The Signs

The Tutor

credits to KIDLEADER_TAEYON for her help. I love you Girl! *brofist*

Sleeping on Jinki’s bed was the nicest thing ever. I woke up feeling light, stretching on his fluffy pillows and curling my fist to a yawn. It was breezy, the cold air sneaking on to the half-opened window, the birds chirping from a nearby branch of tree, the smell of the room was sweet, a nice morning indeed.


I sat up from the bed, blinking a few times. I swiftly moved from the side, peaking on the boy under the blankets. I chuckled and went closer to him gently pulling off the blanket that covered his face. His eyes were close and he hummed through his breathing. Just by looking at him made me awed more.


I got up from the bed and bent down near his head, poking his cheek. I couldn’t help it.


“Why are you so cute when you sleep?” I said chuckling.


I got up again and left the room, closing the door gently behind me. I don’t want to wake him up. I knew he was tired since yesterday so I don’t want to bother him at all. He needs to relax also.


I went directly to the kitchen knowing someone was there cooking breakfast; the smell was so delicious that I had to my lips in anticipation.


“Morning, mom.” I said smiling when she turned around to see me. She was cooking pancakes, creamy delicious pancakes.


“Oh, morning, dear, how’s your sleep?”


“Quite good, this is the first time I woke up at ease in someone else’s house.”


Jinki’s mom laughed. I walked up to her tilting cutely on what she was cooking.


“Mmm, pancakes.” I mumbled making her chuckle.


“Is he still sleeping?” She said pertaining to her son.


“Yeah, still sleeping” I said taking a few steps away from the cooking area. She was busy flipping over pancakes so I just randomly looked over the boxes on the counter, checking the ingredients.


“Dear, would you mind taking over me for a while. I need to open the store now.” She asked me gently and I nodded taking her place.


“Kay, mom.”


She patted my head and walked out of the back door. I was flipping the pancake she left a while ago, and carefully placing it on a clean plate.


I took an apron on top of the fridge and put it on myself. I smiled eyeing my frame; the apron was pretty nice and cute. I just feel so contented.


I have flipped over two pancakes and now preparing for the next one, humming also to entertain myself.


Just then, two long arms grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind, making me so surprised I almost dropped the ladle I was holding.


“Morning, mom.” His voiced cracked and I honestly laughed at him. His head rested against my left shoulder while he makes this weird grungy sound. I did not try to push him away and it feels like, I wanted him to just stay behind me.


“I’m not your mom, pabo.” I smiled crookedly; the pancake was neatly placed in the pan cooking in the process. I heard him smirked and nuzzled in my body more. I supposed I could now feel the heat burning against my cheeks.


“Did you know that, a man really loves seeing his wife’s back while she’s cooking? It makes him want to hug her.” Jinki muttered, I struggled hard not to smile or giggle or anything that will trigger his teasing mode more. He was so endearing sometimes.


“Ah, you’re still sleepy. Go on the table and plop yourself there. I’m cooking. Look! Look! It’s already burnt! Aishh! Go! Go!” I shooed him away biting my lips that moment. I don’t want to laugh even though he looks really childish, stomping his way back to the table.


“You’re mean.” He mumbled. I just snorted at him.


“Sometimes I really don’t understand how your head works.”


“It works really well when I’m not like this.” His head rested on top of the table yawning in the act.


“Haha, then talk to me when you’re Onew again.”




I was half-done with my cooking, putting the last one on the pan. I could feel him staring at my back. A smile crossed my lips imagining him from the back of my mind.


We remained quiet for a while, sniffing over the yummy smell the pancakes make. I place it neatly at the center of the table letting Jinki stare at it. He was so cute leaning closer to the pancakes. I’m so astounded to see him like this; his image was way beyond different than in school.


“Hi Guys!” Hyoyeon came running down the stairs holding too many types of equipment in her hand. She’s in a hurry, running everywhere like we were on a stampede. She dropped her equipment on the sofa and hurriedly dashed to the kitchen grabbing a zip-lock plastic and putting two pancakes there. My eyes just widened in surprise…


“Sorry, I need to catch-up my plane.” She said zipping the plastic then she bent over Onew for some reasons…




Onew smiled and kissed her lips. She giggled and came rushing to me too.


“Poppo.” She laughed leaning over her cheek. I kissed her in her cheek and gave her a quick hug. When did we become so close?


“Aigoo. Be careful, unnie, when are you coming back?”


“Next week. I promise! Oh, yeah, Jinki-ah~”




“Why don’t you bring her later on the lake?”


“You mean the shining lake?” he smirked and l just looked at them curiously.


“Yeah, you can borrow my ride if you want.” She said mildly taking her stuffs in her shoulders and rushing to the door.


“Ha! That would be fun. I’ll sure use it.” Onew retorted grinning.


“Bye guys!” She waved one last time and vanished causing everything back to normal pace. Onew stood up getting plates and forks from the cabinet.


“The Shining Lake?”


“Yep, I’ll take you there after we start out our first lesson.”


I frowned, remembering why I came here in the first place. To study…


I hate it.




Just then, Onew’s mom came in the front door. Her eyes still trailing behind, maybe it’s because she saw Hyoyeon leaving. I sat down the chair, waiting for them to come over and eat our breakfast.


“She’s leaving already, poor girl, she’s too dedicated in her job that she don’t have time to relax anymore.” She sighed and sat down beside me. Onew had placed the plates in front of us and now back to his own seat.


“Don’t worry about her, she’s a strong girl. Beside she likes what she’s doing so there really is nothing to be worried about.” He said. My eyes fixed on the pancake in my plate, putting on the syrup. I think they were doing the same.


“So, when are you guys going to start studying?” she exclaimed happily, I tilted my head up glancing back and forth at the two of them. Onew smirked leaving me the remark on my head.


“After breakfast, I’ll make sure she suffers.” He chuckled. I groaned, hearing the word ‘suffer’ means I really am going to.


“Don’t be too harsh on her, son.”


“No, mom, she’s actually used to it right, Eveony?” he said grinning at me. I glared at him and pursed my lips.


Well I’m actually sort of used to it already.


After breakfast, Onew and I headed towards our room and fixed up the folding table where we can sit on the floor. I also suggested putting the futon so it’s comfortable. He just shrugged it out and started piling the table with books. I was completely drowned by it; he was adding too much detail in my head that I keep on getting dizzy. It’s a difficult task I’d say. The arithmetic and stuffs under math keeps on dragging me to a headache. I would beg him to repeat the same part over and over until I got it. He sighed and continued, not really complaining with how slow I am. I guess he nearly understands my situation and was complied to do this too.


I felt bad about it, he was serious in teaching me but I still lack the sense out of studying it. So, I tried to focus hard rubbing my head from time to time, trying to maintain a good eye contact with him as he explains further.


And each time we took a break, I would lay helplessly on the futon under us rolling over it. I didn’t care whether he’s there while I plopped on the comfy bed, in my head I tried recalling over the things we just studied, he should just be happy by it.


He would smile at me sometimes and gave me words of encouragement. I would always smile back not wanting to end up with an argument.


For the record, we didn’t fight or change insults with each other.


It was quite a peaceful review, like a teacher and his student use to do.


I giggled to myself, imagining him in a teacher uniform wearing big eyeglasses.


He’s still hot though.


We started again, this time with a much easier subject. It was English and I’m really into it. I felt he’s no longer in burden when it comes to studying this subject because I understand it too well. We passed along it afterwards.


We didn’t even notice the time, it was past four. The time went too fast, or is it just because I was an idiot in math that I had to take too many hours just to finish one part of it. Crap my weird brain.


Onew’s mom prepared us some snacks and came to our room to give it. She was caring enough to prepare it like we were her little kids, with cute face cookies and so. I laughed at it and compare the cookies with Onew’s face.


“Finally! We’re done!” I stretched my arms out freely forgetting someone was looking at me. I dropped my arms back down again and folded it, embarrassed.


“Nice armpits.” He snorted


 I slapped him on the arm, hiding my embarrassment. I was wearing sleeveless v-cut tees and pajamas, remembering it now; I haven’t even taken my bath yet. “Shut up, Jinki, my armpits are smooth and have no hairs!” I grimaced blushing hard.


“I said it was nice, did I?” he chuckled.


I snubbed him and got up walking towards my little closet he prepared.


“I’m going to take a bath, you too, you smell like chicken.”


“Chicken is nice.” He stood up to staring at me while I grab my clothes.


“Living Chickens are smelly.” I scrunched my face and laughed. He was amused and run his hand over his scruffy hair.


“Still Chicken.” He smiled sheepishly.


“Haha, okay, I’ll go in now, you should go away take your bath also or something” I blabbered headed for the bathroom.


Without knowing, he was behind me walking in also. I screamed at him and started punching him, but I couldn’t hide away the smile creeping in my lips.


“You said I should take a bath too.”


“I didn’t say you’ll go in with me! You retarded lecherous geezer! Go take your bath downstairs! Aiiishh—”


He laughed hard and went back to the room. “Your name calling is starting to get really long.”


“It’s because of you, pabo!” I shut the door and locked it. That prick might get too mischievous.


“Whatever you say.” I heard him and the door closing afterwards. He left the room and for once I was relief by it. I was already half when I heard him entered again.


“Oh, by the way, you left your clothes on the table.”




I panicked and opened the door hiding behind my body. It’s so clumsy of me to leave my clothes like that! I’m so stupid.


But still it’s so much his fault!


“I’m not getting it for you and you should go change it, we’ll go to the lake a little later.” He closed the door again and did I tell you I was totally pissed off that very moment.


Darn that Jinki.


I hope there’s no surveillance camera he planted in his room.



I was done in the bath and checked whether he was there or not. I quickly walked out and locked the door to prevent him from coming in. He said we’ll go out and I thought I should make myself prettier. I smiled when I saw my pink fluttery knee length dress alongside with my skull imprinted t-shirt I used to wear back then. I took out the dress and glance back at the t-shirt.


What change I’ve done so far…


Studying my whole body on the mirror was embarrassing to do since I was in someone else’s room. His scent still reached my nose every time I turned around. I preoccupied my thoughts again focusing more on my appearance.  My hair grew so long unexpectedly, I tied it but not in a bun I always do, this time, it was laid back pony tail with curling ends, my bangs flipped over to the side and some hair tucked over my ears. I put on a little tint blush on my cheek and a cherry coated lipstick.


My image was sweet and lovable, unlike before, a hardcore rebel; it makes me want to laugh at myself.


 I went downstairs to see if Jinki was there, but to my surprise, there was no one wandering around. I looked everywhere but no sign of him. I went to the meat store and found his mom there.


“Hey, mom, have you seen Jinki?” She was talking to one of the costumer and both of them turned around to see me. The costumer’s eyes widened and greeted me happily.


“Oh! Is she the one you’re talking about? Yes! How pretty she is!” She said.


“Yes, that’s my son’s girlfriend.” Onew’s mom smiled at me sweetly.


I was surprised that his mom addressed me as his girlfriend. I didn’t know what to do and stuttered right there hiding behind a hanging fresh meat near the counter. They laughed at me and I awkwardly laughed back, just then, some little kid appeared behind the customer, it must be her child.


“Mommy, I thought oppa doesn’t have a girlfriend yet?” a little skittish voice crawled under her skirt. I saw her and she glance back at me with piercing gaze.


“Yes, she is his girlfriend.” Her mom tapped her forward to introduce me. She was cute and I couldn’t help but to come out too. But when I came near, she drew back and stuck her tongue out.


“I’m going to be Jinki-oppa’s wife!” she declared proudly then hides back to her mother’s skirt. I giggled thinking that she was one of Onew’s fan girls.


“No worries little girl, you’ll be Jinki’s wife!”


“Really? Yay!” she comes out again, excitedly. We all laughed at her being so adorable.


Someone tapped over the wooden wall which causes us to turn our heads. And to my utter surprise, we were all speechless.


 “Hey” His voice echoed behind and guess who’s very excited to see him.


“OPPA!” The little cute girl came running to him and he lifted him up to his chest. Her tiny arms wrapped around his neck cuddling him like a teddy bear.


I took notice of his dashing look. He was wearing a simple white top with horizontal black strip lines and rolled-up sleeves, his jeans where perfectly edge around his long thighs and his shoes where a bit muddy underneath. I was curious why it was muddy but I didn’t have the time to ask him now.


“You miss me did you?” he said leaning over the little girl’s head. She childishly laughed and quickly kissed him in the lips then came wiggling over to get down and hop right in front of me.


“Noona! I kissed your boyfriend!” She screamed and tagged her mother along walking out of the store.


“Bye! Thanks for the discount!” Her mom yelled and went away, grinning at her playful daughter.


Jinki’s mom guffawed and patted Jinki’s back.


“Son, you’re a lady killer.”


I snickered at her comment, she was right.


“What did I just do?” he said trying to be innocent.


The chit-chat didn’t last long since another costumer came in the shop. Jinki tagged me with him to the garage while explaining why he was gone thirty minutes ago. He opened the garage door and took me by surprise.


I was so astonished to see an awesome black cruiser motorcycle. For me, it was the most awesome ride ever. I couldn’t believe he owned one like this. I giggled feverishly wanting to touch the ‘ride’ he and Hyeoyon were talking about earlier.


“This is awesome! Super!” I shrieked playfully riding over it.


“Uhm. What are you doing?” he said stunned, I wheeled back to him, figuring out why he was acting like that.


“What do you mean? Are we not going to ride this?” I pointed to the motorcycle, pouting at him. He burst into laughter and moved in to my side.


“Sorry, it ran out of gas so we’re going to use this instead.”





“Are you freaking kidding me? I am not gonna ride that!” I complained. We managed to lead the argument outside the garage, where the said ‘ride’ was already set on the clean road with Jinki driving it.


“What’s wrong with it? It’s safe.”


“What do you mean safe? What’s safe about this?”  I rolled up my arms, protesting.


“You’re going to be safe when you put your arms around my waist.” He said grinning teasing me again. I growled.


I stared blankly at his eyes, those deceiving brown orbs luring me. I sighed defeated and slowly straddle at the back sit screaming when I feel outbalanced. He smirked at me, of course he’s satisfied.


“You promised never to drop me, okay?” I stammered holding on to the side of his clothes, he started to pedal and I yelled again.


“Will you just hug me?” His voice was stressed-out, he was annoyed but the way he delivered his statement was ironic. I just shut up and spooned his abdomen through my arms, closing in.




So the ride, Hyoyeon was talking about was a weird squeaking bike with a free sit behind it. It was squeaky and had almost rotten into existence. It didn’t turn out really romantic unlike in some drama series on TV when the girl smiling happily while her boyfriend pedal the bike gently. Our situation was completely the opposite of it, me screaming like a little Winnie for the fear of falling keeps on reminding me while him laughing like a crazy dude while turning the dear old bike into a crazy drive of our lives.


It was fun though, but my voice diminished out from whining.

We had to walk up hill a little for safety reasons. I walked beside him while he stroll the bike with his hands.


It was starting to get dark, the moon was up already and I could feel the humming gentle wind lingered on my white skin. He saw me shivered and walked a little closer to me without talking. A small upright curved formed against my lips. I know now he’s concern.


We stopped by the top of the hill and saw how wonderful the cityscape was. I awed from the view, the lights where illuminated so beautifully through the darkness of the night, these lights were so embellish that it creates a symphonic mood. We were far away from the urban land so it makes me excited to see this kind of scenery. I just sighed freely.


He went back to sit on the bike and waited for me to sit in too.


“Hop in, we’re going for the slide” He smirked stirring up my mind. I giggled and confidently ride again, hugging him from the back. I was more comfortable than before.


 “Make sure to not drop me off the cliff okay?” I said softly convincing him to not do something stupid. I saw him nod and I cheerfully leaned over his back and gripped his shirt tightly.


He started to push the bike down and the slide quickly followed after that. It was a long way down rather than going up and it was so much fun I started to tear up.


We laughed and came to a halt. I blinked a few times questioning our sudden stop. He rotated his head to see me and I stared at his face.


“We’re here.”


I turned and saw this huge marvelous lake. I quickly jumped out and observe…




It was boring.


“Huh? So, why are we here again?” I asked him with one upright brow.


“Follow me.” He said lending me his hand. I took it but I was still speculating.


As I watched further, there were fewer trees for the side of the lake letting us see more from the cityscape view. One lamppost directed towards the lake’s wooden mini port and a boat waiting there for some reasons.


He dropped off the bike on the nearby tree and walked straight to the boat. I grumpily trailed behind him. The ground was a little mushy and wet and my heels keep on sinking, I groaned frustrated.


“Eeeek.” I squealed to a stop when my left foot got stuck from the mud. He flipped back his direction towards me. I didn’t complain at all but I was struggling to take my foot back from being eaten by the mud.


He looked at me and sighed then went over and curved his body towards me. I was stunned when he unexpectedly hoisted me up bridal style and carried me over to the mini port. My heart sink and my brain died that instant. Why is he so freaking kind today?


A lump evolved on my throat.





“No need to speak for an apology, your eyes showed it all.” He puffed out. My cheeks went from fake tint blush to a real blush. Is it because he saw my eyes full of odd feelings for him? Did he see how I focused on his face more rather than complain about everything?


I need to get a good grip of myself.


I’m already crumbling into pieces


For this guy?




Then I guess there were butterflies roaming around my stomach.


We made it to the boat and took our seat there. He got the paddle and set out to row, my eyes toured on the lake, I know it was clean and peaceful but still it was empty and it bores me.


“Why are we here again?” I tried to regenerate my last question, when I glance back at him; he was staring at his wristwatch.


He smirked, “Just about time.” He tilted his head up and gazed at me, I leaned back awkwardly his face was a little bit close to mine. Mind you that the boat was a little one and we were facing each other while our knees gently touch.


“Seriously, Jinki, If we were just here for nonsense then I think we should just head back, it was cold you know, I’m wearing a dress.” I lightly held the end of my dress to him. He still had his eyes on me and I couldn’t help but to frown from nervousness.


“Okay so now we’re having a staring contest? Fine! I’ll stare at you and you stare at me in the middle of this awful boring lake where alligators or crocodiles lurking at us underneath. Don’t talk! I know there’s going to be some tease you’re gonna blurt out! Seriously, Jinki, I—…” I suddenly stopped.


I didn’t know why but I just saw one tiny light bulb hovered over Jinki’s head, and another one… and another one… and there it was again…


Until a whole bunch of then appearing out of nowhere


Some of them even passed by our own eyes flying like we weren’t there.


Jinki’s smile grew wider when I dropped my jaw.




These little guys were fireflies…


I gasped and looked everywhere… We were surrounded by fireflies!


I was so speechless. My heart thumping hard as if it wants to break out, I was so dazzled by this wonderful view! I couldn’t even air in.


It’s so beautiful…


I’ve never seen anything like this in years…


Just as I was about to passed out from this outstanding panorama I heard a strumming of guitar. When I turned back to him I was even more surprise.


Everything to me seems too unpredictable…


“Saying I Love You

Is Not the Words I Want To Hear From You

It's Not That I Want You

Not To Say, But If You Only Knew

How Easy It Would Be To Show Me How You Feel

More than Words Is All You Have To Do To Make It Real

Then You Wouldn't Have To Say That You Love Me

Cos I'd already know”


I never really anticipated hearing his sweet velvet voice again. But when he started to sing those lyrics in addition to his perfect strumming, I felt being the luckiest girl in the world.


“What Would You Do If My Heart Was Torn In Two

More than Words to Show You Feel

That your Love for Me Is Real

What Would You Say If I Took Those Words Away

Then You Couldn't Make Things New

Just By Saying I Love You”


For once I realize that Jinki has this sweet romantic side, I intently focus my attention to him, smiling as he sings. He would let me see those perfect teeth he has and I would just beam at him.


“Now that I've tried To Talk to You and Make You Understand

All You Have To Do Is Close Your Eyes

And Just Reach Out Your Hands and Touch Me

Hold Me Close Don't Ever Let Me Go

More than Words Is All I Ever Needed You to Show

Then You Wouldn't Have To Say That You Love Me

Cos I'd already know”


Every beat of my heart calls for Jinki’s name. His voice would purposely echo on my head, that sweet soothing voice. I never imagined scenes like this to happen. And now that it already was happening, I’ve fallen for it…


“What Would You Do If My Heart Was Torn In Two

More than Words to Show You Feel

That your Love For Me Is Real

What Would You Say If I Took Those Words Away

Then You Couldn't Make Things New

Just By Saying I Love You “


Here I am, on a boat, on a clean lake with fireflies playing everywhere and sparkling right before my very eyes and this wonderful person in front of me, singing to an old melody, of an old love song, oh what lovely fantasy.


But it was all real.


“More than Words


He finished off with a single strum while his eyes slowly closed then opened back at me. I saw in his eyes what he actually feels. It glitters like diamond but still soft and mellow. He was so handsome to me right now and alluring, I was tempted by him.


He leaned a little forward closing the gap between the two of us. I didn’t move, instead I drew in closer…so tempted.


So tempted to touch those lips…


I closed my eyes waiting…


And one wet thing touched my skin.


It was sticky and slimy…




“Holy Jesus Christ!” I threw myself back and screamed. Oh yeah, did I mention we were still on the boat?


Stupid ty FROG came out of nowhere and jumped on my lap! I stood up attempted to prevent myself from falling out of the boat. But well, it was too late.


He managed to pull me up but my weight didn’t help him at all, instead, we both landed on the water with a loud splash.


Why does it have to be like this? Whenever we tried to do something romantic, it would always turn out to be a disaster or would not happen at all. I’m getting frustrated by it. Possibly because faith didn’t really want us to be together, stopping us every time we tried.


I furrowed my eyebrows while squeezing the end of my dress. I’m soaked and either was Jinki, who was even more soaked considering his clothes. He remained silent for a while but there’s no anger or annoyance appearing in his face.


I shuddered hugging myself. It was starting to get really cold. I glanced back at him and he did the same.


“Cold?” He said and I nodded letting him see my trembling body. He exhaled noisily and walked straight at me.


He rubbed his hand and gently placed it on my cheeks. I flinched from the touch, but I felt relieve and warmth against it.


I smiled back at him, “Thanks.”


We went home without talking at all. It was a meaningful silence. But the thing that made me curious was the smile that never left his face. He tried to hide it from me and I pretended not to see it.


Recalling the lyrics from the song he sang at the lake…


It was quite significant in my vocabulary and if I were to apply that song to something, it would all go directly to him.


Everything he did was…


More than words...


And I’m curious where he got the guitar too.


A/N: The last sentence was weird. Kekeke I dunno, I just put it there xD

OMG. Lee Jinki started making signs! HOLY MACARONI! I just wish Eveony wouldn’t be so naïve.

I suddenly got addicted to listening to old love songs and so I thought maybe I could put it there. And I was picturing Onew singing ‘More Than Words’, I got a heart attack after that hahaha.

I hope you guys like it! ^^ Stay tune for the next update!


Question: Do you guys want Onew’s POV for the next update? :3

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Thank you!
More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke