XV. (blank)

Black Eyeliner

I still see the both of them, but this week, I'm more of Jackson. It's been a week since Jackson and I's date, and things are working well in our party. Day by day, the glass that shows the answer in my question is getting clearer and clearer.



Even though Jackson is the one who I chose, we can't be together. He's in love with Aril, and nothing would change that. An event like that is forbidden for a lifetime. It was never a chance. 

Since I declined BamBam last week for Jackson, he agreed to reschedule our date next Sunday, which is today. Like Jackson and I's, it would also be a whole day activity. But our place is different-- it would be an Amusement Park. He told me he'll fetch me in our house by 9; it's already 8 and I am already ready. Truly, his ideas were innovative.


"Going somewhere?" My Mother asked while getting something in the fridge. I nodded. "Does it involve Jackson? So I could ask him to send you home." she is jumping into conclusions again.

"No," I shook my head. "Another guy friend." I added.


She eventually stopped what she is doing and looked at me with a fishy face. "Who is that?" 

"Mom," I sighed. "Not my boyfriend." I closed my eyes for a second for a relief.

Dad overheard the conversation and brought down the newspaper he's currently reading. "Our Chelle has a boyfriend?" My eyes widened and I shook my head in a fast motion in denial. He looked at me with a fishy look, slowly bringing up the newspaper to cover his face. Seriously, my family.


I told my parents that I'll be upstairs to fix things. I called Marianne after I sat down in my bed.

I heard a tick before a voice came. "Hello?" she introduced.


"Uh," I am thinking of what I am going to say until I remebered. "Yeah. I need your help." I sighed before telling her the story about me being confused on who to choose between BamBam and Jackson.

"Well," she gave a long pause. "Guess we should talk about that tomorrow?" she sound busy. "Okay then. 2:30, after classes." I hung the phone up.


I rested for a while until I can hear the voice of my Mom downstairs, calling my name. It's already 9:15. I didn't notice the time. "BamBam is here!" she shouted, and it made me sit from laying down. How did she know?

I hurriedly went down, and my instincts were right. He's having a casual talk with my parents until they all saw me and looked at me. My dad pat his shoulder and Mom gave a smile on me. Mom came near me and whispered,

"You should've told us about him before!" she happily giggled. "Such a cute and respectful kid." she whispered, sealed her hand, looking really pleased. Mom.


"We're going," I kissed the cheeks of my mom and gave a hug to my dad before letting BamBam me. I playfully locked my arms to his, jumping like a kid while walking. BamBam gave me a look, which I noticed. Most likely, he was was shocked about what I did; he smiled after anyways. I gave one final glimpse to my parents at the back to check their reactions, and I see them making jokingly eerie smiles. Except dad though; he's Jackson biased.


 He looked clear and elegant today. He's wearing a simple shirt that depicts the blue-green shade of Perry the Platypus, matched with a grey hoodie he's currently carrying in his shoulder. He's wearing plaid shorts together with a greyish blue sneakers. Pretty casual.


I felt shy so I loosened my cling on him. "Why?" he asked. I shrugged, "Awkward." and slightly laughed. He pouted.


"We'll use the train," he said, buying two train tickets and giving one on me. He pointed himself, "Doesn't own a car." he laughed and walked few steps ahead of me while a hand is on his pocket, leaving the other hand that holds the ticket.


We entered the station at the same time, waiting for a train to come. "I ride the same train to go home. It takes a few minutes. It's really hard for me to adjust and move on though."


Was it just me, or what he said has two meanings?


I just smiled.


"Glad this station is somehow near from your house. I can always visit you." he jokingly said. Of course, I laughed. But it really looked like it was something serious.


It was a little crowded in the station and yet no train is coming. I see people moving back, and I took the chance to look at the direction where the train was supposed to come. BamBam placed his hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "Be careful. Haven't you ride one? When they're moving back, it means that the train is coming." He pointed his other hand to a line of tiles that has a different color. "If the train is coming, don't step on that line."


"Know your limits." he said before the door of the train opened in front of us.


And now, I've got the feeling that he knew about the date last week.


Not long until we arrived to the station where the amusement park is. We took a taxi after, leading us to a very beautiful place. It's only 10AM so the place isn't that crowded. We bought all-you-can tickets since we'll be spending the whole day here. It was pretty expensive, but I'm sure we'll have fun here.


Our first ride was of course, the immortal Roller Coaster. There are already people in there. I told BamBam to throw the paper handle of the Frappe we just ate, making me seat first. 

Unfortunately, A girl sat beside me. One row consists of three persons, making BamBam return and sit beside the girl. It was still fulling passengers. I looked at him with a disappointed look. How am I supposed to enjoy this with a girl dividing us?


"Uh excuse me," he touched the girl's shoulder using the tip of his index finger, driving the attention in him. From my view, I can see the girl's cheeks go up. She is smiling at him. "Can you move?" he brushed his bangs up. "I'm with that girl." the girl looked at me with disappointment, leaving her with no choice but to move. "Oh, yes. I could see. Sure!" with a smile she said, going out the ride and letting BamBam in first. He leaned closer to my ears, whispering, "Sorry," before putting that black safety thing. 



When it was slowly moving, I can feel him searching for my hand. A successful smile curved my lips. When he finally found it, he lightly held it, tightening it as the movement of the ride goes faster.


When the ride was at its , the highest point of the coaster, everybody was holding the person with them. Some are screaming, some are shouting "I love you!". We're somewhere in front, and I can feel our chair going down. I held tight, scared, and looked down before everyone completely screamed.


We raised our hands in the midair to enjoy the fast breeze of wind. We're still holding hands. I looked with a smirk at the girl who is beside BamBam. She's looking away with her arms crossed. 


I am not even sorry. 


We did a lot of activities. So far, haunted house was the best! Screaming BamBam is definitely the gayest I've ever encountered. We also enjoyed the boat thing that goes back and forth. We also tried that thing where fishes will clean your feet. It was so tickling he needs to hold me so I wouldn't always jump off.


By 2PM, he said that I look hungry and suggested to eat lunch. It wasn't actually a suggestion. I tried to say no and he was all like, "Do you want to be as thin as paper?!"


"You look beautiful today," he suddenly said, which caught my attention. I noticed that he stopped eating his food minutes ago. He placed his hand in the table to support his chin while staring at me. Completely uncomfortable. "You always do." I raised a brow and showed him an angry pout to make it seem like everything is normal, and I am not affected of what he just said. For a reason, he isn't creepy as hell.


It was already 7 when he asked me if we should go home. "One last ride," I said, driving my look to the ferris wheel. The sunset was already done by this early of course, so the lights of the park were already on. "Beautiful." I said to myself.


He was already rubbing his eyes in line, but I could see his effort to try to join me and not let me see him rubbing his eyes. He must be an early sleeper.


"It would be only the two of us," he said to the operator, not letting the two girls join us. One slot could contain 4 people. This guy.


Instead of sitting on the opposite side, he sat next to me. The slot where we belong is the 2nd to the last slot empty, so it started to move seconds right after we sat. He leaned to my shoulder and locked his arms on mine so tight. "Hey," I shook the arm that he was clinging on to. "Transfer on the other side, this would be an imbalance." I added.


A plain smile was formed. "Afraid of falling? We'd fall together." I already felt the same weird sensation. An endemic feeling I could only feel with him.


"I really hope one day, life would be this slot of the ferris wheel. You won't be afraid to fall 'cause you know we'd be together. You know I'd always catch you." it stopped 2 slots near the topmost. I could see the city lights. Autumn nights.


"Hope we'd fall in love together in each other." he paused. "I already did, you're the one to wait for." it started moving slowly. And at the exact point where we are on the topmost, he whispered. "Park Chae Rim, you're my abiding rhapsody." he finally said.


It was indeed a good yet tiring day. We rode the train back since he was going the same way. His house was 4 stations away from the station where my house is, so we'd still be going to the same direction.


When it was my time to go down the train, I was surprised that he followed me. "What?" I turned back to him and ask. "One last glimpse?" he said and the train went.


"At least you didn't. Maybe at least today," he said with a sad look. He wore his grey hoodie, feeling the chills. "Good night." he kissed my forehead before hugging me so tight. When he loosened his hug, exactly, the train moved. I smiled at him and hugged back before walking.


I stopped, turned back and asked, "The train left you. What are you gonna do?" I slightly yelled, since he wasn't that far from me.


"Wait for it, perhaps?" he showed me a half-smile, drove awak his look from me to the scenery of the train. This would be a good photo, but I haven't brought my camera.


This would be a good love story, but I don't know if he really is the one I love.







LMAO just kidding. This would be the 2nd to the last chapter (excluding the veeeeeeery long epilogue lol) so it was this long. The last two chapters (Last chapter and Epilogue) would be veeeeeeery long so get ready lol


I would also like to thank you for supporting this story *cries crystals*!!!!


Please support the next story, 24 rotations of the wheelchair, too. That would be the next story after I finished Black Eyeliner. It would be posted on the 25th of March, and guess who'll be the lead guy. :--------)


It'll be from EXO. He's my nampyeon ;A;



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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^