VII. Y(earning for your love)

Black Eyeliner


As we were watching the Movie, his question seem to bother me. He'd ask me what's wrong, and I won't answer. It just made me think.



By morning, I woke up by the smell of the food in the kitchen. I am lying in the sofa where I was sitted last night. 
I swear, I found his kitchen easily because of the smell of his cooking. I can't deny it's really good. He'll be a good cook someday.

"Hey," he said as he heard my footsteps, not looking at me. "Breakfast?" he faced me to place what he cooked in the table. I nodded and started eating even though it's a little hot.


"There'll be a club meeting today, so after eating we'll go to your house so you could change your clothes." I realized I was still in my uniform.

After eating, we headed to my house. I took a bath and changed to Sunday clothes so it'll be comfortable. By 11AM, we headed to Jr.'s house which is near my place. I saw the members waiting for us two.

After that, we talked about making pairs for the extra slambook journal we'll make. It will be about anything as a human; likes, dislikes, etc. They say it'll be sold for the project about feeding hungry kids. I found it a great idea so I'll be working hard for this.
I picked BamBam as a partner as usual, since we've been already friends for a month. I still consider him as an acquaintance though.
I also found out that he's Thai. It's not really obvious, since he looks Korean. 



"Creative Designing, huh?" he uttered while we are walking. The meeting was good for three hours, and since I am the photographer, BamBam will be the one who'll think of picture ideas and Journal Quotes. I don't know.

"Any picture ideas?"
"How about let's go Vintage?" most of the girls will like it, so I guess his idea will work.
I nodded while thinking.

"Let's start today? We have a lot of time."
"Maybe later when the sunset comes. Let's make short poems for pages today."


When we reached my place, we entered my room. I opened the dimmed lights and sat on my computer.

"I never let anyone enter my room," I shared.
"How about me?"
"You're the first one." I giggled.


He was looking around my room with an amazed expression.

"You really like pictures, do you?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said while fixing my Polaroid and Pentax camera and checking if my Pentax is still in comdition.

"Polaroids everywhere," he said before laughing shortly.
"Let's take a picture of you," I said and didn't wait for his answer and took a picture of him that made him laugh in cute shockness.

I looked at the picture that I took of him. It looks fine. He was sitting on my bed and looking at the polaroid films that was around him. There were some polaroids of sceneries behind him that made it look more vintage.

"Unfair!" he whined calmly. "Let me take a picture of you, too." he stretched his arm, waiting for me to give the camera.

"Wait!" I said and ran to my cabinet to get an eyeliner. "I'll apply this." I said as I raised the Eyeliner I am holding.



I faced the mirror as I was carefully applying the eyeliner.

"Eyeliner?" he said with a brow raised as I can see him from the large mirror I am facing. 
"For what?" he continued.
"Bigger eyes?" 


He laughed with an insult in his face. I raised the brow where I finished applying the eyeliner. "Why?"

"I don't know, maybe because you're fooling yourself that you have big eyes. You can't even see how much you gave for him that you left nothing for yourself." he crossed hid arms after saying that. For some reasons, I don't find it insulting.

"And?" I was waiting for more.


"Say, how much do you love pictures?" he asked. 
"So much. I can say that it's equivalent to my love for Jackson," I replied.
"Really? You value each one?" he said with an unbelievable tone.
"Yeah. So much." I answered.
"Then," he said before breathing out heavily. His tone became a serious one.



"Love me like one of your photographs."


"What?" is he confessing?


"What I said was clear, missy. Love me like one of your photographs. Because I love you as much as you love them."

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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^