What is this?

Vampire Academy
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"Its done..."





"Its done..."




"Gomawo Kyungsoo-ssi... For helping me baking these cute cookies..."I said. So... This is how those cookies look like.



"No big deal... Its so simple..."He said.


"We'll serve it for tea time..."He added and pat my head before heading to the living room.


"Aresseo... Aahh... I'm so tired... Aish... This is all because of you Kim Jongin... But... I just realized baking is... Cute... Meh whatever."I mumbled and head to my room. I urgently need to get some sleep.


Jongin's p.o.v.


"Does this look okay?" I mumbled. I dont even k ow wether it looked okay or not.


I spent my 3 precious hours... Making this?! It looked so simple but its freaking hard. Only now I noticed that my finger is bleeding. Maybe I accidentaly cut myself while shaping the wires.


I decided to head to Kyungsoo's room for plaster.


"Kyungsoo... Can you give me a plaster?"I asked.


"Aish... Why today everyone is needing my help all of a sudden..."He said and search for a plaster in his bag. I sit on his bed lazily while waiting for him.


"Wait... What do you mean by everyone?" I asked.


"Hmm? Well, I just helped Krystal just now.... So yeah..."He said while helping me putting the plaster on.


"Help her? Doing what?"I asked curiously.


"Baking stuffs. I dont know why she's showing such interest all of a sudden."He said.


"Really?! I didnt expect that she'll really do it... "I bursted out laughing.


"What? I dont get it... And what did you do until you hurt yourself?"He asked. I quickly pull my hands away from him and reply.


"Its nothing... You're so like an eomma..."I huffed and lie down on his bed.


"Yah Kim Jongin! Get back to your room and back off from my bed!"Kyungsoo shouted.


"Yeah right whatever..."I'm just too tired. So at last, I fall asleep on Kyungsoo's bed. Heh..


I was woken up by a light tap on my shoulders.


"Kim Jongin... Wake up..." a voice said. Ahhh..  Its Sehun... I could tell by his voice. Hahaha...


"I dont want to..."I said and close my eyes.


"Yah! Okay fine..."He said. I thought he'd leave me but.... SPLASH!!!


"Dafuqqq?!!!" That brat Sehun just splashed a pail of in cold water on me!


"Now you're WIDE awake..."He said and flash an innocent smile.



"I'm all wet now,you idiot! Its so cold..."I whined and look around me.


"Now the bed is also wet... People would say that you peed in your pants."He said and burst out laughing crazily.


"Dont you dare!"I hissed while shivering in coldness.


"Owh yes I dare..."He said while smirking. He run out of the room and I was shivering the hell outta myself. My hair is all wet now... F that...


I head to the bathroom and take my bath...  A long WARM shower of course... When I'm done...I head downstairs... With my still-not-dry-hair.



I roll my eyes over Sehun before taking my seat next to him.


"I'm still not effin' done with you." I hissed.


"Chill bro... Its just a joke..."He said.


"A sick joke... " I said. He looked guilty though.


" Hey Jongin~" Krystal greet me cheerfully.


"Omo wae? Why are you shivering like this?"She asked while putting a hand on my forehead.


"An idiot just wake me up 'sweetly' by bashing me with a pail of cold water."I replied. My goodness... I feel so... Cold.


"Gosh Jongin! You're sick... Hey go lie down and I'll make some hot food..."She said.


I walk back to my room lifelessly and lie down.

I closed my eyes and decided to get some rest. Suddenly, i felt someone sitting next to me on the floor.


"Hey Kai..  Sorry..."I heard him say.


"Sorry my ..." I mumbled tiredly.


"I'll do anything to make you happy... Sorry bro..."He said. I open my eyes a little only to find Sehun not looking at me but... The look of guilty fills his brown eyes.


"Okay fine... Apology accepted. But you'll have to do something for me..."I said and smirk a little. Meh... The mischievious Jongin will always be there.


"What?"He asked.


"Go to the kitchen and make me a delicious porridge."I said.


"Da what?! No way! I'm not gonna cook!"He squealed.


"You have to..."I said. He whined and head to the kitchen.


Knock! Knock!


"What now Sehun?!"I groaned.


"Hey... Its me..."Krystal said while peeping through the door.


"Owh Hey... Come in."I said.


"Are you feeling better?"She asked and sit at the edge of my bed.


"Honestly? Nope..."I said.


"Hey... I made this just now... Eat it when you feel like eating it..."She said awkwardly while putting a few cute sugar cookies next to my table.


"Its cute..  Thanks..."I mumbled.


"Welcome... I'm sorry if it taste bad cuz... Its my first lol."She said.


"Yeah no worries..." I mumbled tiredly... Wait... The flower crown...


She was about to walk out of my room but I call out for her.


"Krys! I have something for ya..."I said and hand her the flower crown I made.


She gasped and say."Thank you Jongin! Its really pretty..." she said with a smile.


"Its not that pretty tho..."I said and chukle a little.


"It is... Thanks... I like it..."She said and suddenly hug me.


"You' re welcome..."I stiffen due to her sudden actions...


She then walk out of my room happily. I'm really glad she liked it.




I was very touched that Jongin made this flower crown himself. I then head to the kitchen only to  find Sehun...Cooking.


"What are you doing?"I asked.


"Cooking some porridge for Jongin... That baby..."He frowned while stirring the porridge in the pot.


"How does it taste like?"He asked while shoving me a spoon full off porridge. I eat it and chukle.


"It taste... Bland..." I said trying to hold my laughter.


"Dont laugh!"He said and frown.


"Okay I'm sorry..."I said.


"What am I suppose to add?"He said childishly.


"Some salt most importantly?" I asked while chukling.


"Ooo.... Salt... Yeah... Okay!"He said and quickly grab the salt and add it to the porridge.


So after adding a few more spices... It taste a lot better... By a lot i mean like a lot...


"Yeay! We did it!"We high fived and i accidentaly trip. That made me lose my balance. I unconsciously squeeze my eyes shut. Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong arms around me and holding onto me firmly. I open my eyes only to find Sehun holding me in his arms. We stay like that for like a few seconds and its just very awkward since he's like staring at me intensely.


He clear his throat before helping me to stand properly.


"T-thanks..."I mumbled awkwardly.


I was about to walk out of the kitchen but, he grab onto my wrist to stop me.


"W-what?"I stutter. Our face are just inches away from each other.


"Be honest. Is there anything going on between you and Jongin?"He asked. The look in his eyes made me want to give him an answer that'll make him happy.


" I dont know... We're... Just friends?"I said and his grip loosen a little.


"Good to know..."He said and his lips curved into a small cute smile.


"Why'd you asked?"I said.


"Just wanna clear up my thoughts..."He said and walk away. I pouted and chase after him.


"That's not fair!"I said and insisted for him to tell me.


"I'll tell you later... I promise..."He said.


"Hmm... Really? Better hold on to your words Oh Sehun..."I warned and he bursted out laughing.


"Yes I promise okay... Sheesh..."He said and give me a light pat on my head.




It's tea time. All of us decided to have our tea in the garden. After getting some rest, Jongin gained some energy and manage to join us for tea.


"Hey guys! These cookies are made by our Krystal who act all weird today..."Kyungsoo announced and i blushed as hell.


"Yah Kyungsoo!"I squealed and all of them laugh out loud except Sehun. Mehhh, I know why he didnt laugh...


"And not to forget... Our charming and cool OH SEHUN JUST COOKED for his friend KIM JONGIN!"I screamed excitedly only to get a smacking from Sehun.


"Ouch! What was that for?

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I feel dissapointed... I hve 216 subbies for my vampire story.but i only hve 4 upvotes :(


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Chapter 29: I know that isn't easy...But please try !!!! Thank u again :)
Chapter 29: Pleaaaaaase update !!!!!!
izla122 #3
Chapter 29: Authornim pls update soon!! I've read the story for 2 times and it is still awesome! !! Authornim pls let the story be a SESTAL STORY! There too many Kaistal story and less Sestal. So pls make it a SESTAL STORY!!! I you want some idea, maybe you can let the wolf and vampire be together and fight the strigoi. Remember pls be SESTAL STORY!!! FIGHTING AUTHORNIM :)
Siekkim #4
Please update soon ^_^
Chapter 29: More sestal moment please~
Chapter 5: Thanks for making exostal stories~I Love It ^^
aisyaharcher #7
Chapter 29: that was great author nim. i totally love it. plz update soon. i cant wait to know who was "nora" XD
bouchrafx #8
Chapter 29: Plz update soon authornim i can't wait and plz write some kaistal moments
bouchrafx #9
Chapter 28: Plz authornim make kaistal happen in this fanfic i ship the so hard
bouchrafx #10
Chapter 13: Iam reading you're story and iam in love with iit hwaiting