMO what might happen to Thunder vs Joon? Thanks for the update Author-nim :D
Chapter 16: Chapter 15: yay~ an update \(^o^)/ ohh Chaekris moments~ kekeke oohhh please save Dara and Thunder~!!! Thank you author-nim for the update^^
Chapter 15: Chapter 14: waaa~ they kidnapped Dara!!! >.< i wonder what the enemy is trying to do??? Cl is cool~!!! Thanks for the update Author-nim^^ Fighting~!!!
ShaiRa1009 #10
Chapter 14: wooohhhh!!! this is really great and i love their character here so cool hehehe