Faint Or Fake?

When Fanboying Caused a BIGBANG



“Excuse me, but what?” CL asked completely dumbfounded, because she definitely was taken by surprise.

Because: when exactly did the company get new trainees? Shouldn’t they – as renowned celebrities and members of the great YG Family Tree – receive at least a notice regarding this addition? And what were the chances for them to be these guys? These guys who she coincidentally met a few hours ago – last night, to be more precise. And it definitely wasn’t the nicest way of meeting someone, unless waking up to a guy on top of you and other four idiots running around your dorm room can be considered pleasant . . . and oh god . . . the one on the left had a black eye! Did she hit him THAT hard?!

Chaerin blinked rapidly, her gaze wandering now towards her two unnies who were fanning each other, trying as hard as they could to even their audible breathing, while not so subtly throwing alarmed glances to each other as they also tried to catch glimpses of the five boys from their peripheral vision.  

“Maybe I was too blunt?” Yang Hyun Suk smiled and gestured for the boys to take more steps further into the room.

“I shall explain then” He continued, not responding to the lack of reaction whatsoever. “As you probably know, these girls are the 2NE1 members . . .” The CEO addressed the boys, the thought that except for two of them, the males had a close to zero idea of who these girls were, not even once crossing his mind.

As far as Seunghyun’s concerned, they represent Jiyong’s obsession.

“. . . and for their next comeback, we thought they should direct and produce their own music video for the title song. I decided that they should also be responsible entirely for anything related to this project and I should only be informed of the progress. So, two days ago, I believe, they handed me the storyline they came up with for the video. As it involves male characters, I realized that you guys would be perfect for the role. And so, two birds would be killed with one stone. The video will go on without a hitch and the world will get to have a glimpse of the soon to be debuted trainees.” The eldest man finished proudly and then turned to the stunned girls:

“They all are attending the Seoul Arts Academy and Seunghyun is a drama major which makes him perfect for the lead role. I saw you have already met each other, so as I said, I don’t have to make the introductions, so I shall leave you to talk it out a bit. I have to go to a meeting now, but after that I will come back for you.” He told the boys. “We still have a few things to discuss.” Then, with only a check at his watch, he added: “Teddy should be here shortly.”

As the CEO advanced to the exit of the practice room, nine pairs of eyes were glued to him, following his every move in complete silence until the man could no longer be seen.

Seungri was the first one to break his gaze away from the door and at a neck- breaking speed he snapped his head in the direction of the girls and practically exploded:

“2NE1 IS ACTUALLY HAVING A COMEBACK?” He cupped his face in excitement and pulled it downwards, making his eyes look like they were going to bug out from their sockets any minute now.

Definitely not a pretty sight.

“I WAITED SO FREAKING LONG FOR THIS DAY!” He raised his hands and threw his head backwards, letting him face the ceiling, as if he was thanking whoever was up there for this miracle.

Which is what he was probably doing.

The girls scrunched their faces in a mixture of bewilderment and disgust, as they decided and actually took a few steps back, as a way to defend themselves from the creature before them. Because it was like a complete 180 degree metamorphosis happened in no more than only 2 seconds.

“HYUNG DID YOU HEAR THAT?” The overly-excited boy advanced like the energizer bunny through tiny little jumps to Jiyong who surprisingly, was sporting the ultimate poker face, no emotion being even a bit visible on his face.

“HYUUNG!’’ He screeched. “DID YOU HEAR THAT?” The maknae grasped Jiyong’s shoulders, shaking the older man’s whole figure with all his might. “OH MY GOD GUYS! HYUNG AND I ARE SUCH HUGE FANS OF YOURS!” He turned to the horrified girls and Minzy actually tried to say some words along the lines of ‘thanks, how sweet’, but the man immediately went back to his leader as he realized he hadn’t reacted yet.

“Hyung?” He pulled back a little to examine the older, only to be met with extreme impassiveness.

A pout made its way on the younger’s face when he saw the way Jiyong was desperately trying to avoid eye contact, moving his gaze every time Seungri would step in front of him to force him to give him the attention he craves and deserves.

“What is wrong with you?” The outraged and confused boy spat. But, unfortunately, he was still being ignored.

“Oh, okay then. I am just gonna go sulk in a corner.” He dejectedly whispered softly, almost to himself.

“Seungri, you poor little guy.” Daesung reached an arm in a comforting manner across the said man’s shoulders.



“What the hell is happening?” Dara subtly leaned her head towards Bom and whispered only for her to hear.

“I really don’t know, but l actually feel a little bad for the Mafia guy.” She paused “What is wrong with me?” She clutched her chest, sending Dara a distressed look.

“Maybe we should intervene?” Minzy joined in.

“Nah.” CL waved her hand in a disregarding manner. “This truly is interesting. I think this thing right here – “She pointed to the boys “ - is going to be my new favorite drama.” She chuckled to herself. “Do you guys have any popcorn?” She asked, making the other three girls just stare at her flabbergasted.



“I really don’t understand why you’re acting like this!” Seungri threw his hands out, trying to get his point across. “Just yesterday you were yammering about how you just can’t wait for 2NE1’s comeback! And now, what? You are staring at me like I am a deranged being that you don’t even know! I am so disappointed in you!” He jabbed an accusing finger right in the center of Jiyong’s chest.

While watching the little commotion from the sidelines, Seunghyun actually started to feel a bit empathetic towards his group’s maknae. So, as an act that occurs once in a blue moon, the man marched towards the two “characters of the drama”.

“For the love of God! Stop trying to act cool!” Seunghyun smacked the back of Jiyong’s head.



“That’s it! I am going in – I am not letting them jump on each other!” Bom exclaimed no sooner than the hit landed on the male leader.

“Bom! Wait!” Dara tried to grab her hand, but she just caught thin air as the older girl was faster.



“STOP THE VIOLENCE!” The black-haired girl bellowed, causing everyone to stop in mid action. Seunghyun especially looked like a cheap copy of the Statue of Liberty, with his hand stopped in midair and all.

“I won’t tolerate any violence in this place. Not on my watch!” She glared intensely at the group of boys.

“What the hell woman?” Seunghyun broke free of his statue-like imprisonment, when the singer’s words finally got registered by his brain.

“Jiyong, don’t try to play innocent.” The woman sternly retorted, her words carrying a certain finality to them.

“Jiyong?” All the boys chorused while relaxing their bodies and getting back into their normal positions.

CL and Minzy also eyed the girl suspiciously, because how the hell did Bom know his name?

What they didn’t know, though, was that she, in fact, knew a wrong name.

“What?” Seunghyun’s expression revealed the most expressive ‘what the ’ face one has ever had the honor to lay their eyes upon.

“You just hit him.” She crossed her arms over her chest, not pay any heed to the others’ reaction when she called Seunghyun by the name of Jiyong. “I know how this goes: first a small smack and then it all erupts into a massive huge fight.” She violently motioned her hands through the air as if to simulate a big explosion.

And somehow, no one pushed the name issue further. At least for now.

“Guys guys guyyss” Dara intervened with the intention to calm both parts. “I am sure that nobody was going to start a fight. Right?” She forced a smile, looking alternately from Bom to Seunghyun.

“Then no, but now I feel like I do.” The oldest boy spoke, making Bom release a loud gasp.

“OH MY GOD! YOU WANT TO HIT ME!? A WOMAN?” She shouted, shocked and being already on her marks to play the victim card.

“What? NO! I AM NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON!” He countered.

Bom took a moment to share a meaningful look with Dara, when suddenly, another person joined in the commotion.

“He really isn’t.” Jiyong appeared out of nowhere, raising himself a bit on his tiptoes to successfully sling an arm around his hyung’s shoulders. “He is far too lazy to harm any living creature.” A toothy grin that may have been meant to charm the women spread on his face.

Apparently, someone attended Seungri’s classes on how to charm the ladies.

Seunghyun just stared at him for a moment, everyone feeling how hard he was judging him, before ducking from the leader’s hold, leaving the latter embrace just air.

“I am not lazy. I just like to conserve my energy for more useful things.” He solemnly clarified.

“Like what?” Dara asked, in truth curious.

The reply to her question came as a collective response, all male voices harmonizing perfectly to form one simple word:


“Oh my god, I love ice-cream too!” Bom jumped and made a move to approach Seunghyun, when he suddenly jerked back, pointing his index at her while his eyes were mirroring his willpower to never let that weirdo touch him again.

“Don’t you dare touch me again. I am so done with you invading my space.”

“What?” She scrunched her face in surprise for a few seconds and then transformed into a creature with a level of 100% sass. “Excuse you, but you were the one who hugged me last night!” She pursed her lips and pushed her hip to the side, letting one finger to wave from side to side.


As the discussion slowly divagated to the happenings of last night, Youngbae felt himself tense and closed his eyes tightly, silently praying that when he opens them he will find himself in a whole other place.

Preferably, one with unicorns and puppies.

But, sadly, he had no such luck. So, in the subtlest way he knew (which means gluing his back on the wall and moving in tiny steps), he tried to get to the door and quickly disappear before people noticed his departure.

He was usually forgotten by people when he was in a group, so it was only natural that that would happen now too, right?

“YOUNGBAE!” Seunghyun’s booming deep voice echoed through the room, making everyone’s heads snap to the short guy.

Guess somebody didn’t love him up there – He always knew that his grandma secretly hated him.

Damn you grandma.

“Yes?” He asked, tone laced with faked innocence. He practically swore he will take the occurrences from last night to his grave as they were some of the most embarrassing moments of his entire life.

And that meant something, since his friends were Jiyong, Seunghyun and recently Seungri. He won’t blame Daesung for anything though – he is such a better person than some people he won’t even bother to name.

“What is this woman blabbering about me hugging her? I would never do such thing. What exactly happened last night? Tell me. Because how the hell could I even get in such close proximity with . . .” Seunghyun took a deep breath and then pointed to Bom with slight disgust: “ . . . Her.”

“Yeah, what the hell happened?” Seungri imitated his hyung, stopping the said woman from retorting anything in return to the hyung of the room. “I’d like to know why I have a black eye.” He pointed to his slightly bruised area.

“Well, you see . . .” Youngbae began, mentally praying for a hole to open up and swallow him whole. ”Last night, I kind of messed up the floor numbers and . . .”

“Okay, but that still doesn’t answer why I have a black eye.” Seungri butted in.

“I –“Chaerin announced her intervention with a false cough, as she could no longer bear with the idiocy of these people. ”- I might know the answer to that.” She raised her hand like a student in class when they know the answer to the teacher’s question.

It is safe to say, that when the blonde woman addressed Seungri, it was like the sun rose again and the birds started chirping and a rainbow just materialized over her head.

His facial expression showed that much.

“You know?” He asked her.

“I might have . . . hit you in the face.” She offered a shy smile. “And I – “

“YOU HIT ME? HYUNG IS THAT TRUE?” He clutched Youngbae’s sleeve and pulled it roughly.

“Uhm . . . yeah.” He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

“Well now that I think of it, I quite like it. I think it makes me look chic, I mean you would know everything about fashion, so I trust you. Merci beaucoup.” He winked at a bemused CL and then retreated to a corner to examine his eye with the help of his cellphone’s front camera.

“Am I the only one who thinks that it brings my eye out?” He addressed the full room where no one bothered to reply to him.

So he just shrugged mostly to himself and turned to check himself out again.


“Can we go back to my problem now?” Seunghyun snapped his fingers impatiently. “I mean, I know I couldn’t have hugged her.” He pointed to Bom. “But, I just want to make sure.”

“You were all drunk and I messed up the floor numbers and we got into their dorm instead of ours. It was just a mistake.” The man with a Mohawk clarified in a defensive manner. 

Seunghyun’s state of silence lasted only for a few seconds, before he broke.


“Wait!” Jiyong exclaimed right away, as if a light bulb just lightened over his head. “Does that mean that their dorm is in the same building as ours?” He ended his question in a whisper, not being able to completely believe what he had just uttered.

“It’s right above ours.” Youngbae answered.

“OH GOD, OH GOD!” Jiyong slapped his own cheeks (sadly, not as hard as Seunghyun would have wanted) “Last night! Did I do something stupid?” He hooked his hands in the shorter’s jacket. ”OH GOD!”

“Just the old man act.” The Mohawk-ed man answered, at the same time asking himself why did he really befriend these imbeciles.

“OH MY GOD! SOMEONE JUST SHOOT ME!” The male leader yelled devastated to skies.

But then, Dara giggled. Dara giggled, making him straighten in a millisecond and fix her with his bug-eyed stare. 

“You were pretty funny though.” She smiled, taking the boys intent look as an invitation to talk. “By the way, thanks for calling me beautiful. I didn’t get the chance to thank you for it last night.”

“I – I –“Jiyong stammered, unable to find his words.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is where Kwon Jiyong’s cool act finally and once and for all shattered into a million pieces.

Because, of course he has been dying on the inside since he heard the news of the upcoming comeback, but he promised to himself he would act cool, so he wouldn’t scare the girl away.

But now, all of that is history.

“You are not too bad yourself, if I may say.” The blonde girl complimented with another chuckle, trying to joke along, sadly not realizing what her words were doing to the male.

Because, the poor being felt his whole figure crumble and in that second before everything turned black, he swore he saw his entire life flash right before his eyes. 

Wow – he wasted so much time bickering with Seunghyun.

Everybody else stood rooted to their places for a bit, letting the fact that Jiyong just passed out sink in, before gathering around his fallen body, as if he was a campfire.

Seunghyun even had the audacity to hit the body with his foot.

“Shall we go back to MY problem now?” The eldest boy addressed no one in particular, still staring at the fallen leader’s body.

“OH MY GOD! You HUGGED ME, you drunktard! In your alcohol clouded mind, you did. NOW GET OVER IT!” Bom exploded.

“I can’t. I CAN’T!” He pulled at his hair, falling onto his knees like a madman. “MY DIGNITY.” He cried to the skies.

“GUYS!” Minzy was out of the blue in the middle of the practice room with Daesung at her side. Seemingly, while the others were too busy arguing, shouting and fainting, these two approached each other and chatted away peacefully, taking quite a liking to each other.

Well, as peacefully as they could with screaming people in the same room.

“Let’s calm down, shall we? Last night is already water under the bridge.” The girl spoke.

“Yeah, we should get to know each other since we are going to work together and all.” Daesung added with his forever there smile.




And that’s why now room 116 A could be found in complete awkward silence, as all eight people were seated on the floor in a full circle, still surrounding Jiyong’s lifeless body.  Nobody dared to say anything, because they were all too preoccupied to glare or stare (depending on the person) at a certain person.

So, currently Bom and Seunghyun were throwing extra sharp glares at each other, Seungri was smirking shamelessly in CL’s direction, Minzy, Youngbae and Daesung were eyeing everyone uncomfortably and Dara was trying with all her might to tear her gaze away from the body they were currently treating like a campfire.


 “So guys, how did you get signed with our company?” Minzy pierced the deafening silence.

“YG said that he saw a video of us from the Talent Show hosted at our Academy.” Youngbae answered.

“Video?” Bom and Dara raised their heads simultaneously.

“Yeah.” Daesung nodded. “But, I don’t know how he found it. I actually thought that no one filmed the show, let alone our performance.”

At that, the oldest girls hung their heads low as some feeling similar to guilt washed over them. Luckily, nobody noticed their state.

“Well, that’s your luck then I guess.” Chaerin smiled encouragingly at the boys, making Seungri squeal internally yet again.

“What do you say we introduce ourselves? We should get to know each other” Minzy tried again to start a conversation, as the silence was rapidly creeping in once more. “Since we are going to work together and all.”

“Let them introduce themselves.” Bom spat out. “They must already know who we are.” She flipped her hair as a special extra effect.

“Of course!” Seungri chirped, while Daesung and Youngbae bit the inside of their cheek, not daring to comment, but Seunghyun certainly wasn’t confronting himself with such trivial problems.

“Uhm . . . sorry to burst your bubble, but I don’t know you. At least I didn’t until recently. That fansign was the moment everything started to go down. ” Seunghyun deadpanned, and for Bom it was like all color vanished from around her, and the joyful music provided by her brain, stopped abruptly.

“I only knew her.” He pointed nonchalantly at Dara. “But only because of this guy.”

Cue another kick at the defenseless and unconscious man. “The rest of you were like something in the background.”

This would probably be the moment when all the female occupants of the room should stand up and stab Seunghyun for these spoken blasphemies, but surprisingly no one made a move except his band members whose states varied from a fainting Seungri to the flustered and alarmed Daesung. 

CL apparently found everything in this room extremely amusing, already thinking of ways to make a monthly or better yet daily subscription to this new sitcom.

Minzy couldn’t literally be more unfazed than this, a bored expression on her face as she turned to her new made friend to try to calm him down, while Dara was waving her hand in front of Bom’s eyes who was frozen in place.

Suddenly, the black- haired girl caught Dara’s hand ninja style and threw it away with such force that she almost propelled the petite girl to the other side of the room.

“Are you serious?” Bom stared incredulously. “But you wanted MY autograph!” She pointed at herself for emphasis, her mind conceiving a parallel universe where at this moment a spotlight shone over her and confetti popped out from behind her.

“That definitely wasn’t my choice. I had better things to do than get some women’s signatures.” He scoffed. “I was just fulfilling my duty as a friend.”

“Oh YOU –“ She dove from her spot towards Seunghyun, ready to pounce on him like a panther on her pray, causing a not so manly scream to be released from the deepest pits of his being.

Luckily, the man leaned a bit on his right, ducking just in time from the powerful attack. As a result, the black-haired girl landed straight on her stomach, with her face downwards, her once violent actions ending once and for all with the most perfect faceplant ever executed by someone. 

“You . . . will . . . pay for this.” She raised her head, blowing the hair away from her face. “I will attack you when you are at your happiest moment. You won’t even see it coming!” She squinted her eyes, shooting imaginary lasers at her human target.

“Ha ha! I am not scared of you one bit!”

“We’ll see about that.” She finally got up fully and exited through the door, closing it with a highly audible slam. 


“You don’t know what you got yourself into.” Minzy spoke after the woman’s departure, her eyes displaying pity for as of now Bom’s target.

“Yep. She’s ruthless. It was nice meeting you!” Dara was already waving, as if biding her goodbyes to the male.

“Pshh” He snorted. “What can she possibly do to me?”

“Well let’s just say that the last person who really got on her nerves is now living in a small town in Mexico and is now known by the name of Carlito.” Minzy whispered, eyes searching carefully for any signs of the just left person.

“Yeah, well, if your plan was to scare me, you failed. I certainly won’t end up as this Carlito guy.”

“If you say so.” Dara skeptically commented.

“Hyung, maybe you’d want to be more vigilant though. We wouldn’t want you to end up in Mexico or anywhere else for that matter.” Daesung advised, clearly shaken up by the recent revelations.

“I will be fine guys.” He ruffled the younger’s hair, a tensioned silence falling over them yet again.


“Shall we go back to our original conversation? We still need to know each other, because you are going to feature in our music video after all.” The female maknae tried after a few moments.

“Good idea!” Youngbae exclaimed relieved.

 “I will start then! I’m Seungri, well my real name is Seunghyun, but everybody calls me Seungri. Oh, and if you ever need something I am the guy you’re looking for.” He winked at CL.

“As if.” She scoffed.

Next were Daesung and Youngbae who introduced themselves and as you would have thought, both of them were greeted with warm and sincere smiles, the girls taking an immediate liking to them.

However, as Seunghyun’s turn finally came, the door was abruptly swung open, a bang resonating through the room from the collision of the door with the wall behind it.

“THERE HE IS!” The Bominator was at the entrance with an accusing finger pointed to Seunghyun.

Before the man could even utter something to express his bewilderment and exasperation that always engulfs him when this woman appears before his eyes, a disheveled Teddy came rushing in, advancing with quick steps towards the too-stunned-to-move crowd.

With one swift movement he placed his hands under Seunghyun’s armpits and hauled him up like a lifeless and insignificant sack.

“WHAT THE-“ He tried to swear before he was spun around to face the producer.

“Why did you hit him?” The older and panicked one asked.

“Huh? Who?”

“Bom came running to me saying you started beating one of your bandmates up without a reason!” He retracted his hands and approached the unconscious Jiyong.

“Oh . . . so she told you that?” He squinted his eyes, finally realizing that this lady was not wasting her time. He rapidly turned to her, giving a smirking Bom a look that could only mean that he wasn’t going down so easily.

“Yes. Good thing she did. What if I came even later? Maybe the whole room would’ve been in a coma! OR EVEN WORSE! OH GOD!”

“Are you serious?”

“I think there is a misunderstanding here.” Minzy intervened.

“Yeah, hyung just fainted on his own.” Daesung added.

Silence. The producer blinked slowly as if trying to comprehend the latest information.

“What? Is that true?” Teddy addressed the room, causing all its occupants to nod in affirmation. “Why did you lie to me then, Bom?”

“Oh . . . uhmm . . .” She started rubbing the back of her neck anxiously. “ I must’ve . . . uhmm . . . Shouldn’t we take him to the infirmary?” She ran to the body. “DARA! HELP ME CARRY HIM!”

Dara, the forever obeying-the-Bominator’s-orders girl, immediately ran to her best friend’s aid and together they hoisted him up and slowly exited the room.

“I guess she’s officially after you.” Youngbae squeezed Seunghyun’s shoulder as reassurance.

“Whatever. I am not scared.”

“This is gonna be so good.” CL whispered quietly enough for no one else but her to hear. 





“UGH! HE’S SUCH A ” Bom stomped her feet in anger making the lifeless body almost fall to the ground, had it not been for Dara to catch and stabilize him.



“Y-yeah . . .” The blonde girl stammered from under the weight.


“She is so right. I am so ashamed to be called his friend.” Jiyong thought to himself.


Unbeknownst to anyone who had been witness of everything that happened until now, Jiyong had awakened some time ago (more precisely when the argument between Bom and Seunghyun started) and only pretended to be unconscious since then. He would have woken up, but then he figured these moments would be his chance to find out some info.

But, curse him if he won’t actually kill Seunghyun when he will regain his role in the living world. That stupid being just couldn’t shut his mouth and just join him and Seungri in building their shrine.

He just had to go and piss off a celebrity and one he much admired at that.

One may wonder now though, why the male leader is still pretending to be knocked out, but he just liked to think that two members of his ultimate bias group carrying him was a bonus round and a gift from the gods.

Someone finally loved him up there!

But then, Jiyong’s ears perked up when something uttered by Dara piped up his ultimate interest.


“I know Jiyong wasn’t exactly the nicest guy, but give him a chance. Maybe underneath all that he is a nice and sensitive guy.”

“You are kidding right?” Bom stopped in her tracks and her heels to face her friend. “He was this close to digging his own grave when he found out he hugged me last night. And not because he was afraid.  CAN YOU BELIEVE I ACTUALLY WANTED TO PROTECT HIM FROM THE MAFIA GUY? IF HE WERE A REAL MAFIA BOSS I WOULD PERSONALLY INVITE HIM TO ANIHILATE HIM NOW!”

“Bommie, can you please calm down?”

“Okaaay.” The latter inhaled and exhaled deeply to reach her serene depths. “Jiyong will get what’s coming to him. I will make sure of that. Till then let’s just get this poor guy to the infirmary.” She reached out and took the real Jiyong’s arm and placed it over her shoulders in order to help Dara.





When Jiyong finally opened his eyes he was met with an incredibly white ceiling that he immediately realized wasn’t his room's.

The sun was shining through the pastel colored curtains, casting a bright light over the room and especially on the bed where the current patient was located. The boy raised his hands to sustain his throbbing head.

Suddenly, he raised his head when he recalled the conversation between the two girls that he overheard. There was something peculiar about it. They kept saying Jiyong, but they only talked about actions that he was certain were Seunghyun’s doings.

That could mean only one thing: They thought that Seunghyun was Jiyong, but why? Why would they think such thing? Or is Jiyong too imaginative? But then again, now it makes sense why Bom kept addressing Seunghyun as Jiyong.

“I have to make things right and resolve this giant misunderstanding.”  The male said to himself out-loud.

“Are you alright?” Dara asked from the doorway.

“Huh? Oh . . . y-yeah I guess.”

“Here, the doctor told me to give you this.” She placed a pill and a glass of water on the nightstand. “I’ll get your friends.”

“T-thanks.” He lamely tried to reply, the girl giving a small smile in return.

For a few seconds, he only stared blankly at the door where Dara had just disappeared and then a little imaginary light bulb popped next to his head as something was dug from his mental drawer of memories.

Yang Hyun Suk had said that they will feature in 2NE1’s upcoming music video.

He also declared that because Seunghyun is a drama major he should play the lead role.

But, Dara and Bom made it clear that they thought that Seunghyun was Jiyong.

So, Jiyong’s little brain came with a new and completely twisted idea: He could pretend to be Seunghyun, so he would be able to spend more time with Dara and his other idols.

Yes, he could pull it off. Now, he only needs to convince Seunghyun, but that shouldn’t be that hard if he finds a good blackmailing tool.

And then as if everything was choreographed, the door opened and in walked his hyung followed by the three other boys.

“I need to have a word with you.” Jiyong hooked his finger and made a signal for the eldest to come closer.

Maybe he won’t actually kill Seunghyun so soon. 




Please please don't hate me for taking like what? 3 months to update? Wow I am so dissapointed in myself ~ I'm sorry for making you wait so long TT_TT  

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Chapter 17: Update juseyo~
Chapter 17: Next chapter
Chapter 17: you need a lil more consistancy (or however you spell it) but the story is two thumbs up!
Chapter 16: This is totally hilarious. Gawwwd I love Jiyong & Seungri when they're fanboying. I love all Bigbang members personality here. Hopefully you won't abandon this. This is really nice & new concept. x
amplifier #5
Chapter 3: OMFGGGGGG! This is hilarious! Been choking from laughing since reading the 1st chap~ aigooo.. you are so good authornim! Your words exhibit such humor and such wit that ughhh! Im blown!! Youve just earned a fan.
Chapter 16: heHA!!! this is ing hilarious man. the best story! please update regularly d(^_^)b
Chapter 16: Awww TOPBOM are enemies now xD but more love between DaraGon and RiRin so it is all good :D

I hope TOPBOM will be the new lead for the MV so those two haters can turn into lovers ;)
asiaticloverboy #8
this is craaazy <3 <3
kislife #9
it's the best thing I read lately :D
superkpopp #10
Niiicee :D I love it