
The scent of fame

I drove to the bank today to key in the money into appa’s account. I hope he will not making another fuss after this or I really going to do something to take revenge on him.


 After keying in the money, I called appa to inform him. He ‘thanked’ me and said that he ‘loves’ me. So much of an ‘appa’.


 If he really that caring towards me, he would not have giving me so much fuss. He agreed to free abujji from the prison after I convince him that I will make a police report upon a very large amount of money he need in a very short time.


 He must be a drug consumer or something, I thought. I found out her wife divorced him few months ago so that was why he lost his source of money.


I have a CF shooting that day so I went to the shooting studio. In the studio there were about 3 or 4 toddlers running here and there. I was very shocked plus annoyed with their presence because I really don’t like kids. Nobody knows about this because I really keep this to myself.


I asked the CF’s PD-nim about this and they said that today we are going to do Babies bathing liquid CF. Wait. We? Me and who?


 I heard a familiar voice playing with the kids and I saw Minseok. I should have known that aren’t I? Why are we always together? It is not like I hate being with him but it made my feelings more confused.


“Why him?” I asked the PD-nim. I was just scared that the media will found out that I have some feelings towards him.


“Well, your drama has gained the highest viewers rating nowadays so we thought you two would increase the product’s users rating too. I thought both of you are friends? Do you have any problems with him?”


Aish this PD-nim. Of course we will look good together. Thanks for choosing us. I think I’m going crazy.


“A..Anieyo. I will just do this with him.”I said, looking reluctant but deep in my heart I just wanted to jump in excitement to another planet.


I greeted Minseok and we started the shooting by bathing the babies in a bath tub. Minseok looked so happy bathing the creatures while I was happy looking at him.


“Cut! Dayoung-ah, you should be bathing the babies, not staring to the outer space!” The PD-nim said.


Busted. Fortunately he didn’t mention the ‘outer space’ I was staring is Kim Minseok.

I apologized to the PD-nim and started to bring my mind back to the earth.


The three chubby babies were freely playing with the bubbles, while Minseok stared at me blankly.


“Dayoung-ah, you are usually focused on the shooting. Do you have any problems? Gwenchana?” Minseok asked.


Do I need to tell? Why would I focus with the presence of 3 annoying creatures (the babies) here?


“Gwenchana.” I replied shortly.


Next few shoots were okay after a few problems made by the babies such as biting my finger, and pulling my hairs. I just have to endure it and be happy so that they will think I am a lovely woman or something like that. I really have to protect my reputation.


The shoot ended and I quickly went out of the studio to search for peace. I sighed in relief and leaned against the wall. I saw Minseok rushed to the bus stop and went somewhere else. Where was he going? Maybe he had some problems.


 What problems might it be?  Well, whatever it is I just can’t stop bothering about him. I have to control my feelings so I went to a park. I saw a stall selling sweet potato and I bought some as the weather was very cold.


I walked randomly to everywhere my legs would bring me to.


Suddenly, a  kid approached me and asked for my goguma (sweet potato). He looked like a 9 years old kid with that skinny face of him. I abandoned him and keep on walking. I felt some pressure to my legs and saw the kid was hugging my legs.


I felt uneasy and shake my legs for him to let go. I started feeling scary because the snow was getting thicker and I can’t see anyone except the kid. Where am I? It felt just like a ghost kid approaching me like what they showed in the movies.


The kid was grinning like the cat in Alice in the wonderland while hugging my legs so I pushed him and run away. I may be thinking ridiculously because I thought that kid was a ghost. Maybe he really was a ghost!


 I heard him shouting and threw some money for him to buy the goguma. Maybe ghost felt hungry too.


The snow was getting thicker and I rushed to my apartment. I leaned against the door and slowly sat down on the floor, panting.


I took out my phone and called Amber to tell everything. Maybe I’ll sound like crazy by I’m really scared right now. Am I hallucinating? Does my hate to the kids made me become crazy? Maybe all the died kids hate me!!


“Yeobuseyo?” Amber answered my call.


“Amber-ah! I-”


“Listen to me first! I just can’t believe what you have done Dayoung! I thought you have changed by the time we met each other. I guess you are still you. I wish we never met at that time so I can forget you for my entire life!”


And she cut off the call. What have I done? Does she know about it? It was just that stupid kid and a goguma! Did somebody saw I did that?


It was just pushing the kid. I was not like he died or something! I even gave him the money to buy some for himself! She knows nothing!


 I called her back but she was not answering me. I got mad and kicked and punched the air. That was my natural reflex when I am mad or annoyed.


I crawled to the balcony as I was too tired to walk. What’s wrong with her?! I knew nothing!


I tried to call Shindong but he did not answer too so I called Xiumin.


“Dayoung-ah, I am busy so stop bothering me okay? I’ll play with you later” And he ends the call.


Play with me?! What did he take me as?! A child?!I don’t even got a chance to speak! I was just trying to tell him my problem! If he took me as a child then fine! I will stop talking to him so that he will not be annoyed with me!


What was going on with everyone?! Am I that burdening?!





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12thJanuary #1
Chapter 8: oh. my. god. what. did. i. just. read.

sorry you might think i'm a crazystupidweird
but yeah just gonna say this-
Chapter 16: Cute story! You had sooo much good ideas, but I think you could have portrayed them better though :p
alfxshn #3
Chapter 16: awwew ended alrdy. it was a cute story tho. anyway,keep on the good work authornim. pls write a lot of fanfics too. N MAKE IT LONG hahaha xD
vantage96 #4
yeah!! hot stuff bah...congrats.. had fun reading it!!
Reader2 #5
Chapter 15: This is a really interesting story can't wait to see what is happening next!!
fren123 #6
Chapter 14: OMG ~ the GIF are just adorable ! im cant concentrate reading the story! i keep staring at it ~ hahahaha
alfxshn #7
Chapter 13: odg pls pls pls i wanna know what happen after tht u o u
alfxshn #8
Chapter 11: ODG ITS SO FREAKING CUTE. n the pictures tht u put r also cute. i mean the xiumin-minseok feels OTL. waiting for ur next update ♡♡
fren123 #9
Chapter 9: OMG ! Talking about chubby cheeks reminds me of the time when he did the Gwiyomi dance in EXO Showtime :3
So cute !! :3
Can't wait for the next update!
Great fics btw :)
Hwaiting ! <3