A Good Day

The Tutor

A/N: Man! The schedules are so uptight that I couldn’t even draw a finger near my word processor. Lol, ideas are flowing out of my head and I can’t put it down to words.

By the way, Eveony is pronounced just like Ebony…hehe for those who have difficulty in speaking the name with their minds, if you know what I mean.

Anyway on with the fic!~

Let’s invade Onew’s mind for a while… ^w^

She called out his name and I rolled my eyes.

Out of the very last moment, why on earth should I see him here? Calling out for this sissy girl

“What brings you here?” I glared at him. Eveony turned to look at me, she must have thought I was gone already or nevertheless forgot I was there when this guy came.

“I’m here for my night-shift.” He answered me with his as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

“You mean your calculus class? I though you already change your schedule to nine in the morning?” I raised him a brow, Eveony looked confuse in a way she didn’t bother speaking.

“I did, but I change my mind.”

I already knew what he’s trying to pull-out just by looking at his eyes, a hint that keeps Eveony wondering to the midst of Jonghyun’s actions. Hell he had bad taste for girls. A sighed in annoyance

Eveony plopped her head down and was about to enter her room, but Jonghyun grabs her wrist to call her attention back.

I just watched them feeling invisible.

“Where do you think you’re going? I was not here for nothing you know.” He said to her smiling, she just smiled back and answered. They were both staring at each other’s eyes and while I watched them I can feel the attraction burning from them like there were hearts floating above their heads. I was definitely irritated by it. He invited her to have a walk in the park before his class. She agreed and excused herself to her room to put her make-up on.

I looked at Jonghyun and he glanced back, he made this self-righteous face and an upward brow. I shrugged and walked beside him tapping his shoulders.

“Whatever you’re thinking, it will never happen. Trust me.” I told him before I leave.

The dark sky was clear and the stars hovered with it. A light breeze of the wind hugs my skin and the hum of the tree leaves is very soothing. Walking at the hallway with this atmosphere makes me want to submerge into thoughts. I never expected that the first thing that entered my head was the picture of her face.

Eveony Kim.

For the past hours I’ve known her. I’m unquestionably sure that she was different.

And by different I mean COMPLETELY different.

Her unique taste in make-up and terrible fashion sense, her bipolar personality, and her sole intelligence, I’m sure she’s not an ordinary girl. She’s insane.

How can a girl be obsessed over her make-up? I mean it’s just make-up, why does it drag her crazy when she’s not wearing it? She is hard-headed and acts as if she has a stone-heart but shed black mascara tears. She is violent towards other who she dislikes but turns into a gentle-innocent girl in front of her crush.

I get the idea. She’s nuts and had issues I can’t handle.

But either way a butcher once told me; if you where to criticize someone, try to compliment them in some way. It was a bit of a confusing so better re-tell it as try to see good in everyone. It’s makes life easier that way…

And yeah so Eveony Kim is not as half bad as I thought she should be. She listens well with my tutoring and if she focuses on it she gets it right away. My job is to let her pass the exams; it’s going to be easy once she restrain herself from being too absurd and distracted.

And I observe that, hate to say this but…

She’s really pretty without that stupid make-up.

When she got out of the bathroom and sat right next to me in our tutoring session, I can’t help but to stare at her face without those out blown make-up. I just wish she figures out that cosmetics don’t help her at all.

But with the ends of all this, I somehow felt that I was connected to her.

There is something about her that made me hang into thoughts.

I just couldn’t get a good grip on it.

I shook my head to stop her from invading my thoughts. Why is she on my head in the first place? Aish, for once, a smart guy like me was left with a question I couldn’t answer.

-End of Onew’s POV-

The day starts out smoothly. Although Onew and Jonghyun were not here I was able to survive Mathematics. The bell rang and everybody was on their way to have lunch.

I walked along the hallway pretending that I don’t hear anyone talking about me and to be honest, it was starting to get frustrating.

I reached the canteen and grabbed my food. I looked around to find where am I suppose to sit but to my surprise, all the seats are taken. I realized that, if I were able to talk to someone in class, I’ll be seated right now and eaten my food. But everyone seems to avoid me so, it was hopeless.

Finally, I saw one guy whose six feet tall wearing jerseys stand up so I hurriedly marched my way there and grabbed the chair. He was shocked when he looked at me while I set aside my stuffs and ate my food, indeed I was hungry.

“Sorry, starving to death” I said when I saw his retreating back, he turned around and smiled.

“I can see that” then he walked away.

I finished my lunch and went back to the class room. I got there on time and sat at the far-end table. Familiar faces came into view as they walked inside, one girl glared at me and talked to her friends; I presumed that girl was the one who has a crush on Onew. I just rolled my eyes and stared at the window.

English was not bad at all, I’m definitely listening and copying some notes, the professor was good and fun too although some of his jokes were not that funny.

While we’re in the middle of the class, a tall figure appeared at the classroom hallway window. Everyone turned their attention to the guy walking by, some of them were breathless. 

“Oh my god it’s the super hot dean! Eeeekkk!” one girl at my left keeps on squealing with her friend by her side. Of course, it’s the super hot dean. I smirked to myself.

I saw him make his way to the front door, aside from the girls squealing at my left, the girl who had a crush on Onew and her friends were squealing too. Walking deans at a time like this is not a good sign, but for them no matter how bad the cause might be, a walking dean as HOT as HIM is a pretty wild topic. I sighed heavily, what does he want this time?

He knocked on the door and the professor stopped lecturing, as soon as he saw the dean, he bowed respectfully although the dean was much younger than him.

“Sorry for interrupting your discussion, Mr. Leeteuk, but may I have a word with Ms. Eveony for a minute?” he said still standing on the door, everybody twisted their head towards me, I felt like crawling under my table that second.

“Oh, yes yes, Mr. Yunho, do as you please. Eveony Kim, the dean wants to talk to you.” He said looking for me, I groaned and get on my feet making my way to the door.

“Is she in troubled?”

“Yeah, good for her.” I heard her (the girl who had a crush on Onew) said, I just ignored her.

That’s what she thinks. I smirked to myself for having such a devilish idea.

I approached him confidently, he smiled at me and I smiled back then I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the hallway near the windows to our room. He was definitely surprise and I heard students gasping. I laughed silently.

“Thank you very much.” I spoke first.

“What for?”

“Well, for making me more popular because some guy, who is actually the dean of the school came to see me. Everyone was helplessly catching their breath because of you! Man!” I clucked my tongue, he simply chuckled.

“Anyway, I was just checking on you if you’re okay, if you have bruises or anything. Your father said you get into cat or tiger fights so fast that you were always welcomed to the clinic.” He patted my shoulder. “And, of course I missed my favorite baby cousin too you know, we haven’t seen each other for the past 7 years, you were beautiful back then.” He scoffed; I punched him lightly at the arm knowing that the students were watching us.

“Well so far I’m in one piece and hey! I’m still beautiful, oppa! How dare you!”

“Yeah, well if you had not accessories yourself with too much paint in your face, I could consider you as being beautiful again.” He laughed; I turned my head towards the window to see if they were still stalking us. I momentarily smiled, now is the chance.

“Oppa” I called him and he glanced back at me, then I instantly hugged him and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, after that I moved and fixed his collar.

“What kind of a dean are you with a messy collar” I exclaimed fixing his collar although it’s neat.

“You naughty girl, what are you trying to pull?” he chuckled again, catching up with my devilish plan.

“Haha, nothing in particular, anyhow, if you need anything just drop yourself in my dorm not just brag inside the classroom getting all the attentions. You know I’m receiving death glares right now.” I complained.

“I can see that indeed, yep, very well I’m off. I’ll see you when I see you” he waved goodbye

“Whatever.” I grinned and entered the classroom once more. As I enter, I saw their heads focused on me, even Mr. Leeteuk.

“Ms. Eveony Kim! How dare you do that to the Dean! Are you related to him by chance?” he said with a weird tone. Everyone appears to be paying attention with my answer.

“Yep, he’s my favorite cousin.” I mumbled and walked to my seat with a smug face, I caught the girls with their mouth wide open because of my revelation. After that some of the girls tried to get close to me. Heck, what a drag.

I’m done with my class and went to my room. The notes I took a while ago and assignments the professors gave was already put inside my bag, and also my kit. I set my alarm clock to 3:30pm and jump to bed, I want to sleep.

I woke up feeling all light, the exact opposite from what I experienced yesterday. I went inside the bathroom and fix myself. I looked fine and got out of the bathroom. I get a good grip of my bag and leave my room.

Walking as usual, my eyes wonder everywhere, the hallways are beautiful, neat and clean. The dorms are co-ed so any gender could walk and talk, it’s free without any restriction. This is where I’m happy about; my cousin said that he trusts his students to be responsible for any actions done by them. And I’m surprise that every student abides the rules, at 6pm no one’s walking at the hallway except for few who run errands.

I smiled as I enter the teacher’s lounge, a few professors was there, its Coffee break. I said hi to the receptionist and she greeted me nicely.

I entered the room we used yesterday and gasped, he was not there. I turned to my wrist watch; it was 4:15 already. I shrugged and sat to the same chair I occupied yesterday.

20 minutes had passed and I can’t help but to keep guessing where the heck my tutor is. So to not let myself swim to boredom, I opened my notes and for the first time started studying.

“Man! Mathematics really ….” I grumbled doodling in my notes. I was startled when a sudden creak of the door came into my ear. It was him. He was wearing a black v-neckline fitted t-shirt, a pair of nice jeans and his hair was wavy and black (Juliette style). I was succumbed by his entrance because he was certainly and undeniably refreshing. I shook my head and realized that he was on phone.

“umma, I told you I’ll visit at the end of semester. Yes umma, make sure to fry the best meal.” I saw him smile for the first time. My eyes widened in surprised. “okay, okay, I’ll be going now my genius student is already here.” He looked at me and I flinched. “bye umma.” Then he hangs up the phone. 

“You are LATE!” I told him pointing my finger. He sighed heavily and walked straight beside me, sat there and stared at my eyes.

“What?” I whined loudly. He took the phone out of his hand and handed over the table near where I sat. I glanced and saw my phone.

“Hey! That was my phone! You retard!” I glared at him although he appears to be in good mood. But I still glared at him.

“I used your phone because you forgot it yesterday.”

“Why the hell you didn’t tell me?”

“Was it my fault to not tell you? It’s your phone, your responsibility.” He smiled crookedly. I hissed and put my phone inside my bag. To think about it I haven’t even remembered my phone was gone since yesterday so I don’t want to make a big fuzz about it. I sighed and keep quiet.

“Let me see your assignments.” He demanded, I handed him my assignments and he starts reading it.

After a while, he picked up all the lectures and discussed it to me thoroughly, I keep on scratching my head while he continues lecturing. It was tough but I manage finishing all it and memorizing some quotation done by him. In two and a half hours we’re done and headed our way out of the tutor room.

“Jinki.” I called him using his first name. He turned around and made a mouth gesture of the word ‘What?’

“You’re not really annoying today. Is there a problem?”

“You’re not really annoying today either, should I ask you the same thing?” he mouthed.

“Well, I think you’re in a good mood.”

“I’m always in a good mood; you are the only one who’s harsh and insane.”

“Now you’re starting to get annoying”

“Deal with it.”


I can’t help but to stomp away from him. I heard him chuckled and continued walking behind me. We both stopped on our tracks when I reached my room.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Mr. Retard.” I said to him smirking.

“Kay, See yah Ms. Retard” he replied walking away. I gasped and opened the door to my room and closed it afterwards. I smiled unknowingly when I recalled him saying ‘Ms. Retard’ although it’s a bad name call; the ‘Ms.’ thing hangs into my ear.

“Well that’s a bit awkward” I said to myself leaning from the door. I skipped and went to the bathroom, took a nice warm bath and sat down on one of my beanie bags. I remembered some of the good things that happened today.

Jonghyun and I had a walk in the park last night and it feels so romantic, he’s so dreamy and entertains me a lot. I couldn’t deny that I was already crushing on him.

A good guy about six feet tall let me relished my food at the canteen.

English was not that bad. I think I’m gonna pass the subject and the professor was great.

My cousin who happens to be the Dean visited me at my class.

And Onew, well…he’s in a good mood today. The first time I saw him smile…

And some part of my head wished that I was the one who will make Onew smile.

Then I recalled him using my phone. I reach for it and look at the dialed contacts. There’s this unknown number in the dialed contacts. If I were not mistaken he said ‘umma’ when he was on the phone.

So this number must be his mother’s contact. I don’t really know what I’m doing and press save then rename the unknown number to Mr. Retard’s Umma.

I thought maybe someday this number would come in handy.

A/N: OMOMO….I know this is too early to ask but ONKEY or JONGKEY? Hahaha I might be covering one chapter with just the three of them. Oooh… So, who do you think was the Guy in jerseys and the one who had a crush on Onew?

LOL. I bet you all know why Onew smiled during his phone call xDD

Please anticipate for the next chapter :D I’ll be revealing one SHInee Character and the Girl who had a crush on Onew. Seriously… the Girl who had a crush on Onew-phrase has got to stop. LOL it’s driving me nuts. I need to name her already!

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke