I. B(uried alive)

Black Eyeliner


It's almost 12 when I reached my house. I was about to bring out the keys I own when I turned around to look at the buildings to check something when I noticed that there is a room with its light still opened in one of the buildings I am familiar with.



God, what has he done this time to himself this time?!

I hurried to the building where Jackson's apartment was. When I reached it, I continuously knocked until he opened his door. "What?" he asked and by his voice and how he looks, I assume he is drunk. "Aril," he cried out her name. "Please forgive me. I'll never do it again." he kneeled down with his palms facing each other and his tears flowing from his eyes. 

Somehow, I felt a dart mentally strike my heart.



"Let's go inside Jackson," I said and then pulled him. I let him sit in his bed. He looks drowsy. I placed my palm over his forehead. "You need a rest," I worriedly said. "No, I need Aril."

It's always like this.

"I am here for you," 

"But you are not the one I need,"

That was something hurtful. I gotta be strong.



I let him lay on his bed and prepared soup and warm compress for him. He needs to go to school tomorrow. 

"What happened to you and Aril?" I asked as I fed him up. He didn't even bother to reply. "Aril you ," I murmured.

I took care of him til 2AM. He keeps on repeating the phrase "Let's not break up, I love you." and it hurts. I can't take it anymore so I left, but I made sure that all the doors are locked and he'll not worry of anything tomorrow morning.



I came home with all the lights turned off. As I reached the kitchen, The note that was held by a magnet on the fridge caught my attention. I came near it and read what it says.

"Our dearest Chelle:

You're turning 16 in days! We're so sorry we can't celebrate with you in that day since we'll be having an office meeting. We'll give you money to celebrate it with your friends, and please indicate below what you want to get on your birthday. We love you! -Umma&Appa"

"Happiness. Escape. You." I wrote with the marker I got from nowhere and slept in the kitchen. I just can't handle this.






I woke up in the kitchen. The first thing I did was to look at the clock-- it was 7:04. I woke up at the right time. I took a bath and wore my uniform. I fixed my things and then rode my bike to go to school.


For the first three periods I just slept. I didn't even care, after this will be the club meeting. In other words, it will just be free time. Or something. My life is actually exhausting; I keep on caring about things that doesn't even give a damn about me. But it's still my fault: I don't want to stop. The hook is on me.


"I guess you're from his place again yesterday night," I heard Marianne whisper to me, one of the friends I made in the Newspaper club. I nodded even though my head was down and my hands are wrapped. 

"You are a lot more stupider than a person who tries to make the dead alive," she said. "You deserve someone who will love you back." she added as the bell rang. It's time to go t our respective club rooms for meetings.






"We only have two weeks before the deadline of the school newspaper," Jr said, the president of the club. "We need more articles. We need more!" he said as he slammed his hands into the desk. We, the club members, just nodded and faced the computers. I am just assigned to take photos for new articles and my deadline will be 2 days before the newspaper's, so I'll be fine. All I need is a topic. I gotta do mine tomorrow though.

I asked permission to go to the garden to think of a nice topic. I headed there with my pen and notebook but it turns out that I came to the wrong place.

I just saw them. They're happy and laughing like cute couples. I just felt that I don't belong to... I don't know. It just hurts. Seeing the one you love happy with a different person. 

I ran and then slept at our classroom since there are no people in there. Maybe I'll just wait for the dismissal to come.


Not only my brain hurts because of thinking an article topic.

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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^