
The scent of fame

After meeting abujji, I drove to my aparment back. On the way, I saw Minseok at the soju stall behind the street. What was he doing there? Don't he realised that he's an idol? Was he crazy for revealing himself to the public with this kind of image? What will people say if our new drama is released?

Top model Dayoung acting with a looser and makes her a looser too?

Hot Topic of the day! DIVA Dayoung kiss a drunken man in their new drama!

No! I can't let things like that happened! I rushed out of the car and walked towards Minseok while covering my face with the furry hoodie I wore. I approached him and tap his shoulder harshly with my eyes looking to the surrounding. 

I suddenly felt a wet feeling on my finger. I took a look to Minseok and surprisingly he was eating my finger. I pulled my finger and pushed him strongly until he fell on the floor . We caught some attention there.

"Is that Minseok? The actor that being casted in the new drama with Dayoung?"

"That's Dayoung, right? Dayoung-ah! Oppa is right here!"

I quickly pulled Minseok's hand to help him stand and brought him into the car. In the car, I nag him with all my might but then I realised that he was sleeping! ERGH! This is not a superstar's job to bring this man to his house! Wait. I don't know where his house was located! Eotteokhae? I wanted to elbow him to wake him up but I'm scared that he will eat my elbow. Sighing, I brought him into my apartment. I let him down on my sofa and sat with relief.

"Yah! Why you're so heavy? You should thank me for all my sacrifation!" I nagged.

I opened his sweater and realised that his phone was in his pocket. A bad plan apperared in my head as I checked his messages. I smiled like crazy searching for his girlfriend's number but there isn't any girl's number in his contacs. I found a number which he frequently call. 

The person's name is Xiumin and his contact picture was Minseok's photo. Maybe this was his girlfriend. I called the number and prepared a script to make that girl jealous.

The script sound like ' Hello? Are you Minseok OPPA's relative? Sorry but he is going to sleep in my house tonight because he is drunk.I will take care on him well.' The imagination of my script flattered when the person named Xiumin answered the call and he's a boy. What an epic fail of Park Dayoung.

"Hello. hyung. What's the matter?" he asked.

"Hey. I'm not your hyung or whatsoever. Come and pick him at my apartment. Kpop Apartment, house number 126." I said.

"I'm on my way. Thanks miss" he sounds worried.

Suddenly, my house bell rang. Was that Minseok's younger brother? He was quite fast. Maybe he was very worried about his hyung huh? I opened the door and saw Minseok in the front door, looking worried. Wait. Minseok was sleeping on the sofa while another Minseok appeared on the front door? What was all this thing about??

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12thJanuary #1
Chapter 8: oh. my. god. what. did. i. just. read.

sorry you might think i'm a crazystupidweird
but yeah just gonna say this-
Chapter 16: Cute story! You had sooo much good ideas, but I think you could have portrayed them better though :p
alfxshn #3
Chapter 16: awwew ended alrdy. it was a cute story tho. anyway,keep on the good work authornim. pls write a lot of fanfics too. N MAKE IT LONG hahaha xD
vantage96 #4
yeah!! hot stuff bah...congrats.. had fun reading it!!
Reader2 #5
Chapter 15: This is a really interesting story can't wait to see what is happening next!!
fren123 #6
Chapter 14: OMG ~ the GIF are just adorable ! im cant concentrate reading the story! i keep staring at it ~ hahahaha
alfxshn #7
Chapter 13: odg pls pls pls i wanna know what happen after tht u o u
alfxshn #8
Chapter 11: ODG ITS SO FREAKING CUTE. n the pictures tht u put r also cute. i mean the xiumin-minseok feels OTL. waiting for ur next update ♡♡
fren123 #9
Chapter 9: OMG ! Talking about chubby cheeks reminds me of the time when he did the Gwiyomi dance in EXO Showtime :3
So cute !! :3
Can't wait for the next update!
Great fics btw :)
Hwaiting ! <3