
The scent of fame

Appa called and he wanted to meet me today. I asked Amber to accompany me so that she can stop me from making appa a punching bag but Amber was busy with her dance practice and all. Xiumin and Luhan were also busy with their photo shoots and I only have Shindong and Minseok right now.

I wanted someone who looked elegant, classy and vogue to accompany me so Shindong was absolutely out of the list. I ran to the balcony and shouted Minseok’s name. I knew he would be at home at that time.

“Minseok-ah..” I yelled. No answers. Aish, this man. What was he doing in there?

“Minseok-ah~ Fat, dumb, pabo, short!” I sang happily but still, no answers.

Aish, he really wants me to say those words? So embarrassing! My pride will be damaged!

“Yah! Kim Minseok! Handsome! Cute! Charming! Yuck.” I yelled, lowering my tone on the last word.

“You are calling for me?” He suddenly peeped out of his sliding door with his eye smile.

Huh. You're satisfied huh?

“Yah fatty, I need your help.” I said, blowing my hair out of my sight and folding my arms across my chest.

His peeping head suddenly disappeared from my sight, leaving me behind.

“Yah! This is not the time to play. It is a serious matter upon my appa! You must help me!! Minseok-ah, jaebal! Come out now! “

He came out with a serious face and say “Saying ‘please’ would be nice”.

“Please would be nice. Okay. Now change to a smarter appeal like tux or something and let’s go settle things with my appa. I will be waiting on your front door. Be fast. Bye!” I sarcastically said and rushed to my room, getting prepared.

I dressed into a red dress falling slightly above my knees, a pair of leather boot shoes, furry jacket and not missing a jacket to keep me warm. Perfect.

I heard some knocks on the door and it was Minseok.

“Waiting me on my front door huh?” he sarcastically said. He was wearing a suit inside his long jacket.

“Whatever. I’m right here now. Kaja!” I said as he followed me from behind like my bodyguard. I like this feeling. It felt like someone was protecting me from every danger that comes.

On the way, I briefed him about how he should act in front of appa. It was something like my lawyer or obedient bodyguard or something like that. He said that he will look like a slave but I denied it even in my heart, I agreed with his statement.

We arrived at a café and I saw peoples were staring at us jaws-droppingly.  I smirked  and walked ahead appa’s place while Minseok pulled my chair for me to seat.

“What do you want?” I said to appa coldly, crossing my legs. Minseok sat straight beside me.

“Can I talk to you? Only you.” Appa said, gesturing his eyes towards Minseok.

“Nevermind. He is just my bodyguard. Don’t bother him anyway.” I said. I can feel Minseok kicking my leg. Please Minseok. Only this once.

“I don’t have much time. Be fast. I really need to go.” I said, slightly annoying.

“Really? You really want that old man to keep living his life in prison is it? You better listen carefully for what I am going to say or else-“

I stood up and clench my fist, ready to punch him. I hate it when he includes abujji in our business. Minseok also stood up and hold my wrist to stop me. I glanced at Minseok’s calm face (he must be acting) and pulled my hand off him. I can feel the other costumer’s eyes on me.

“Okay! Just say what you want!I’ll give you anything. Don’t hurt abujji okay?” I said, impatiently and sat down.

“Calm down my child. I only need money. I’m sure you can give me that. It is easy isn’t it?” He said.

“How much do you want?”

“About one million won within this two days.”


“Easy, I will just give you my account number and you put it in there.”

“I don’t recall me agreeing with you regarding the money.”

“So you’re saying you want that old man living in prison for his entire life huh? I can do that if you want me to. Just give me the money will you?!”

“But how can I get such amount of money within only 2 days? “

“Why is it so hard for you to give me that money? You are loaded aren’t you? Just give me and I will not bother you anymore! I don’t care how you will get the money?! I just want the money!”

I thought a little about that matter. Actually, Abujji’s company’s state was not in quite a good condition after he was being arrested.

 Many companies cut off their contract with abujji’s company and we almost went to bankrupt. I wonder how will I get such big amount of money but then I thought of a more important thing.

“Release abujji from prison first,” I said.

“I will think about that later-“

“Release.Abujji.From.PRISON!!” I slightly shouted while bringing my face near his. My heart really going to burst in rage. He was still playing around with this kind of  stuff?

Minseok hold my shoulders from my back to prevent me from doing anything further. I really want to choke him with the spoon I held. Be patient Dayoung. He was just being a bastard.

“The money and I will release your beloved abujji from prison. I don’t swear but by giving the money should be a nice option. Here is my account number and make sure, a million won before two days.” He smirked and get off his from the café, before leaving me and Minseok behind. On the table was a piece of folded paper with numbers.

I can feel my face was burning red of anger as I clenched my fists. 

I rushed to slap him but Minseok hold my arms instead.

“Let go.” I said, controlling my voice from shouting.

“I can't.” He said, calmly like his usual self.

“I said, LET GO!”

“Dayoung-ah. Let's don't making things become worst. Ill bring you to a better place. Come on".

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12thJanuary #1
Chapter 8: oh. my. god. what. did. i. just. read.

sorry you might think i'm a crazystupidweird
but yeah just gonna say this-
Chapter 16: Cute story! You had sooo much good ideas, but I think you could have portrayed them better though :p
alfxshn #3
Chapter 16: awwew ended alrdy. it was a cute story tho. anyway,keep on the good work authornim. pls write a lot of fanfics too. N MAKE IT LONG hahaha xD
vantage96 #4
yeah!! hot stuff bah...congrats.. had fun reading it!!
Reader2 #5
Chapter 15: This is a really interesting story can't wait to see what is happening next!!
fren123 #6
Chapter 14: OMG ~ the GIF are just adorable ! im cant concentrate reading the story! i keep staring at it ~ hahahaha
alfxshn #7
Chapter 13: odg pls pls pls i wanna know what happen after tht u o u
alfxshn #8
Chapter 11: ODG ITS SO FREAKING CUTE. n the pictures tht u put r also cute. i mean the xiumin-minseok feels OTL. waiting for ur next update ♡♡
fren123 #9
Chapter 9: OMG ! Talking about chubby cheeks reminds me of the time when he did the Gwiyomi dance in EXO Showtime :3
So cute !! :3
Can't wait for the next update!
Great fics btw :)
Hwaiting ! <3