
The scent of fame

Minseok drove me to a classy restaurant.

“What are we going to do here?” I asked.

“I am hungry.” He said.

What? I thought he wanted to calm me down or something. This was not the right thing to do. I don’t have any appetite.

“Where are you going?” Minseok asked after seeing me walking away from him.

“I’m going home! Can’t you tell? Bye!” I started to shout as my legs bringing me further from him.

“Aren’t you hungry?” He asked, tightening his jacket to his body. Maybe he felt cold.

“I am not”

Wait, am I hungry? Yeah. Maybe a little. No! I am really hungry! I made a U-turn and walked back to him as I saw him giggling.

“What?” I asked, getting annoyed.

“I thought you wanted to go back home.” He said, grinning.

“I’m just accompanying you. You will look so pity eating by your own. I don’t want my friend to look pity in front of the others. My reputation will damage” I explained half-heartedly.

“Stop talking. I’m hungry. Kaja!” He said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Was he even listening to me?

We entered the restaurant and he st on a chair. I just stood there, watching the table.

“Ya, don’t just stand there. Sit.” Minseok said.

“Pull the chair for me,” I said. Why was I behaving this way? I don’t know. I think people were staring.

“Okay, okay. Just for today.” He said and obediently pulled the chair for me and sat back on his seat.

The waiter came and he ordered his foods. I only asked for mushroom soup and warm water. Minseok  stared at me in disbelief.

“What? Don’t look at me like that. I know I’m beautiful,” I said, not in the mood.

“It’s not that. I just can’t believe what you have ordered.” He said.

The food came and we ate together. Minseok realized that I kept on staring at his foods and laughed.

“Aish. Shikkuro (shut up). Why are you laughing so sudden?” I asked, while my eyes still staring at his foods.

“Here.” He said, cutting some part of his lamb chop and gave it to me.

“Argh. I’m lazy. Feed me.” I said, opening my mouth and pointed to it.

“Wae?? “

“You’re my slave today. Ppali. I’m hungry” I said, still pointing to my wide-open mouth.

He ended up feeding me and brought me back to our apartment.

I changed my attire to comfortable ones and felt boring. I wanted to make some hot drinks but I’m too lazy. Suddenly an idea popped up from my mind. I picked up my phone and called someone.

“Yeobuseyo?” The caller answered.

“Minseok-ah! I’ve a really big problem!! Come here right now! WAAAAAAAA!!! Aish!!” I pretended.

“Dayoung-ah? Gwenchana? Okay2. I’ll be in a minute.” Minseok said, sounded really nervous.

I told him my house pass code and he entered my house. Seeing me laying on my stomach with hands spreading out of the sofa, he approached me and shaked my back.

“Dayoung-ah. What happened? Are you still alive? Hey. Wake up.” He said, still shaking my back.

“Minseok-ah. I am suffering from a laziness disease. A hot drink will do. Go and make some for me.” I said, pointing lazily to the kitchen.

“M..Mwo?! I thought you fell down or tripped or something. I should have known.” He said, sighing but still going to the kitchen to make some drink for me. I knew it. Oh yeah.

“Dayoung-ah! What hot drinks are you saying? There Isn’t any!” Minseok shouted from the kitchen. Aish. He really liked to shout isn’t he?

“Mmm? The one in the blue container.. “ I said, pointing randomly at the kitchen. I buried my face in the sofa.

“Milk?” Minseok asked.

“Mmm..” My face still buried in the sofa.

“Why don’t you have coffee or something?” Minseok asked, opening each and every cabinet.

“Coffees are bitter,” I answered, burying back my face into the sofa.

“You have nothing except for instant noodles?” He asked again.

“Aish. Just make the milk and gave it to me okay?” I answered, slightly annoyed.

“Yaah.. I thought I heard someone said that she have balanced diet to maintain her beauty and health.” Minseok said sarcastically while handling the cup for me.

“Well, that’s what you see. I’m naturally beautiful..” I answered, sat down and slurping the milk.

We both talked about random things and the topic turned to be appa’s topic. I hate to talk about that but I really need to find the solutions within this two days. Minseok said that he would help but I refused by saying that I’m not as weak as he thought. He said that I should tell abujji about this and I agreed to do so. Our conversation then turned into silence.

“Hey, do you know Xiumin had a hansome friend named Luhan?” I asked. I was trying to dig slowly whether Minseok had the same feeling to me too. I mean, maybe he likes me. Me? Of course I’m not in love with Minseok. I was just checking okay?

“Yeah. Luhan is our best friend. We always play soccer together.” Minseok explained.

There’s no sign of jealousy? I’ll try harder.

“He is veeeeeery handsome ohmygod! I never see someone like him before! The moment I saw him, it felt like the clock stopped ticking and my heart stopped pounding! He is kind, and charming and TALL!  You know what? He is my fan too!! See how lucky I am? What made me burst in excitement is he is from EXO! EXO Oh my!!! He is a little afraid of height but why so cute?” I blabber exaggeratedly with overload facial expressions.

Minseok looked at me blankly while nodding.

“What do you think?” I asked, ending my words.

“Hmm. Yeah” Minseok answered.

“What yeah? Were you even listening? Is that your only reaction after lots of words I spoke? It felt just like all my words disappeared when you only respond was ‘yeah’.” I nagged.

“Well, you already said everything about him. I have nothing to say anymore. Now your laziness disease seemed to cure quite fast as I can see you talked endlessly. Can I go back home now? I’m tired.” He said.

“Just go. I don’t need you anymore.” I said, folding my arms across my chest and ran my face away from him.

“Call me if you need me back.”

“Never in my dreams.”

“Okay then.”

He walked out and closed the door. Was he jealous or he was really tired? I hope he was jealous. What the heck happened to me?


























I think there's too much dialogue in this chapter. I hope you don't get confuse on who is talking. Thanks for reading. Do comment and subscribe.

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12thJanuary #1
Chapter 8: oh. my. god. what. did. i. just. read.

sorry you might think i'm a crazystupidweird
but yeah just gonna say this-
Chapter 16: Cute story! You had sooo much good ideas, but I think you could have portrayed them better though :p
alfxshn #3
Chapter 16: awwew ended alrdy. it was a cute story tho. anyway,keep on the good work authornim. pls write a lot of fanfics too. N MAKE IT LONG hahaha xD
vantage96 #4
yeah!! hot stuff bah...congrats.. had fun reading it!!
Reader2 #5
Chapter 15: This is a really interesting story can't wait to see what is happening next!!
fren123 #6
Chapter 14: OMG ~ the GIF are just adorable ! im cant concentrate reading the story! i keep staring at it ~ hahahaha
alfxshn #7
Chapter 13: odg pls pls pls i wanna know what happen after tht u o u
alfxshn #8
Chapter 11: ODG ITS SO FREAKING CUTE. n the pictures tht u put r also cute. i mean the xiumin-minseok feels OTL. waiting for ur next update ♡♡
fren123 #9
Chapter 9: OMG ! Talking about chubby cheeks reminds me of the time when he did the Gwiyomi dance in EXO Showtime :3
So cute !! :3
Can't wait for the next update!
Great fics btw :)
Hwaiting ! <3