Friends now

The Tutor


Anybody here? >.< I updated. kekeke :3


We were both running, running to the Dean's office, hoping we were not too late for his decision.


Jessica was found out.


And she submitted herself to the Dean's office. I couldn't believe it but I can't just let her be punished in some sort of ways. There was something bothering me and it can only be answered by her.


Because she knew his past...


"How long has she been gone?"


"Fifteen minutes."


"Do you think she's still there?"




"Jinki, I hope we're not too late."


I bit my nail and stopped in front of the office. The secretary greeted me with a tight smile and I went for her, asking if they were still inside. She nodded and permitted me to enter.


I opened the door and the first thing that came to me was an image of a dean sitting in his chair with a glare on his face. He was dead serious it gave me chills down my spine. Another one was the girl shaking so hard and crying her lungs out. She stood in the middle.


"Oppa, what did you do?" I said worried. He looked at me and turned to his side. I was holding Jinki's hand firmly in case I burst out.


"I expelled her."


I yelped and run for his table stopping there in front of him. He was surprise as well and stared at my puffing frame.


"Oppa, don't expel her. I forgive her already. Please don't expel her. I'm begging you." I plead and held his hand. He shook in disbelief finding it hard to understand why I was defending her.


"I couldn't just let her off the hook, Eveony, you know we have rules."


"I'll make her tell everyone that I'm innocent just don't expel her! Please! It could ruin her."


"My life is already ruined..."


I turned to her and she was crying like crazy.


"I don't want to be here anymore! I feel like dying because of him! I should have just committed suicide!"


I walked up to her and slapped her. She gasped and I just grunted.


"Shut up and cooperate!" I growled and she mutes herself. I looked at Yunho again and his lips turned to a half curve. I knew his feeling light now.


"Please oppa, can you lift her punishment? I'm not going to get her off the hook either. She should be punished, yes I know, but she needs to clear my reputation first. Think about it."


He made a thinking gesture and nodded, "Well you're right about the reputation. But she still needs to be punished. How about a suspension and a public apology?" he smiled and I nodded eagerly. It's a good thing I'm his favorite cousin.


"Very well then, you could all go back to your class. I'll make a phone call with her mom about her un-lady like act."


They moved out of the office leaving me there with my cousin. He stood up and strolled before me. I whirled my head back to him and smiled.


"You're a good dean." I said and pecked his cheek. He caressed my back and ruffled my hair.


"And you're a good kid."




Her punishment included going to different classrooms and explaining to the students what she did and apologize. I came with her to make sure I cleared everything. Jinki needs to attend his college class so we separated and also to stop the tension between the two of them. When Jessica told them the truth, some of them were really shock and never have suspected Jessica, some nonchalant, others knew it already but all of them apologized to me. Of course, I took it lightheartedly.


Jessica was quiet all the time, voluntary walking inside the classrooms. I followed and observed her. She was gloomy but she took her punishment really well and I couldn't help but to felt really sorry for her.


After all


She did everything for love.


"Hey..." I started first.


"Yeah?" she replied differently, like a normal girl.


"Are you okay?"


I looked at her as if ready to take any tantrums or whatsoever, but she stood still and smiled.


"I'm trying." she sighed.


"Wanna talk?" I offered her. I sort of felt that she needs to talk to someone because her friends tried to avoid her. I hate them for that.


"Yes." she nodded and went to the nearby bench on the park. I trailed behind her and sat down.




"I'm sorry Eveony, I think I went too far..." she said looking down. I winced and moved a little closer.


"Way too far..."


"That's why I'm sorry..."


"Why are you like this in the first place? Did something happen? I mean, if it's okay for you to tell me. I'll listen and I'll try to understand."


She looked up, tears building in her eyes. Her beautiful face crumbled. She sighed heavily and turned her head.


"Jinki and I came to this school at the same time in our first year as high school students.  He was the first guy I've known and befriend with even though he was very cold and mysterious. I've never left his side and always cling to him. Until he realized that he liked me and confessed..." she smiled to herself. It must be memorable for her.


"I was really happy back then. We always see each other and talk a lot. I was a good girl really and felt the luckiest...u-until his girlfriend came back..."


A short stabbing pain hit me.


Jinki had a girlfriend.


"Is she Hyoyeon?" I asked hoping that girl she was talking about was the same girl I know as Jinki's girlfriend. To my awful dismay, Jessica shook her head to a no.


"It was a different girl, Hyoyeon was his sister."


Then a flashback linked to my brain.


The girl from the picture frame in Jinki's closet…


It must be her.


"Do you know her?"


"No...but she was Jinki's fatal weakness."


Fatal weakness.


I gripped onto my skirt. I don't know why but this revelation made me very nervous.


"When Jinki saw her, he automatically gave in for her and he...h-he...just left me..." she whimpered and started to cry again. I hushed her and moved to touch her back. I was comforting her and I don't even know why.


"He chose her and nobody knew they had a relationship. I was buried from the pain of losing him all of the sudden."


"This she still here?"


"No...she left and tore his heart. I tried hard to get him back but it seems that he no longer have that kind of feeling for me anymore and grew colder than before. But I didn't give up until I became what I am today. So obsess over him..."


Hearing this from Jessica made me realize that I don't know much about Jinki's life. But I never did ask him for I fear his words. I felt weak. And Jessica was so strong to even carry that pain for over two and a half years. I couldn't judge her so easily.


I sighed and patted her back softly.


"I thought I still have a chance…until you came along. It was the hardest part of my struggle. Seeing him so close to you, seeing him smile when he's with you, seeing him so comfortable when he's with you...And what hurts me the most is that I see it before me but there's nothing I can do to stop it. I felt hopeless and desperate for his longing...I-I...I just love him so much it hurts..." her tears started to fall uncontrollably. I couldn't do anything but to hug her and pat her back. I was so surprised that she opened up for me even if I'm the one who made her like this.


I felt her misery.


"I'm so sorry too...I don't know how much that stupid guy hurt you."


"No, it's okay..."


"I really am. I swear my ." I said, she chuckled a little and I sighed in relief. It must be really hard for her.


"Jinki came the day before yesterday and he made me realize that I really should move on and have a life of my own. You know what? He was right, I should just move on. There are hundreds of guys out there who like me! And now I realized I was tired of him too! Haha."


"Yeah! That's the spirit! You want me to punch him for you? I could do that if you want!" I curled my fist and pulled up my sleeve. She laughed and waved her hands.


I smiled at her as she wept off the tears in her face. I gave her tissue and she used it. I waited for her to calm herself.


"You know what else?"




"I couldn't believe I just open up with my rival." she blinked a few times.


"I couldn't believe it either. But I really felt like I should talk to you about it."


"Yeah, I felt comfortable.'re not half that bad after all." she beamed at me and held my hand.


"And I think, if we didn't really like the same guy. We most probably are best friends."






We both sighed and sat there looking at the fountain. We skipped class but I think we both didn't care at all. Can you believe that I spent half of my day with her?


But she was really not that bad. She was just desperate.


Stupid Jinki. I need to talk to him.


"Hey..." I cut the silence and glanced to her flushed face.




"Are you going to be all right now? The dean called your mom." I said with a low tone. She puffed and tilted her head.


"I am going to be yelled at and may be transferred to another school for sure. But I can take it and at least I could renew my life and meet someone else. I'm going to be fine I guess."


"It takes time to forget..." I said out of the blue. I saw her nod.


"Yes, and by the way, thank you for forgiving me and even comforting me. My friends would never do the same." she smiled sadly. I grinned at her and punched her arm.


"Cheer up girl! I can be your friend. Frenemies? Or still enemies...I dunno, your choice?" I waggled my brows and she laughed purely, not the kind of Jessica I've known over the past months. She was a totally different person now.


"Friends." she formed her hand into a handshake and I took it.




I saw myself in her in some weird ways and I felt that we have similarities.


One was that we both love the same guy.


"This is not part of any of your schemes right?" I raised my brow at her and she chuckled slapping my arm.


"No, silly. I wouldn't risk."




There was a minute of silence before she spoke.


"When I'm gone, please take good care of Jinki. He seems to like you a lot."




"Oh and by the way..."




"I still hate you."


She grinned. I grinned back.


"I hate you too."


A/N: Can you believe it? You should :D hahaha. They're friends now. wow.

comments? anyone? plluuhhhhleeeeeeeeeeaaasseeee? :DD

But of course this is not the end of Eveony's fight for love...after knowing Jinki had a girlfriend. What could possibly happen next?


Find out in the next chapter! ^^ I hope you sort of like their little reconciliation. Enemies can turn into friends, right? I experienced that. :)



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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke