II. L(ack of happiness)

Black Eyeliner


2 more days since my deadline yet I still haven't come up of any topics for articles. Jr will surely be scolding me after. He may be fun, but he's hella serious when it comes to work. He loves the club so much and treats it like a family.



I was staring at the window when Jr suddenly talked to me. "Came up with an article topic?" I shrugged. "Better be quick," she messed my hair and then went to see how others work.

I seriously need to relax. This week is almost synonymous to stress-- I've been working full for our English Essay project plus I need to take photos. Plus I also need to take care of Jackson who is sometimes brokenhearted. Who knows, one day he might kill himself because of Aril threatening him a break-up.



Today is also the recruitment of new members-- there are a lot of people who want to join this club. Jr will be the one to pick though.

A knocked disturbed all of us as we all looked at the door. The door slowly opened, revealing a guy I've never seen before. He peeked through the door til I saw his whole face and body. He's actually tall, has some pink shades in his hair and an attractive nose. He smiled at all of us and I found myself returning the smile that caught his attention.



"New member?" a co-club member asked. "Yeah." Jr nodded.


We were all looking at the new guy who hasn't even introduced his name. He sat on a chair near me and we looked at each other for a second. I can't tell if he's really interested in this kind of work but whatever, I shouldn't judge him.

Jr tapped both of our shoulders and speaked, "Kunpimook, this is Chelle. Chelle, this is Kunpimook. You guys will work together for the article. Hope your team will be better than expected." he half-smiled before leaving us and checking how others work. Seriously, the atmosphere is so awkward. All I know is his name, nothing else.

"Kunpimook?" he repeated his name. "I prefer to be called BamBam though." he plainly said without any nice expressions. I noticed that his accent is a little different than usual.



"So yeah, you gotta help me with these. I need article topics." I said in revenge to give him an impression that I can't be under him. He looked at me with his brows together. 

I explained to him that I can take pictures and he can write an article. The room became more noisier as time goes by so I asked Jr if I can go outside and he agreed.

"Go where?" I asked and he didn't even reply. I a little bit pissed since he is still a tail on me, yet I'm left with no choice. I don't want Jr to get mad at me. He is the monster of all the monsters.



I just followed him until we reached the rooftop. I've been studying here since I know, yet this place is so relaxing and was left undiscovered by me. I just realized that I didn't even bother to discover my own school.

It's beautiful. The bottom view has flowers and such. The wind is kinda strong here. They even provided us a bench to sit.

"Why here?" I asked. "It's just relaxing here," he said as he placed both of his hands in his head and leaned at the wall. I plainly looked at him.



"I can't think of any topic so I suggest you help me here," I said as I noticed him closing his eyes slowly. "Kunpimook!" I shouted to his ears as if we were close and it made him open his big eyes. "Can't you?!"

"You're supposed to help me think," I rolled my eyes. "I am, I often rely on my dreams." seriously, what kind of logic is that?!

"Tch," I hissed. "Trust me. Wake me up after 15 minutes and I'll eventually give you an article topic." he proudly said. 
"What if you fail?" I challenged. 
"I'll do all the work; I'll even be something like your tail for a week." he prouldy said with a smile on his lips when he closed his eyes.


Guess I should give it a try.






"Wake up, lazypants!" I said while I shake his shoulders. "Topic, topic topic!" I repeatedly said. He opened his left eye and closed it for a while and then opened both. "How to write of a good essay or something? Maybe about how to spend your money properly on buying school supplies or something or.. how to focus on things. I don't know." I am surprised on how he can think that fast. I just think I'll be getting the "How to focus on things" part.

The part I am working for the newspaper was the Help Students 101 part. More of an educational essay. Why was that called an Article?!

I just grinned at him. "Don't underestimate me," I looked down, feeling guilty. "I am not." I denied.

We talked about going somewhere to write the article and we both agreed to go to a cafe nearby on Sunday. We both have different plans on Saturday so Sunday is the perfect day. 

I decided not to talk to him when we headed back to the club room. Somehow, his aura pisses me off. Maybe I just don't know him that well. I feel strange.






By 2PM I arrived at the cafe we agreed to meet. Originally, we planned to meet by 1:30 but I believe boys will be boys-- they'll be late. I just don't want to wait for that guy so I'll make sure we will arrive at the same time.

I entered the cafe and surprisingly, I saw him. I sat at the chair in front of him. He has this calm look in his face. "Hmmm," he looked at his watched. "You are 1 hour late-- I mean 30 minutes. I thought girls are early arrivers." he said why slowly shaking his head with a smirk in his face like he isn't into something. "Can we just start immediately?!" I whined. "Okay then," he laughed.

We tried to write something and by 4PM, we are done. It turned out to be nice and easy, except that we argued at some small things.

"Mind going to the mall with me?" he asked straight. "What?" I asked. I am not really trusting this Kunpimook guy. I raised a brow. "C'mon," he smirked. "Aren't you even trusting me just because I look like some sort of a horrible rapper?" I nodded. "Seriously?" he laughed and he pulled my hand with force.


He's in the same club with me, after all. I should.... somehow trust him. I don't know. I'm not into bad boys, except Jackson. He's still good in his own way. I don't trust this Kunpimook guy who always chew bubblegums. 

In the end, I've got no choice but to be with him at the mall. I realized I need to buy a new journal and a doodle book. I just like random drawings and stuff.

It turns out that we'll be buying different items in the same store. I told him to meet me in the entrance or somewhere after he finishes buying. We both agreed to spend time on whatever wonderlands you call that-- places where you spend money for fun and exchange tickets for prizes and whatever. Fun House.



"Let's see... Journal, New pens, books..." I said as I look at the sections and see what I'll be passing by first. I came to the notebook section with the rotatable shelf to choose from. I rotated to the left, but then this guy from the back keeps rotating it to the right. We're fighting for it for like three minutes until I gave up. I came to the opposite side to see who is it, and it turned out to be BamBam. He teasingly smiled at me and I just rolled my eyes. He is purposely doing it, and it is annoying! What does he want?! "You know, you'll know a person's personality by making them angry." I grinned at what he just said.

"Darn you!" I walked fast to the counter to avoid him for a few seconds. "I just wanna know you." he laughed. "I don't care. I didn't even ask you." 

"Whoa!" he said in amusement. "I believe you're a different one. I bet your smart," I looked at him after he said the word 'smart'. No, BamBam. I'm dumb as hell for Jackson. I wish you knew. I just rolled my eyes at him, but with a smile this time.


After we bought what we needed, he protested to carry my things and I gave it to him. It's a little heavy, plus I am tired as hell. I am wearing a dress and sometimes when the wind blows, he'll put it down for me so nothing will be seen. We came to a fun house to spend time.

"Aren't your parents going to be mad at you? It's almost 7PM," he asked while we are walking.

"Nah," I answered. "They aren't in the house for weeks already. Sometimes they'll be home, but at night when I am tired and I am already asleep." pissing myself, laughing. I didn't want to open up to him though.



"At least you're happy," he said to at least comfort me. But he failed.
"Who told you I am?" I smirked and then rolled my eyes.



"Do you like someone?" he asked.
"Maybe?...." I don't want to answer. I love him.
"Then you're happy." he said. I hate BamBam's logic about everything.



As we reached the Fun House, we bought some tokens to play with. He protested to treat me tokens but I refused, since I think he's spoiling me too much. People are giving us dirty looks too, as if I stole their boyfriend.... or we look somethink like.. a couple? 



Not my loss.


"Do you like plushies?" he asked me without looking at me and focused on the crane machine he is currently playing. "Sometimes, but I really like ducks." I answered.

"What?" he said as a plushie went down and he claimed a very big Penguin Plushie. He pouted, hugged it and looked at it before he gave it to me with a smile. "Sorry. Ducks are harder to get and I didn't know, but this penguin is yours already." he gave it to me with a smile. I looked at it before fully accepting it. "Thank you, I guess?" I don't really want to thank him because he's annoying but.. yeah.

We played basketball and many more until it's 8PM and we're both tired. We agreed to eat ice cream before completely leaving the mall. I can't believe that this day just happened. 



It's already 9PM when I decided to watch some movies in the living room alone. I stared at the medium-sized plushie BamBam got from the crane and found myself smiling.

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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^