IX. L(onging for love)

Black Eyeliner


I can't believe that the following days seem bipolar. After sweet talks, he'll go normal again in few seconds. I still have doubts if his feelings were real; I don't even know why I don't care less when his feelings won't affect my feelings for him.
Maybe because for a second, he was a friend. I am afraid that those feelings will affect something about our current relationship. For now, I assume everything is normal and runs on how it is supposed to.



"Come on," he said, continuously pressing the left click of my laptop mouse. I guess he was hurrying and it lagged.

"Easy boy," I said, playing with my phone while lying on my bed; relaxed. I am wearing a comfortable sweater and home shorts. He was in charge of everything today, but all the softwares are on my laptop so he needs to be here.



He looked at me, shook his head fast as if what I said was hilarious and focused on the computer again.

"Come on," he said then looked at me. "Let's trade places!" he said, whining. I put down my phone and looked at him with a smirk, slowly nodding. His brows became close to each other for a moment until it turned to a smile.


"Hey Pinky," I said with a bored tone. "Can you finish them all? Please?" I said, trying to convince him by overpowering him with my cuteness. "Please?" I asked and added more cuteness. He was just staring at me blankly. I really hope this would work. I feel all stressed out (or maybe I was just too lazy).

After that cuteness and staring session, I finally made him agree. "Gaaaah, Fine!" he shouted calmly, messing his hair in frustration. I curved a smile in my lips; a cheerful one.

It was already 10PM when we finished the entire layout of the Journal book. It was ready to print. The only thing we need to do is to photocopy my polaroids and attach them to the final Journal books, and wait for it to be sold. We'll be handing out 100 on-hand copies, and the rest will be pre-ordered. I can't deny it looks so professional.

"Shall you stay?" I asked him when he was about to stand up. He looked at his wrist watch. He shrugged his shoulders when he turned around me and smiled. "Maybe."


He was still in uniform so I asked him to change. I allowed him to use my Father's clothes for the meantime.

He entered my room. It felt unusual because I really can't imagine if dirty things would happen. No, he's just my friend. I am not just used being alone with boys in a room. For a while, I was looking at him.


"Hungry," he murmured while touching his stomach in a circular movement. He was beside me and we were watching a movie. "Mind to cook?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Dang," I said. "Come on, it's 11PM already and I feel lazy!" I whined. His brows became close to each other and he rolled his eyes before he looked at me again.

I raised my phone and we both smiled at each other. "Order a pizza!" we both yelled at each other's faces like kids who just bought new toys.


We dialed the nearest pizza store that's open 24/7 in my area. In 25 minutes, it arrived. We just order 2 boxes of pizza; we are heavy eaters and I believe we can finish this.

For a second, we transferred to the living room since it's only the two of us. My parents never came home. Maybe they did, but only for a second. They were still doing work. I've never felt so lively until today when BamBam visited my house. I suddenly felt loved; felt that I am not alone.

"Where are your parents?" he asked, still looking at the TV and biting a slice of pizza.
I shook my head. he raised the brow visible to my side since I think he saw my answer in the corner of his eye.
"Why?" I sighed after he asked, thinking if I should open up or not. I closed my eyes for a moment and answered, "Too busy for work?" I indirectly answered. I really don't wanna face the truth. That's my number one problem in life.



"No one is too busy for someone day love," he looked at me for a second after he smile. It brang me down a little; but in a good way, perhaps. I don't want to answer him anymore.


"Well, I sometimes just imagine that they are here." I laughed, pissing myself in the inside. Not really pissing, I felt sad.

"Maybe I should come more often," we both giggled at his... joke? 



All of sudden, he stared at me. I raised a brow when I noticed it and asked, "What?"

"Maybe that's why you wear Eyeliner." maybe an idea of metaphor came into his mind again. I like how poetic his words are.




"You try to make your eyes look big." I was about to laugh on what he said. But instead, I just giggled. "That's the purpose of it!"


"Nah," he shrugged. "Mentally. Speaking in Metaphor, you want your eyes to have the illusion that they are big. Illusion that they can see everything; that they know everything, even though they really don't."


His words make me silent... as usual.






I want to apologize for the long wait and extremely short updates that the usual; I am really busy. As you can see, I am just 13 and as an 8th grader, final exams would be a big boulder to me ; - ; ((tries to act cute lol))


So yes, I promise to update a lot after this week. I feel guilty though since the real twist is starting now.






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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^