Confessions (END)

The scent of fame

A got a phone call from the police station saying that abujji has been released from the prison. Appa was that scared of my threat huh?  Yeah! But somehow I felt a kind of pity with appa. He is my biological appa though. Yeah, a biological that would dump me.

I rushed to the police station and saw many reporters there. They saw my car and started approaching me. I walked across the crowd without answering any of their questions because I’m not in the mood.

I knew I sounded selfish but hey, blame my friends on ruining my moods. Well, they’re not my friends anymore. More to a monster. Or aliens.

I fetch abujji and we entered my car back. He insisted to drive so I let him. Maybe he missed the ‘driving feelings’ so much. Our ride was filled with random stories and all but I hold myself up to tell the Ghost Kid part. Well, I don’t want to look stupid and crazy in front of a person I really respect.

I realized that he didn’t bring me to his house but to a park.

“Abujji? To a park? At the time like this?” I asked abujji as the time showed 9pm.

“Just you wait and see,” Abujji said and bring me to a bench opposite a water fountain.

The lights around the park were very captivating at night. I sat down and saw Xiumin, Minseok and Shindong approaching us with their stern face. Xiumin and Minseok tried to make their face furious but I think they failed. They were cute all the time. Awww. Wait. I’m mad to them remember?

“Psh, what are you all doing here? Go away.” I said coldly.

“Dayoung-ah, I just can’t believe that you-“

“Okay okay! I pushed him but I gave him money anyways! Stop blaming me! Scold him for being so creepy! It was because of a goguma after all!” I yelled at Shindong’s words.

I walked away from them and rushed to the car. A goguma made friendship ruined. A great reason huh?

I searched for the car key but I remembered that it was with abujji. Aish! How am I supposed to go back there? I saw them scatter around, searching for me while Amber holding a cake. Wait. Since when that she arrived?  What was that cake for. What day is today? Oh no! It’s my birthday! I tried to recall back what Shindong said just now

Dayoung-ah, I just can’t believe that you..forgot your own birthday. Surprise!!!!”

Great. I just made myself ashamed without care to control my emotions. I walked out to a tall tree and hid there. A birthday surprise huh? I’ll let them tire up before coming out from this hiding place.

I can hear their shouts from this distance. The water fountain was just opposite my direction. I was not too far from the bench. They should find me easily.

“Dayoung-ah, mianhae!! What goguma are you talking about?”

Damn! I felt so ashamed!! Just forget about that thing!

“ Dayoung! I know youre somewhere around here! I’m so sorry for being harsh and rude!” Amber yelled.

“Dayoung! I want to eat the cake! Cut it so I can eat it!” Xiumin shouted.

Aish Xiumin. Always a heavy eater. Wait. Where’s Minseok? Why doesn’t he search for me? That lazy bum.

 Just then, I realized that it was getting colder and colder. Should I come out from this hiding place? Aish! It’s too cold!

I took a step out but suddenly a hand hugged me from the back. I can feel the warm breath of the person behind my ear. He was panting. I froze because of the shock.

“I waited for you to call me. Why didn’t you do so?” Said Minseok, whispering.

I turned my face facing him and let off his hand from my shoulder.

“I don’t want to hear your harassments like they do,” I said. Why did I say that?

“You know that was just a plan,” he said, pouting.

“I didn’t” I said, facing my face away from him and fold my arms across my chest. The real me would push him away and run but why am I acting like this?

“Mianhae okay?” He said, leaving the fog out from his mouth.

“For what?” I asked still facing away from him. Haha. I like this.

“For everything today.”

“Psh. That easily? Not my type.”

“Well, you know, you should apologize to me too.” He said, pulling my chin to face him.

“What? Why? I didn’t do anything wrong!” I said, losing my temper.

“You my lips and you said that it was just for our drama scene? Which part of our drama requires us to kiss like that huh? The scene did not even exist in the script.” He said. He sounded angry?

Oh no. Not this topic. Please not this thing! My eyes travelled to his lips at that time he said that. No! Stop eyes!

“My mind was some kind of crazy at that time okay? It’s not my fault though. Blame my brain for it! And.. I wouldn’t do it if you don’t look that cute at that time. It’s your fault too!” I looked him in his eyes.

“You just blame me for being cute? I just can't believe this! It’s your fault for kissing me without any proper reason.”

“If you don’t like it then it’s okay! I was my first kiss too!”

“Who said I didn’t like it?” He said. Wait it was getting tenser over here. Someone please kill my heart for beating this hard.

He’s a man though. Of course he liked such company from a girl. He didn’t like me. I’m pabo.

“I forgot you’re a man though. ert,” I said, hissing.

“No no no no. I don’t mean that kind of thing! Aish! Why is it so hard for you to understand? I.. I.. I like you. Arasso?” He said. Did he just turn into a tomato? Someone please bring a spotlight here so I can see it clearly.

I blinked my eyes in confusion. I like him too. He confessed to me!! Kim Minseok confessed to me!! Mygod!!!!! It’s the best day eeeeeverrrrrr!!!  Should I confessed to him too?

“ It’s okay if you didn’t like me. I’ll just eat gazillions of baozi and dies. I’m all prepared,” He said, pouting.

“Puhahahaha!! Pabo. I like you too. Really.”

“Cinca? Or you don’t want to be blamed if I dies eating so much amount of baozi?” He said.

Why was he keeping of bringing funny thing up? I have nothing to say anymore. I really like him but I don’t know how to show it to him. I looked at his face which is just inches away from mine and leaned forward.

I saw him blinking several times before swallowing his saliva and leaned closer to me too. I closed my eyes as I can feel his warm breath under my nose. His soft nose rubbed mine and his hands cupping my cheeks.

“Hey! I found them. OH! Wow. Sorry, just pretend that I’m not here.” Said Xiumin.

We pulled away our face in embarrassment. Why Xiumin always get on the way? Aish. It’s the second time already.

“Do you need any explanation?” I asked.

He just shook he head inoocently. Minseok just faced away from his twin to cover up his red cheeks.

“It’s not for our drama this time. Well, last time was not for our drama too actually. “ I said coolly.

“C..Cinca? Hyung was going to marry earlier than me! Huh!” Xiumin said, pulling my hand.

Wow. He was thinking about marriage that fast? I was just about to open my mouth but Xiumin quickly said “Ppali Dayoung. I want to eat the cake. I have been drooling all the time”.

Well, Xiumin is being Xiumin. Minseok grabbed my other hand and we intertwined our fingers together. We walked to our party site and celebrate it with some firework. The cold night was heated up by such warm bond of us and  the beautiful scenery of the park.

“I’ll keep it as a secret,” Xiumin said, winking his eye.























A/N: Ta-dah~ The story had come to an end. I'm sooooooo sorry for not uploading for quite some times because the pendrive I was keeping the story in was vanished in a sudden. I wast just like EVERYBODY SAY N.O! Know that song? Yeah. It's N.O from BTS. So, If you're interested, please check out my oneshot featuring V/Taehyung here . I hope you enjoy the scent of fame! Thank you for reading until it's end! I love you all subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!!

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12thJanuary #1
Chapter 8: oh. my. god. what. did. i. just. read.

sorry you might think i'm a crazystupidweird
but yeah just gonna say this-
Chapter 16: Cute story! You had sooo much good ideas, but I think you could have portrayed them better though :p
alfxshn #3
Chapter 16: awwew ended alrdy. it was a cute story tho. anyway,keep on the good work authornim. pls write a lot of fanfics too. N MAKE IT LONG hahaha xD
vantage96 #4
yeah!! hot stuff bah...congrats.. had fun reading it!!
Reader2 #5
Chapter 15: This is a really interesting story can't wait to see what is happening next!!
fren123 #6
Chapter 14: OMG ~ the GIF are just adorable ! im cant concentrate reading the story! i keep staring at it ~ hahahaha
alfxshn #7
Chapter 13: odg pls pls pls i wanna know what happen after tht u o u
alfxshn #8
Chapter 11: ODG ITS SO FREAKING CUTE. n the pictures tht u put r also cute. i mean the xiumin-minseok feels OTL. waiting for ur next update ♡♡
fren123 #9
Chapter 9: OMG ! Talking about chubby cheeks reminds me of the time when he did the Gwiyomi dance in EXO Showtime :3
So cute !! :3
Can't wait for the next update!
Great fics btw :)
Hwaiting ! <3