VIII. E(ngraved wound)

Black Eyeliner


It's been weeks since his confession. After that day, everything returned to normal. It's not that I am waiting for something, but I am doubting if it was even serious. Maybe he was craving for my happiness or something. Why would he?


I still wouldn't believe 'til he say it clearly. What he did was just surprising and hilarious; unbelievable. Like why? Maybe his love was a friendly one, but why would he say that in a serious tone? Aside from that, how did he fall in love that fast?

I just snapped out of my thougts when I realized that I am alone in my table while everyone is going out for lunch. Why am I stressing myself to his sentence? I mean, nothing would change whether his love for me is in a romantic way nor friendly. I still love Jackson no matter what. I just don't want to leave him in this kind of situation. We aren't seeing each other as often as before though. Maybe Aril knew how to value him already. I suddenly remembered the Playground scene.


I visited the rooftop (I always do this when it's my free time. Thanks to BamBam.) to relax. There's no people in there, so I decided to sleep.

"Hey," a familiar voice spoke. "What?" I asked, brushing my messy hair.

"How are you? I missed you." I felt my heart skipped a beat as he flash his smile after saying those words. Seriously though, why?!

"I-I'm fine." I said with a nervous tone. I tried to hide the uncomfortableness I felt as much as I could.

Good thing he just smiled back at me and hopefully, didn't notice how awkward I am. Whenever I see him, his words randomly utter in my mind. I don't really know how. It haunts me really hard.

The bell rang when he was about to tell me something. "See you later, then." he whispered in a cute way as he left first. He left me hanging in the rooftop.

Time by time he gets creepier.






I may feel awkward whenever I'm with him, but it's not like I don't spend time with him. In fact, I'm usually with him and he goes to my house sometimes for capturing photos of I don't know.. weird things?

It's Sunday today and we decided to meet to a cafe. It's the same cafe where we first met, too.

"Not treating you this time," he jokingly said as he stuck out his tongue and winked at me playfully. I can't believe I'll be friends with this Thai weirdo.


Just kidding.


In the end, he bought me food since I threatened him that I'll leave if he won't. Oh well.


"I missed you." he randomly said while we are eating. I raised a brow after and chuckled, because I am not sure if that was serious or he was joking around.


"No, seriously. I missed you." his tone became a little bit serious, giving me wild palpitations. 


"What do you want me to do?" I frankly said to look like I am not affected.


He gave out a deep sigh, dropping the utensils he is holding to the plate. It made a sound that caught my attention and brang it to BamBam's eyes. He never acted like that; or perhaps, in front of me.


"Why are you acting like that?" he asked, sounded like he is annoyed.
"What?" I said, trying to sound innocent and like I am not aware of how I act.



"You're being too harsh on your words," a warning tone signaled.
"I am like this ever since we met." I rolled my eyes.
"No," he responded together with a shook of head. "I know you." my eyes widened by his words.



"You know, in case you're being like that because of what I said few weeks ago, you should stop. I always mean my words. And when I tell you I love you, I really love you. I love you in a romantic way. I believe it is more than what you think."


I felt my jaw dropped.





Hello. Sorry for the extremely short updates ((even though they were meant to be like that)), I am really busy in my personal life today (not to mention it'll be exam week next week ;A;)


NO, I am not saying that I won't update. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But here's the favor I'd ask you:




As an author, comments are the most stress-relieving thing that I'd like to receive. Upvotes are fine, but isn't it fun to read how your readers think about your story? I mean their feels. A simple "OMG!! Sfdsfdsfdsf" would do. ((Please make it meaningful though))


Yep, I'd finish this sooner or later if you'll comment a lot. I don't know, it is some sort of motivation for me.



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Hi guys!! I have a new story entitled, "24 Signs Of Autumn". I really hope you'd read it too! Thank you so much!


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Chapter 17: Finished it in a few hours.
this is my first time reading this kind of storyline and whoa........♡ xD
Authornim, no sequel?:(
baeekhyunnie #2
Chapter 17: Great story! Yet so sad ;;;;;
Nice story ;) I enjoyed reading it
70V3LY #4
Chapter 17: Great epilogue! Poor Jackson </3
70V3LY #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!!!!!!!! My heart is beating just as fast!!!!!!!! Beautiful ending!!!!!!!!! I loved all the creativity you put it. Jr and the friend's advices were on point and the last scene was extremely cute!!!!!! Thank you for a wonderful story! <3 :)
70V3LY #6
Chapter 15: OMG BamBam, just come to me! T___T LOL!!!!! He's such a sweetheart <3
70V3LY #7
Chapter 14: OMG. My feels. A mixture of sweetness and sadness lol!
70V3LY #8
Chapter 13: "I might fall.. in the river. or maybe I might fall.. in love deeper with him." <---- so poetic! My favorite part! <3
70V3LY #9
Chapter 12: OMG. Here it goes again! Love BamBam! ^__^