Desperate Call

The Tutor


A/N: Updated :) The Chapter is a bit short but this is the prelude for the next chapters to come. Eve and Onew’s POV’s by the way hehe…


I watched him with a seductive smile on my face, trying to allure him so that I can get pass through and score, my right hand dribbling the ball while my left tried to block him at some point. He lunged in and I turned my body preventing him to get the ball from my hand, my back pressed against his hard peck stomach and his arms flung right on top of my shoulders. I didn't care that much if we were too close. I was persistent to win. After all, the bet was risky.


"Yah, you wouldn't go easy on me? I'm a girl you know." I said pushing him back while I dribbled the ball clumsily.


"Not a chance." he smirked.


I laughed when the ball slipped right through my grip and that it almost fell into his hands, but my cat reflexes told me to snatch it away and run instead.


"Traveling Foul! Come back here!" He run after me playing along, I giggled and started running from side to side aiming for the hoops but he just won't let me pass. And so I made I quick plan.


"Taeyon!" I screamed and waved from his back. He stopped and rotated so I took advantage of it and galloped to the nearest shooting area lifting my arms high up to shoot the ball perfectly. He clucked his tongue and put his hands on his waist, gasping.


"You sly cat." he cackled and went to take a seat at the bench grabbing his bottled water. I grinned wickedly and threw the ball somewhere else.


"Never took your eyes out at your opponent. Unless a cute girl like Taeyon arrives." I said jokingly panting as well. We settled down and wait for Taeyon to come back.


I'm with Minho today fooling around.  Onew was out for some reasons I couldn't exactly recall but what I heard from him was that he needs to take care of his thesis. What's a thesis anyway? I should probably ask him about that.


We head out to play in the gym, of course we got access since Minho was a varsity player and I'm the Dean's adorable cousin. Minho took me on a weird bet since he was bored and wanted to play basketball. His bet was, if he points he'll get a kiss from me and if I win, I'll get something from him. I haven't really decided on what I want from him anyway and a kiss was sort of a win win situation too.


"You cheated, it's still two on two" he bumped my shoulder playfully and grabbed the ball dribbling it.


"Why do you want to kiss me anyway? You're with Taeyon right? And I'm sort of with Jinki now." I looked down flushing red when I realized what I was trying to say. He chuckled and moved closer to my frame putting his arms on my shoulder.


"Because that guy's been driving me crazy a lot with his 'Eveony's-lips-were-so-kissable-I-couldn't-control-myself' rambling. So I wanted to confirm." He grinned and wrapped his fingers on my shoulder. I squirmed and blushed. My heart skipping a few beats, this was insane.


"H-he told you...something like that?" I quivered chewing my lips. Minho nodded with a grin on his face. I moved back, stunned. Jinki won't say such a thing I mean he does kiss me all the time but uhmm...


"Seeing your face like that means he was actually saying the truth. Kekeke..." he chuckled and stood up. His face drenched in sweat and overflowing charisma. I gulped nervously trying to focus my thoughts for a moment.


"Did he really mean that?" I asked blankly. He looked back and held the ball on his waist. "Yep."


I giggled and jumped up walking cutely at him. He passed the ball up and scored right there, the ball bounced back and I took it and skidded to his side.


"Okay, one more round." I said tossing him back the ball. It was my biggest mistake that time and I smacked my face with my palm. Great Eveony you really are stupid enough to even do that.


I was about to grab the ball from him again but he swooped it off in one toss and the ball fell on the ring without doubt. I groaned, and now I got to kiss the dream boy. I wish Taeyon was here already.


"Now for the smooching part." he made a cute smoochy face and I laughed awkwardly falling back. What am I supposed to do at a time like this? I felt like running away but my feet won't turn to the exit.


"Don't you think this is too much? Err...can we just take a different bet and not get too smoochy?" I fizzled to his side when he tried to grab my waist.  He laughed so hard it echoed through-out the gym.


Just when I was about to dart off somewhere, his arms flew around me and caught me right in his body. I squealed and giggled, he was tickling me so hard. I harshly turned my body on him and I accidentally brushed my lips on his.


I swear it was an accident.


Oh God Taeyon I'm sorry.


"Ooops!" I squiggled and pulled out from him touching my lips with my fingers in shock. He was surprised as well but he recovered too fast and grinned sheepishly.


"Well that did the job." he said and sighed happily. I was slightly confused by his remark.




"I honestly did that because I was thinking if I'm already in love with Taeyon by kissing you."


I was even more confused.




"If I kiss you and I like it in a sort of like it like it way. I'm definitely just playing around with Taeyon which is bad I know, but, if I kiss you and I feel that I am cheating on her then I definitely am in love with her. And now that I cleared my mind about my weird guy issues I'm going to find Taeyon and tell her what I really feel." Minho stormed out of the gym leaving me there puzzled.


"Oh and by the way, he was telling the truth!" he shouted sneering afterwards.


What the hell just happened???






I sighed heavily and went out of the laboratory. I threw my lab coat out of my body, folded it, and hung it to my shoulder. College girls were shooting glances at me but I didn't care too much about them. I only had my eyes for that one crazy girl.


I smiled to myself realizing how much I am craving to see her.


I walked out of the College Building to go back to my room and have a little rest before I see her off later. I'm tired.


I crossed the park to the main gate and saw a familiar motor bike parked at the front. Before I could question myself why she was here I was already embraced from the back and squeezed tight on her arms. I turned and saw her new look.




"Hey, like it?" she said twirling her brown hair. She was beautiful so I smiled and cupped her cheeks.




"Haha, good. I heard you and Eve are together now!" she jumped clapping her hands. I laughed at her exaggerated action.


"Sort of."


"I'm happy for you both, although I'm slightly jealous but I'm still happy! I hope she is the one." she said.


"Yep hope so, what are you doing here? I thought you're still working?"


"I am but I came here to give you the magazine issue of your photoshoot before the actual release. I have three with me and I gave one to this blonde girl who also worked as a model along with my co-photographer and since you guys were in the same school I thought she needs to see it too."


Blonde girl...


"What's the blonde girl's name?" I asked her a little panicking. This can't be good.


"Jessica know her?"




"Hyoyeon, why her of all people?" I frowned looking devastated. Why would it be her?


"Why? What's wrong with her? Is she some kind of a crazy obsessed fan girl of yours?" she raised me a brow. This was not a joke, I could be over reacting but I know this was serious enough to keep me from worrying.


"Worst, I better go. I need to take that magazine away from her before she sees our photos. Eveony is in danger..." I said heading out. Hyoyeon stopped me and looked worried but she was still smiling.


"I'm sure you would protect Eveony well enough. I'm happy for you. Now go" she smiled and let go. I nodded and went to find her.


I dashed around the campus and even stopping by her door. Someone saw me but I didn't care. All I wanted was to put an end to this immediately.


Jessica was not some kind of an average girl. She loved me so much it turned to greed. I know and I'm aware of her feelings but I couldn't reciprocate it. It was my fault in some way and I regret it. But I couldn't turn back time and I am happy with what I have today.


I'm happy with Eveony.


I turned to the crossed hallway when I suddenly bumped into someone. She stuttered and almost fell but I instantly hugged her to prevent her from falling. She yelped in surprise.




"Hey, Taeyon..." I looked around and spotted Jessica meters away from where we stood. My eyes were wide open. She was crying like crazy and ripping up papers violently in her hands. I gulped and forgot to let go of Taeyon but she seems to know what was bothering me.


"Oppa, what's wrong?"


"THAT GIRL SHOULD DIE!!!" We heard her scream and Taeyon flinched in surprise. It was a horrible sight and I don't want to involve Taeyon in this.


I let go of her and faced her. She blinked in keen anticipation.


"Stay away from Jessica for as long as you could. Warn Eveony as quickly as possible and if I'm not there, always stick to Minho no matter what. Do you understand?" I told her hastily. She nodded and leaped away. I stayed there and watched Jessica's behavior.


My hands were sweaty and I felt so goddamn nervous. For once I experienced being scared for what will happen next. I'm too late. She already saw it and there was nothing I could do to stop her.


No, that was not the way I should mend this situation.


I could do something...


I have to protect Eveony.


I gnashed my teeth and left. I need to see her and warn her for something might happen and we both don't know what it is.


I have to protect her.


I have to...  


I couldn't afford to risk another relationship in Jessica's hands.


A/N: Okay, you guys probably established something from Jessica and Onew’s history. I gave hints. Hehehe No MinKey ships! I swear! xD Minho’s just confirming his feelings for Taeyon, a weird kind of confirming I might add LOL.


Stay tuned for the next chapter! ‘Desperate Attempt’

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke