
The Weight Of Our Memories




Sunny now looked at her bestfriend laid down on the backseat of her car.
She had predicted something like this long ago, there was no love in the relationship of these two.
They were never made to be a couple but only made to be friends, the strenght they wanted to give their relationship was unattainable. And it makes her sad they couldn't have the happiness they so much wished for.
Sunny now remembered other times when none of this happened when her friends still retained their lovely personalities she so much loved. Tiffany with all her pink things now turned black, white and grayish and Yuri with her dumb tricks and pranks now turned into a too serious personality. Tiffany was always a smart, interisting girl but this choice she made to be with Yuri was...Wrong. Their relationship was destroying them.
Sunny came to the conclusion that.

It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities

-"M'am? M'am?" Yoona called her now distracted boss.

-"Yes Yoona?"

-"You still want me to hire that private detective?"

-"Yes, you'll do it first thing in the morning, okay?"

-"Yes m'am"

Sunny looked outside the window of her car, people resumed their normal lifes no one cared about her broken hearted friend, only she was there to mend and glue the pieces back together.
Yoona and Sunny carried Tiffany to her bed and laid her down covering her with the blankets so she wouldn't be cold.

-"Yoona go home but tomorrow morning do what I told you"

-"Yes m'am"

Yoona left, leaving only Tiffany and Sunny, she knew this wasn't going to end well and that in the end someone would have to have mend their heart broken.

Sunny laid next to Tiffany fondling the latter's hair.

-"Fany, why did it have to be like this? I told you it would end up like this"

-"Yuri never loved you...I feel sad for you Fany, I wish I could change all this but I can't"

-"Jessica..." Tiffany whispered in her sleep calling for Jessica.

"Jessica? Who's Jessica?" Thought Sunny as she also fell asleep.

It was morning and Im Yoona left the house to obey the last order her master gave her last night, and that is to look for a private investigator. Yoona started by using a cyber café to access the internet, then she moved on to newsapers and finally she used a phonebook. From all three sources Yoona was able to conclude that the best was this man called Ok Taecyeon.
Yoona pressed the screen in her handphone at light speed and like the turning of a switch the number was dialing.

Ok Taecyeon was a lone wolf investigator who mainly focused on adultery and economic investigations. He was the one to call when you were questioning if your wife was cheating on you.
The morning started nice for Taecyeon, he went out for his morning run and had stoped at "Kara's Cupcakes" for his breakfast and to see the most amazing woman that could exist in his mind. Goo Hara.
Who unfortunately for Taecyeon who already had digged into the life of the waitress discovered she had a boyfriend. Yong Jun Hyung who as a police officer and a detective in one special division of the police department called "BEAST".
Men not much older than Taecyeon himself who specialized in catching anything from murder to financial crimes.
Taecyeon regreted having to see the woman he fell for, liking a man much better than him. Taecyeon came home and started reviewing his latest case files when his cellphone rang.


-"Hello this is Im Yoona, I work for a woman named Lee Sunkyu and I would like to acquire your services"

Taecyeon went blank and sound of the sweet female voice comming from his phone.

-"Hello? Hello?"

-"Ugh, yes, well I need to meet the client so we can talk about what kind of service you're looking for..."

-"Okay, I'll talk to my boss I'll contact you later"

-"Very well then"

*Who the hell is she?*

Yuri was home laying on her couch and looking at her blank profound ceiling, thinking if she should call Kim Hyoyeon again...

"Do I call? Can I call? What if I don't call?" Yuri thought.

Yuri's mind was flooded with questions as she didn't knew what to do, she couldn't bear the uncertainty of what could happen next.
She cleared her mind, grabbed the phone and quickly dialed Hyoyeon's number.

Kim Hyoyeon was a bartender in a club so she only worked at night, she was a girl that learned that people only look for you when they need, it had nothing to do with love or any other feelings for Kim Hyoyeon everything could be resumed to actions.
Actions spoke for oneself, what one did defined who or what they were. She was still totally thrashed from last night's long run and so she was sleeping her precious hours when her cellphone rang.
Because Hyoyeon worked in a club she had a loud ringtone so she could hear it when she was at work.

-"Hello?" Hyoyeon asked in a sleepy almost inaudible voice.

-"Blondie? I want it...again"

Hyoyeon quickly sat up in her bed.


-"I want you here, now"

-"Where are you?"


-"I'll be right there"

Hyoyeon hang up the phone and quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. Sure she was still thrashed from last night but she could surely spare time for the cute dark skinned girl.

Jessica woke up as she fell a breeze hit her in the face, she opened her eyes to see Kim Taeyeon's face only inches from hers.
She looked to the other girl's face and smiled. Then she gave a quick peck in Taeyeon's lips.
Taeyeon opened her eyes and showed a big grin across her face and then quickly returned the kiss.

-"Good morning Sica"

-"Good morning oppa"

They looked deeply into each other's eyes, both felt like this should've happened a long time ago.

-"Yah! I'm sorry for interrupting the lovey couple but Jessica shouldn't you be in work?" Said Sooyoung as she opened the bedroom door.

-"Oh my god you're right, ah I have to hurry"


Jessica quickly got up and ran for the bathroom. She showered, and brushed her teeth at lightning speed.
Meanwhile Taeyeon sat in the kitchen and looked at a now gloomy faced Krystal.

-"What's wrong Krys?"

-"Ah, nothing oppa" Said Krystal as she looked down.

-"I should look for a job, I'm the only one that doesn't do anything here" Said Taeyeon in a worried tone.

-"I also think that's a good idea" Said Sooyoung as she put on her shoes and left waving her goodbyes at the girls.

-"Oppa? What are you going to do now?"

-"I'm gonna find a job Krys"

-"No...I...I meant about Sica Unnie"

-"Well, I don't know I have to take care of her and love her like I always have"

"You also took care of me and love me yet I don't see you kissing me or doing any of the things you do to unnie" Krystal thought.

Krystal felt jealousy of her big sister she couldn't bear to see Taeyeon and her sister together, she loved Taeyeon deeply and nothing could change that.The young girl left the house without saying goodbye.

"What's wrong with that kid? Did I do something to her?" Thought Taeyeon as she saw Krystal leaving.

-"Oppa, I'm ready"

-"Let's go I'll take you there"

-"Okay oppa"

Both girls left the house and found a cab.

As Sooyoung prepared to open the store she looked to the side to find an already quite known figure to her, she smiled.

-"Im Yoona"

Yoona turned to her side to see her tall beauty calling her. It was all like a dream to her, of course her boss never told her to stop by the record shop but she did anyway so she could see Sooyoung one more time.

-"Ah, Sooyoung"

-"Could you find my record?"

-"Yes, but I can never tell you how I got it"

"What could she find such a limited album? You have to be someone very powerful to find such things" Yoona thought.

-"Come in, I'll give it to you"

Both girls went inside the store and Sooyoung quickly gave Yoona a paper bag containing what she was looking for.

-"Thank you so much Sooyoung"

-"Sure, don't mention it" Sooyoung smiled like a kid at the girl in front of her.

-"Here's your payment"

-"No, this one is on the house"

-"But this is something very expensive are you sure your manager won't be mad" Yoona asked.

-"No worries" Sooyoung said.

-"I'll still pay you" Yoona answered as she smiled.

Yoona got up to Sooyoung and gave her a quick peck on the cheek making the tall girl blush.

-"Hummm, thanks for the payment" Sooyoung said fidgeting and embarassed.

Yoona chuckled at the sight of the blushed girl.

-"Bye bye" Said Yoona as she left the store.

-"Bye, please come again"

Yoona remembered how this all started not long ago when her boss asked her to buy some cd's from this store. Yoona came to notice the tall beauty maning the register or tidying up the store.
The girl was so...Cheerful.
Yoona opened her album when she was inside the car to find a little post it attatched to the back side.

-"Im Yoona, i wish to see you again. If you come to see me again I'll tell you how i found this album"

Yoona put the cd in the cd player on the car, and drove away listening to the beautiful music.


Yuri was still laying on the couch with her phone in her hand and hoping Hyoyeon would come quickly. The urge to see the blond girl was uncontrollable. Finnaly her doorbell buzed, she got up quickly and opened the door.


Yuri didn't even let Hyoyeon finish her phrase she immediatly started kissing her, and pushing her inside the house.

-"Did you miss me that much?" Hyoyeon asked with a mischievous tone.

-"Yes, so this is going to be easy. It's"

Yuri quickly throwed Hyoyeon on top of the bed and started removing her clothes while Hyoyeon quickly removed her own clothes.
They both kissed passionately.

Tiffany woke up to see Sunny with a tray in her hands.

-"Sunkyu" She mumbled.

-"Oh, no lady, don't "Sunkyu" me"

-"Why the hell would you do something like that?"

-"..." Tiffany couldn't answer her head was still filled with thoughts of Jessica and it was looking like it would burst at any moment.

-"Fine, here's some food and aspirines, I have to go to work"

-"Yes my general" Said Tiffany while saluting Sunny.

She got up from bed and grabbed the tray putting it on top of the kitchen counter. She ate slowly and when she finished, she took a couple of aspirines and went to the bathroom to take a long shower.

Taeyeon got out of the cab, kissing goodbye from Jessica. She now found herself in front of a skyscrapper. The sign in the building said S.M Entertainment.
Jessica looked at Taeyeon as the cab drove away.
After a not so long ride Jessica was now in front of Tiffany's home as she started getting near she noticed a small blond girl going out. The girl looked at her and she looked back. They both walked in different ways when suddenly.

-"Hey? Who are you?" Asked Sunny with a questioning look.

-"I'm Jessica Jung...Tiffany Hwang's new P.A"

"Ah...this is Jessica?" Sunny thought.

-"Nice to meet you, I'm Tiffany's best friend"

-"Yes" Jessica answered coldly.

"Uhhh aren't we cold now Ms.Jessica?" Sunny thought.

-"Please take care of Tiffany" Said Sunny as she left and entered her car as Yoona also came.

Yuri and Hyoyeon were lied down in Yuri's bed. Hyoyeon's head in Yuri's chest.

-"Are you a dreamer?" Hyoyeon asked as she looked into Yuri's eyes.

-"What kind of question is that?"

-"Just answer it"

-"Well I once, I'm not so sure any more"

-"I'm a doer, I only let my actions speak for myself I don't like to waste time in stupid and wishful thinking"

-"All this conversation is because?" Yuri asked.

-"I believe that the world needs dreamers and the world needs doers but above all the world needs dreamers who do"

-"Someone that can transform their dreams into reality"

-"That would be nice, do you want me to make your dreams come true blondie?" Yuri asked Hyoyeon.


Both kissed deeply.

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Chapter 7: Taeyeon oppa🥰🥰
Chapter 15: This was a nice story with many pairings going on and was a easy/good read! It was a bit messy at times (with plot and character) and things seemed too rushed near the ending, but I still enjoyed reading this story. Thanks for sharing this with us :)
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 15: A nice and happy story... Though sunny was forever alone ...
Chapter 15: it's good story , happy for jeti and the ending is good
Chapter 15: GOOD!

but the weird part is donghae, idgi;;

hope to see more of your stories.
pawisone #6
Chapter 15: Thanks! A really good story :) love my jeti <31
Chapter 15: Thanks! I love your story. XD Jeti are together. and I really liked the ending. XD

Great job! I hope to read you. XD
Kiyumi #8
thank you authorshii,,, for having this cute and very nice story of yours i enjoy reading this story,,, hope you could continue writing,,, and always fighting,, !!!! I do LOVE JETI... just want you to know... hehehe (^_^)
I'll post other fics so you can read those
Yes this is the end of the story ^^ Sorry