New Beginning

The Weight Of Our Memories




Jessica opened her eyes after a long memory filled night to the sight of...Bangs???
Whose bangs? As she lowered her eyes she encountered an almost angel like face sleeping beside her. She tried to move but she was tightened in this mysterious girl's embrace, and it was...tightening.
It was a warm being in your mom's lap when you're a child. The girl was so cute and was sleeping so soundly that Jessica didn't have the courage to wake her up.
For a moment the room was so calm and peaceful it almost seemed like the girls were in a completly diferent place, like being in another dimension.

-"Omo!" Said Seohyun as she went to wake up Jessica and talk to her as she couldn't do it the night before...Jessica's daydreaming always got in the way.

-"Shsss!...she's sleeping...don't wake her up" Said Jessica with a cold tone as she looked at the rather worried look on the face of Seohyun.

Both of them started whispering so they wouldn't wake the girl, Jessica never moved an inch so the girl would continue to sleep soundly.

-"Who's that? Your girlfriend?"

-"She's not my girlfriend...I don't even know who she is...and I'm not into girls"

-"Then how did she get in?"

-"I have no idea"

The mysterious girl suddenly opened her eyes, loosened her embrace on Jessica and quickly got up.
Both Seohyun and Jessica were surprised as the girl put a big grim on her face and started streching up while humming a song to herself.


-"Yah! Who the hell are you?!" Asked Seohyun in a demanding tone.

-"I'm Choi Sooyoung...Ah, I'm here to rent the room, I know we didn't talked but I know you could use another person so I came here personally."

-"And why were you sleeping in my bed?" Asked Jessica in a cold tone.

-"Uhhh..,that's chilly why don't you warm up a bit...Jesus almost seems like we're in the north pole."

Jessica got surprised as to how the other girl was so immune to what Taeyeon called "Sica Effect", it was this supposed effect Jessica created on the mood of a conversation or room when she spoke.
She quickly dispelled Taeyeon of her thoughts and quickly got back to the matter at hand.

-"How did you get in here?" Asked Seohyun in a blunt tone.

-"I jumped over the wall and as I was passing through to that vacant room on the back i heard someone cry so i opened the door and I found this blond angel here crying"

-" "Aigoo this child" I thought to myself so I laid beside her and embraced her as warmly as I could so she would stop crying" Sooyoung's cheeks turned red and she let out a light chuckle.

Jessica's cheeks turned red and she got a nice embarassed look on her face.

-"Enough!" Seohyun let out a big enraged scream.

Seohyun sit with the other two girls in the kitchen.

-" Now let me get this straight...You saw my ad at an internet café cause you came from the province and decided to come here personally and since you aren't from around here you got lost and when you found the house it was already too late so you decided to jump the wall and sleep with Jessica" Seohyun stoped to catch a breath.

-"Hey girl calm need to get all worked up because of something like this it's not like I was a burglar or anything."

-"Okay but why did you sleep with Jessica...Are you...into girls?"

Sooyoung blushed slightly at the question and then she did this angelic look like it was nothing with her.

-"Well are you...into girls?" Asked Jessica.

-"Hmm...Hmmm...Yes, but I'm not interested in you...I...I...I just did it cause you seemed so fragile."

-"....." Jessica couldn't answer Sooyoung she was dumbfounded and so she changed the topic.

-"Okay...Anyways you came here to rent the vacant room. Right? Asked Jessica

-"Well...yes I needed this room since I'm gonna start working here in Seoul"

-"Okay then since all the rooms will be used we'll talk about the renting plans as we eat lunch" Said Seohyun with a motherly look on her face.

The weather was nice that day so they decided to eat outside in the garden. There was a little porche with a small 4 seater traditional korean table. Sooyoung sat on one side as Jessica sit oposite to her.

-"Soooo..." Said Sooyoung trying to break the ice.

-"You're not from around here, are you?" Sooyoung asked as she looked at Jessica.

-"Why do you say that?" Jessica asked while looking seriously at Sooyoung.

-"Well...last night you were speaking english...and you kept saying "Donghae...Donghae"

-"Who is he? Your boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Seohyun placed the dishes on the table...Jessica was literally saved by her as Sooyoung diverted all her attention from her and turned it to the food.
Her eyes were sparkling at the marvelous banquet like lunch in front of her.

-"This is the least I can do with what I have" Said Seohyun smiling as she saw the look on Sooyoung's face.

-"This...This is the least? Oh My God give me your least any day of the week" Said Sooyoung with a big smile across her face as she started eating almost for the three of them.

The three girls spoke about how they would divide the rent of the house and how they would share expenses on food and other necessities. After all the talking Sooyoung dozed off on the couch of the rather spacious living room and Jessica and Seohyun stayed outside.

-"She's weird...but funny" Said Seohyun with a big smile.

-"I guess...she is..." Said Jessica.

3 days later

After a complicated and full of misunderstangins start of Roommating, the three girls were now like the best of friends but friendship didn't feed an household...specially an household where Sooyoung lived.
She ate lots and lots. So the girls made an agreement that each of them would find a job. Seohyun didn't need this she already worked in a resort as a gardener it was tiring but she cared about her job very much.
That was also when Jessica understood why the garden in their house was always so well treated. Sooyoung got a job in a music records shop, Sooyoung loved music so she was very happy when the manager told her she could use her help.
And so today was Jessica's time. She found a rather diferent advertisement while checking the internet for job offers.

"I need a P.A that won't fall in love with me. Someone with good typing speed, memory and a keen sense of organization." It read.

"A P.A that doesn't fall in love with you?" Thought Jessica when she saw the ad.

Jessica checked the contacts in the ad and called the number.

Tiffany Hwang was a sucessfull entrepreneur in the business world and the ammount of her sucesses surpassed by far her failures. Business ran within the family but Tiffany instead of following the family's business she decided to go rogue and become an independent freelancer entrepreneur. Sucessful as she may be, she had bad luck when it came to her P.A's, for the past year she had, had more than 20 different P.A's and the whole idea of boss/employee relationship hadn't been working.
She really couldn't understand what was it that made all her P.A's fall head over heels for her and the truth is she now was ready to use drastic measures. So she put this ridicullous ad on the internet. It sounded stupid but she had to call the police once cause one her former P.A's was stalking her.

Although she had money and could even afford her own office Tiffany prefered to work at home. She had a three floored house. On the main floor was the hall a small guest receiving room and a small office for a P.A. On the second floor was her office and a conference room and on her third floor was the actual house where she lived.
A spacious kitchen with a big counter with high chairs , a bathroom, a living room and her bedroom with a queen sized bed and a beautiful view of the city.

Tiffany was tired that day she had two meetings with important clients and had to do a total review on a new business plan she was working on. She could only think of going to bed and dozing off a few hours.
She opened her front door, she climbed up the stairs to the third floor, removed her shoes, pressed the button on the answering machine and started making some tea in the kitchen.

-"Hello, this is Jessica Jung I'm calling to talk about the ad you put on the internet...the ad said you needed someone who wouldn't fall in love with you? I'm not into girls and I actually...I's impossible for me to fall in love with please call me if you're interested in hiring me" Jessica's voice said cold.

"Why such a cold tone??? Jessica Jung eh? What makes her think she is different from the others?" Tiffany thought.

Tiffany was desperate for a P.A, between her work and meetings and other appointments she didn't have the time to organize her life. In the past few months she even came up with the theory that all she had to do was look at her P.A for three seconds and they would fall in love with her.
Well actually falling in love is not the quite correct term it was more like they were attraced to her in some kind of way...and her girlfriend Kwon Yuri wasn't that happy about it.
It was late and Tiffany went to bed. She laid down staring at the ceiling...a girl...a blond "outsider" looking beautiful girl...and upon the thought of that girl Tiffany Hwang went to sleep. 

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Chapter 7: Taeyeon oppa🥰🥰
Chapter 15: This was a nice story with many pairings going on and was a easy/good read! It was a bit messy at times (with plot and character) and things seemed too rushed near the ending, but I still enjoyed reading this story. Thanks for sharing this with us :)
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 15: A nice and happy story... Though sunny was forever alone ...
Chapter 15: it's good story , happy for jeti and the ending is good
Chapter 15: GOOD!

but the weird part is donghae, idgi;;

hope to see more of your stories.
pawisone #6
Chapter 15: Thanks! A really good story :) love my jeti <31
Chapter 15: Thanks! I love your story. XD Jeti are together. and I really liked the ending. XD

Great job! I hope to read you. XD
Kiyumi #8
thank you authorshii,,, for having this cute and very nice story of yours i enjoy reading this story,,, hope you could continue writing,,, and always fighting,, !!!! I do LOVE JETI... just want you to know... hehehe (^_^)
I'll post other fics so you can read those
Yes this is the end of the story ^^ Sorry