
The Weight Of Our Memories




Things were clear in Jessica's mind, Taeyeon always loved her but she couldn't feel the same because she couldn't have such feelings for a girl. But when she learned the truth about Donghae all that changed inside her. The man she thought she was happy with was a liar a deceiver. Her bestfriend loved her deeply, Jessica wondered if she always felt this way about Taeyeon.
Maybe she did and she was never able to admit it to herself and her relationship with Donghae was only an attempt of deceiving herself. She now knew that.

Nobody can go back and make a new beginning.
But anyone can start today and make a new ending.

-"Oppa" Jessica whispered while in Taeyeon's embrace.

-"Oppa I love you too"

Taeyeon smiled and tightened her embrace.

Sooyoung, Seohyun and Krystal watched as both girls had solved everything between them.

-"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt the lovey dovey couple but it's time for dinner and I'm starving" Said a complaintful Sooyoung.

-"Couple? Who?" Asked Jessica.

-"Yah! Who the hell are you trying to fool here? I saw very well what you two were doing right now, you're a couple"

-"I guess we are" Said Taeyeon while smiling at Jessica.

Both girls laughed and got up and together with Sooyoung made way for the kitchen.

Seohyun and Krystal were still in Seohyun's bedroom, Seohyun fondled Krystal's hair as the latter saw her oppa and unnie being reunited finally. She was happy for them she trully was but still she couldn't stop feeling an excruciating feeling from her chest.
The truth is that Taeyeon always cared for Krystal when the latter was only a kid and in Krystal's heart there was only place for Taeyeon and that's why seeing what she was seeing at that moment was...painful.

Tiffany was now home, she couldn't stop thinking about her almost destiny like meeting with Jessica at the airport, she never knew someone could have such a dreamer and also at the same time such a cold personality.

"What happened in that girl's life? Jessica Jung?" Tiffany wondered.

"Was that her boyfriend? Husband? Was that man only family?" Tiffany thought.

Tiffany thought as she remembered Jessica's meeting with an aged man.

Tiffany's cellphone started to ring, she looked at the screen and let out a big sigh.

-"Sunny what do you want?" Said Tiffany in a rude tone.

-"Fany please come have dinner with me? Will you?" Said Sunny in a cute aegyo filled tone.

Tiffany smiled at the sound of Sunny's aegyo filled voice.

-"Ok, I'll have dinner with you"

Tiffany hung up the phone, grabed her car keys and left.

Yuri went to the gym to do some exercise which helped her let out some steam.
She still thought about her meeting with Kim Hyoyeon, she wasn't feeling bad because she had cheated on Tiffany, she knew that her relationship with Tiffany wasn't going anywhere and that it need to end fast before any of the two would be hurt.
Kim Hyoyeon such a strange and mysterious girl, at least the things they did at that hotel room weren't so mysterious for both of them.

"Kim Hyoyeon, to call or not to call?" Yuri wondered.

Yuri kept the question in her mind until her training schedule was finished.
Yuri went to the gym's dressing rooms she took a long bath, dressed and with her car keys in hand she left.

Yuri's gym was located in the same hotel she met Hyoyeon, this was her friend Sunny's hotel.
Well not her's, her husband's but even so Yuri was in good terms with Sunny's husband which gave her free membership and free rooms.

As Yuri went into the hotel lobby she caught a glimpse of a short blond haired girl waving for her.


Yuri walked towards the other girl.

-"Sunny! What are you doing here?"

-"Well I'm waiting for Tiffany I invited her to have dinner with me, why don't you join us?"

-"Ah, maybe some other time I'm not feeling very well today..."

Sunny looked at the now suspicious looking Yuri with a frowned face.

-"Really? Okay I guess we can have some best friend time later" Sunny said in a not so sure tone.

-"I'll see you Sunny"

Sunny didn't answer and only watched as one of her bestfriends left.

Sunny, Tiffany and Yuri were childhood friends their parents were also childhood friends and they knew each other almost as well as they knew themselves, that's why Sunny could see something wasn't right in her friends relationship.
She knew it long ago, she told them from the begining that this would end up with one of them being hurt. There were feelings between both of them but none of them was love.

A girl approached Sunny.

-"Ah. Yoona"

-"Everything is ready ma'm"

-"Good. She must be on her way here"


-"Yes m'am"

-"Do me a favor and remember me to hire a private detective"

-"A private detective m'am?

-"Yes there is some dirt I need to go through"

Im Yoona was Sunny's bodyguard and also her confident she was assigned to be Sunny's bodyguard from a young age by Sunny's parents.

-"You are us, When we can't be there for her"

That's what they told her and she could never forget those words, even to this day when Sunny was already married Yoona still guided herself by those same words.

The girls finished dinner and Taeyeon was letting out her ahjumma laugh as Seohyun told the story of how she met Jessica and all the things that happened since then.

-"Really? Sooyoung slept with my blondie? Aish! Now I won't be her first"

-"First? First what?" Asked Jessica.

-"The first girl that sleeps with you"

-"Hahahaha...nothing happened between me and Sooyoung, at least that's what she told me"

-"Yah! I don't want your blondie for anything I only want my Yoona"

-"Who?!" Asked Seohyun and Jessica at the same time and in a loud tone.

-"Wait a minute that name "Yoona" I've heard it before..."

-"Ah yes that's the girl who came here a few days ago, she was looking for Seohyun"

All heads immediatly turned to Seohyun.

-"Eh? Don't tell me you're her girlfriend, you'll break my heart"

-"No, What? Of course not Yoona is my friend"

The other girls narrowed their eyes at Seohyun.

-"You're not into girls are you Seo?" Asked Sooyoung abruptly.

-"No" Said Seohyun as she got up and started washing the dishes.

-"Oh well. Krystal let's go watch some tv" Said Sooyoung looking for the other girl but then realizing she was no where in sight.

-"Where's Krystal?"

-"In your room you dumb shikshin" Answered Jessica.

-"Oh, okay"

Sooyoung opened her bedroom door slowly, to find Krystal sleeping and crying.

-"Aigoo these two really are sisters"

Sooyoung laid down next to Krystal and she cleaned her tears with her finger and then fondled the other girl's hair making Krystal wake up.

-"Hey kid. What's wrong?"

-"I can't tell you Sooyoungie, i can't tell anyone..."

-"Okay, okay now stop crying"

Sooyoung watched as Krystal fell asleep and went to the living room to watch tv.

"I can't tell you Sooyoungie, i can't tell anyone"

Sooyoung thought about Krystal's words but decided not to share them with anyone else.

Jessica and Taeyeon were in the garden, Taeyeon was hugging Jessica while the latter looked at the sky.

-"Oppa, you know, after Donghae died, I really thought about going some place else and start all over again, you know?"

-"New places, new people somewhere where no one knew me"

-"I know Jessica and that was normal, I mean, you just had lost the love of your life..."

-"He was the love of my life? You know, after Donghae died I really started thinking about that sentence and I realized that he never was the love of my life"

-"He was just...something else I can't describe"

-"Are you saying Donghae was only a step in your life's stairs?"

-"Maybe, I'm still not sure of what to call it but yeah I think that would describe what and who Donghae was in my life"

Jessica looked at the sky and thought of Donghae finally putting his and Son Ga In's souls to rest.

-"Sica? Sica?" Taeyeon tried to wake up the now sleeping Jessica in her arms.

-"Hmmm, oppa?"

-"Let's go to bed"

Both girls laid down in bed embracing each other to sleep.

-"So just like this you'll forget about me?" Said Donghae as he appeared in Jessica's bedroom.

"Yes, I'm finally ready" Jessica thought.

-"For what?"

-"To let you go" Jessica whispered.

-"What Jessica? Is something wrong?"

-"No Oppa, no. Everything is alright"

Both girls fell asleep, Jessica knew she would never see Donghae again even if now he came from the depths of her mind she knew she would not conjure him up again.

Tiffany quit on the whole dinner idea of Sunny and instead she stopped by a bar, she wasn't in any shape to meet Sunny.
Her relationship with Yuri was going wrong, she didn't know anything about the girl in her head and she felt a little depressed about it.

-"Oy Ahjuushi, if i'm drunk call this number,okay?" Said Tiffany already in a thrashed state.

-"Of Course m'am" Said the man behind the counter.

Sunny had been waiting for ages and she was now worried about Tiffany.

"Maybe something happened, I kind of have a bad feeling about this"

-"M'am, your phone is ringing" Said Yoona as she looked at her boss's worried expression.

-"Oh, thank you Yoona"


-"This from the 3 Dungeons bar, we kind of have a situation going on here. You see a customer asked us to call this number"

Then Sunny heard the man explain how Tiffany went to the bar and had asked someone to call Sunny's number if she was already drunk.

-"I'm on my way now"

-"Yoona please get the car"

-"Yes m'am"

Yoona fetched the car and Sunny went in and told Yoona to drive as fast as she could.

"Fany...What happened? Is this because of Yuri?" She thought with worry in her heart.

Sunny walked into the bar to find an already sleeping Tiffany by the counter.

-"Yoona help me carry her"

-"Yes m'am"

With the help of Yoona, Sunny carried Tiffany to the car puting the girl in the backseat.

-"Yoona take me to Fany's home"

-"Yes, m'am. If I may m'am..."

-"No need to call me m'am now Yoona, just call my name as you used to when you first started being my bodyguard"

-"Oh, okay. Su..Sunny I don't think Miss Tiffany is like this because of Miss Yuri"

-"Why not Yoona? We both know this relationship would end like this, there was no love"

-"I can't believe such a smart girl like Miss Tiffany wouldn't have predicted this"

-"Problem Yoona...Is that she didn't" 

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Chapter 7: Taeyeon oppa🥰🥰
Chapter 15: This was a nice story with many pairings going on and was a easy/good read! It was a bit messy at times (with plot and character) and things seemed too rushed near the ending, but I still enjoyed reading this story. Thanks for sharing this with us :)
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 15: A nice and happy story... Though sunny was forever alone ...
Chapter 15: it's good story , happy for jeti and the ending is good
Chapter 15: GOOD!

but the weird part is donghae, idgi;;

hope to see more of your stories.
pawisone #6
Chapter 15: Thanks! A really good story :) love my jeti <31
Chapter 15: Thanks! I love your story. XD Jeti are together. and I really liked the ending. XD

Great job! I hope to read you. XD
Kiyumi #8
thank you authorshii,,, for having this cute and very nice story of yours i enjoy reading this story,,, hope you could continue writing,,, and always fighting,, !!!! I do LOVE JETI... just want you to know... hehehe (^_^)
I'll post other fics so you can read those
Yes this is the end of the story ^^ Sorry