III. A(ngst)

Black Eyeliner


I am going to pass the article BamBam and I made yesterday later lunch. Monday morning really , especially when you've slept for 3 hours only due to Movie Marathon. I'm not regretting anything though-- it's fun.



"You look tired," Marianne said without looking at me so our teacher wouldn't suspect anything.

"Came over from his apartment again?" I giggled and then answered,





"It's different today, huh." she smiled at me for the first time. The smile of achieving something. The smile of congratulating me for something I ddin't achieve. Maybe she was thinking that I stopped chasing Jackson, but no.



I think I'd never.


When Lunch time came, I brought out the notebook where BamBam and I wrote the article. I took some pictures of things related to the article and printed it out.

I knocked at their classroom (which is floors away since our year levels are three years away) and surprised to see Jackson opened the door. He's in the same class with Jr., but I didn't expect him to open the door. He's wearing his black snapback that Aril gave him again. Maybe he's crying again?


I pulled him to the rooftop of our building. He looked down at me; I saw his swollen eyes red and when I gave him a hanky, he looked at me with his most hurt look and then he hugged me as he bursted into tears.

"I saw her..." he paused and then hiccuped. "With another guy, flirting and such." I am just nodding and rubbing his back with my hands to make him feel safe."Shhhh...." I said to make him quiet and to somehow control his hiccups-- I don't want to see nor hear him crying. 

"It will be okay.. It will be okay." I continuously said as I hear him lessening his hiccups and slowly falling asleep. I went to the bench for him to rest and forget about his problems. His head fell in my shoulder and I placed my right hand to his right shoulder so he won't fall. I looked at him and then smiled; I love the way he looks when he is sleeping. 





I woke up by the strike of the sun in my eyes so I covered it with my hand. I looked at my watch: It's already 2PM. I realized I skipped two classes, same with the man whom I rested my head to his shoulder.

He wasn't looking at me, but he did when I tilted my head to look at him. "Already awake?" he asked as he flashed a very bright smile. I sat straight and then nodded. "Good." he replied.



"You know what," he said and I looked at him. "You deserve someone better." he smiled without looking at me.

"I'll only leave you when you're not dumb enough." I said jokingly and chuckled. "Chelle, I'm serious." he said in a calm tone and looked straight at me.

My smile turned into a straight face. "Are you asking me to leave you?" I didn't wait for his reply, "No, Jackson. I just... I just couldn't. I am not expecting anything in return.. It's fine."



"Are you sure?"
"Maybe yes," I answered.

"Maybe isn't sure." he hissed but then smiled at me. "Thanks for being there for me even though I'm such a jerk." 


I wish you aren't saying thank you but instead, you'll return it with an I love you.





By 2:30, when classes are dismissed, I texted Jr. to meet me at the school grounds so I could give him our article. He replied that I should leave it in the club room. I went to the faculty to ask a teacher for the key. When I got it, I went straightly to the room and left it.

"What are you doing here?" a voice from behind asked. I looked at him, "Maybe submitting the article we made?"



BamBam was on the door, looking at me while carrying his black bag with a smirk.

"You going home after this?" he asked, flashing his teeth. "Maybe?"

"Let's go then." I've thought of my plans for today and it turns out that I have none, so I agreed to be with him for the day again. 


If you think I like him or something... Maybe yes, in a friendly way. I find him less annoying than before now. I just realized that he's kind and he's not even boastful. I should've knew him first before judging.



"So, what do you like?" he asked while we are walking.
"Like what?" I responded with a question.
"Activities.. Or maybe your favorite place to eat or spend time."
I shook my head. "Really? Are you even enjoying your life?" he said while laughing. This guy thinks I am happy as hell. No, Kunpimook guy.



"Let's go somewhere then." he smiled at me and pulled me again. He's so enthustiastic in the inside, but he can't show it properly because he is so shy on the outside. 


We reached the cafe where we both met before. He told me he has been here since he knew, and this place is the perfect place to go whenever you have mood swings.
"I'll treat you something since it's your first time to be here." he declared as he walk through the counter to order something.
He came back with two cups of coffee and two plates of a small pizza. As he placed the tray in our table, he looked at me and smiled after he finally sat. "Don't you like these kinds of places?" he asked. I shook my head. "Seriously? What do you like then?"


"I am not into places like this. Convenience stores, maybe? And some apartment of.. a friend."
"How good is her house for you to like that much?" he said before biting the slice of pizza. I giggled for a moment since he addressed Jackson as a her, and I imagined Jackson doing girly things. Oh well.

"Maybe I like the person himself." I sipped the coffee. "And it's a he." I added. I don't really know, but it tastes like milkshake. It shares the same taste with something which I can't remember.

"You like a person?" he started to look weird. "Really?" he said as he bursted out in laughter. Some people are looking at him like he was a psychopath or something. So do I. 
"Didn't you ask that question to me before?" I said with an insulted look. Why is he laughing? What is funny about liking someone?



"No. no. no. Nothing." he said while giving small laughs and drying up tears from his eyes. I feel somehow insulted.

"Don't you like someone?" I asked.
"Hmmm," My question made him think. He placed his hand under his chin.  "I am interested to someone right now." he smiled. I see.


"How do you feel?" 
"Feel for?" 
"For her."


"I just like her. I think there are still thing beneath her that I should know or perhaps, I want to know. She looks like she needs help."

"Need help?" I repeated. "Everyone can stand by themselves." I chuckled with a brow raised and then rolled my eyes at him. "Your logic is pure ," I whispered.

"How can you say so?" I can't believe he heard what I said.
"Who will dye his hair pink in the top?" 


"Who is judging a person's logic based on his hair color?" 
"I am not judging you," I defended.
"Then what?"


for a moment, there was silence between us.

"It's just... It's not judging. Okay?"
He chuckled, "Now you're defending yourself too much." I just rolled my eyes at him so our conversation will end.


We've talked about things and finished by 5:00PM. He's so talkative and he likes things. I found out that he raps sometimes and he makes songs. This guy is purely amazing!


"Guess this should be goodbye?" I said as we walked out the door.
"I hate good byes," he sighed. "Anyways, I'd like to send you home."
"What? No!" I protested.
"I don't wanna seem like a reckless man. I'm a gentleman," he laughed and it left me with no choice. I can't see something bad about him sending me into my house. Well, it's actually a little nice for an acquaintance to do.



"Okay we're here woohoo byebye." I said in a bored tone the moment we reached my place.
"You must be a big family, your house is huge." he said, looking up at the top of our house.
"Yeah," I just agreed.


"Guess I'll leave you here?"  he said with a hesitated tone.
"Yeah," I smiled at him. He's actually better than I expected. "Good bye." I waved.
"I told you I hate good byes but yeah," he messed my hair and waved goodbye as he is running through the sidewalk. This guy is so cheerful, we aren't compatible. I'm sad as hell.


I want to know him better.

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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^