The Lost Figures of Hatred.
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My eyes looked around the room, almost blinded by the bright elegant chandelier hanging in the middle of the corridor. My nose tingled at the distinct smell of holy candles and multiple white lilies bouquets placed on the small pillars around the room. The bright sun penetrated into the beautiful grand window, but it only made my vision blurry and dizzier than before. Maybe the worst thing was the altar in front of my eyes, or the huge audience with all eyes on my eyes, or the fact that my hand was wrapped around my father's as he was besides me in a classic tuxedo. However, I think the worst part was the fact I was in a classic yet layered white dress that had a long trail of snow white cloth behind and a simple tiara placed neatly over the bun I was styled in. 

No, it was the fact I was getting married.

The orbs of my eyes landed on the boy throwing flowers gleefully with a smile. His small hands reached for the flower petals in the basket with excitement, throwing them on the air was the next step while walking up the corridor. Instead of a girl doing the job, it was just Yoogeun clad in a golden tuxedo that made him appear like a royal prince with his hair groomed into small curls surrounding his wavy hair that had grown by the days like Minho's before he got a mature haircut. Talking about Minho, I felt like fainting.

The music appeared, that familiar sound of the wedding march. My feet and my skin was shaking in fear, this couldn't be real. My nails digged into my father's sleeved arm when he began to walk up the corridor that the young boy had been skipping to. My father cringed in slight pain at my strong hold and gently tugged, making me only more shaken. This couldn't be happening, it was too fake. The bells and the piano playing was the next process of the song signalling for the bride to enter but it was too much.

My breath was closing when the door closed behind me, my feet only wobbling in each step as my lip was nipped between my teeth. I felt like a lost girl only being led to an unknown place. The audience was in my eyes, people I knew, people I didn't know, reporters in the windows, paparazzi was surely outside, this was something political and democratic, this was something almost unrealistic. I blinked in fear and everything turned black...

I opened my black sight with another blink of my eyes, but now I was standing before the golden altar, priest before my eyes in a red robe and the bible in his hands. My knees were in the floor as I kneeled and my body bowing automatically in the tradition of my country's wedding. I bowed and I felt the prescence of someone besides me, I turned in alarm to see the person and my world went black again...

I saw a bright light and everything changed once again. Now I was standing with the same white wedding dress, but I was eyeing the priest with his interlaced hands and smile in his soft face. "You may kiss the bride." Was all I could hear from his open mouth and his hands breaking apart. My eyes turned wide and I felt the tug of a large, warm hand on my bare arm and I began to turn to its' direction. Again, before I could fully turn to the subject, I was evolved into dark...

My hands were holding tightly onto the bouquet of lilies in my hand and I could hear the squeals or giggles of females behind me. Some I knew, and some girls I didn't, yet they were all standing behind me. My back was facing them and I could only sigh with the smile on my face, it was an irresistible feeling to feel that me, being Choi Jinri, was the girl already married and the girls behind me were just single while I was taken for the rest of my life. With that, I allowed the excited girls fight for the bouquet of flowers that flew across the sky. Immediately did I hear the screams and squeals of excitement and maybe some heels stomping the floor after some running and jumping for the bouquet. In seconds, I heard claps, some sighs, and laughs? Laughing bursted into loud guffaws with me turning in confusion. Anyhow, when my eyes landed to the target, I giggled to myself at the sight. Out of all people to grab the bouquet just had to be tomboy girl with the classic tuxedo. Her eyes looked at me with a glare and a shake of her head as she brought the bouquet up to the air. "Do you want me to get married with that brat, Jinri?" Amber yelled with a disgusted face towards her companion for years now, Kim Kibum. I laughed at her words along with the rest of the females who agreed with her. I shook my head at the girl that got Key's attention when my ears heard a chuckle besides me and my waist being wrapped around my waist. "Trying to marry off my best friend with your friend, I see." I heard the deep voice go into my ears, and my lips perked up without me knowing. My eyes began to turn in the direction of the arm when again I snapped out of place...

The time traveled again and I was now cutting the grand cake with the bride and groom dolls standing perfectly on the highest layer of the white cake. I smiled as I passed my mother a piece of cake, her pecking a small kiss on my temple. Yoogeun randomly appeared besides me, tugging the white dress of mine politely. I halted from cutting the piece of cake and looked down to the boy with the golden attire. My eyes had turned into round plates and my laugh was high pitched at the sight of the boy with cake frosting all around his mouth and nose. "What has gotten into you, little pig?" My voice had said softly as my hands wiped his face with a napkin. Then, the boy shook his head and groaned at my cleansing. "Omma, can I have another piece?" The begging boy hugged my leg through the layers of my dress and pleaded for minutes while I kept cutting the cake. "Here you go, sport." I heard the familiar deep voice go through my ears when I felt the tall height stand behind me and the small boy release his arms away from my body and towards the subject with the small cake slice in the transparent plate. My eyes began to turn blurry when the boy reached for the plate in the hands of the person with the only white tuxedo and golden tie in the ballroom. "Thank you, Appa." My sight turned completely blurred at the squeaky voice thanking the target...

"How does it feel being married?" The head of mine snapped in a daze as I looked up at the male with one of his arms around my hip while the other was on my hand. I looked around the room with the white and golden decorations all around. The theme was elegant and luxurious, it screamed the type of theme my mother would pick. My ears could only hear the soft waltz and my feet following the rhythm with the male guiding my way.

"Married to you? It's alright." My mouth spoke to itself, and I could feel my eyes turn into slits of a tease. The tall height swayed around the dance floor smoothly, and I sighed at our hands interlaced tightly, his palms softly caressing my curves. I could see his large eyes penetrating into mine, emotions flooding into each other. Our stepes got smoother, more precise, and more interwined. I could be deep into his soul for hours, I wouldn't be bothered. His own eyes were deep in mine, when he suddenly chuckled and shook his head. "Your going to think I'm cheesy." I rolled my eyes and suggested for him to speak. "It's just that, we are married now... Shouldn't I say that I love you when I do?" He said it so simply, but why was it such an impact? Never had he said those words to me, and hearing them go into my ear was a soft set of music notes going into my ears. My head spinned in ecstasy, and my heart pounded so hard against the rhythm. 

"I love you too, Minho." I couldn't stay behind or else he would think otherwise. Instead, I owned myself his grin and his arms pulling me deeper to him.

The music was ending, and so was our dance. I could feel his expression going tenser, and his feature coming closer. Of course he was leaning his lips into mine, and I was willing for them. His large eyes were that perfect color of hazel, followed with his high bridged nose, and ending with those plump lips that can have me on the floor hungering for more. I was wishing for them while my eyes began to closer when I viewed his own eyes snap shut. Our lips were centimeters away, almost sealing to each other, when everything turned black...




The sun blazed my eyes, my tired eyes to be specific. My body began to turn, hearing a few pops go through my joints, and my arms going into the air for a morning stretch. I groaned and whined at my lazy side, my ears hearing the morning chirping of the birds. It was all just a dream...

Just a dream...I sighed with my eyes closed in somewhat relief I didn't really live through that stress. I didn't know if I would be able to handle it, the stress, the anxiety, the problems, issues, people, society, overall everything of me living a life with Minho besides me. I nodded to my thoughts in agreement and I began to stand up from bed. I tried to stand up, but was held down. I tried again, nothing. Maybe I was sore, or lazy so I tried one last time. This time, I was pulled or maybe even yanked. My body froze at the feeling of being restrained by my waist, closing my eyes in horror and disbelief. I knew it was a hand, and I knew it was a person by the bare chest hitting my pale flesh. To be specific, a male.

I turned in alarm, meeting the guy I had been dreaming of for months now. The guy who was turned me into someone else, the guy who has changed my life completely. Yes, Choi Minho in all his glory with his droopy large eyes looking at me in his teasing attitude and his bare tanned skin shining against the sun. "Morning, wifey." The cheeks of mine turned red simoutaneously at the sight.

"Wifey?" I questioned. My mind was confused. Why was I in bed with Minho? Why was I in another place? Why was the room different? Why the nickname? 

"Well we aren't married for anything, you know." That felt as if someone threw a pan in my head, turning my brain back to the past. So the dream was real. I was dreaming about my wedding from a week ago, everything was real. I was Minho's wife. Minho was my husband. Yoogeun was now our adopted child. Lastly, we were on our honeymoon in Jeju. Nobody but us two, together, alone, and full of cheesy romance.

This couldn't be real...

But it was...

I was married.

"Can you believe this?" My mouth opened, and my lips spoke the words out. I could feel Minho's hand against mine, interlaced as he drove. Jeju's night was the best of all. It was humid, but that pleasent humid that can have you sighing in relief. Seoul was cold in nights, Busan was extremely hot in nights, Jeju was just perfect in every aspect. There was stars, a few of them, but they were shining with their greatest efforts. To finish it off, the night breeze was warm and fresh to our faces with our windows rolled down. It was amazing.

"You. Me. Us?" Turning to me quickly before shifitng back to the road, his arm flexed against our interlaced fingers. With a mere nodd in agreement, I was expecting the shake of his head, in which I did earn. "I actually can't. You are Choi Jinri, the pure white flower nobody in the flower hill could touch. I'm Choi Minho, the flower everyone touches and holds... I would've never expected us being together. We are so different, so apart, so... Opposing."

"Nice way of wording." Noting his sophisticated word, I gave him a few points in my mind.

"What can I say? You're getting to me." That was somewhat true. Minho has been adapting some of my higher words lately, as if he bought a new dictionary and has been taking advantage of it. I have been adapting to socialism a bit more, a little, but still a small change. I wasn't mute anymore. I smiled, laughed, giggled, and maybe even say a few words here and there... Again, a small change, but I wouldn't have gotten it without Minho's high social skills. With him being the social butterfly, a percentage of that was passed down to me since we are attached to each other.

It's not that we are attached by force, we are quite comfortable with each other by now. You can say we were glued to each other, and without one another, we felt empty or uncomfortable. Sounds cheesy, right? Maybe it was the whole abandoned on an island with only us being found. Maybe it got us way too close to the point of missing each other after a day. 

"Anyways, willing to give a guess?" Before I could open my mouth, Minho turned to me after halting on the red light. "Where do you think we shall be heading?" With that, I nodded in apprehension to his sentence. 

"No hints?" My eyed turned into hopeful slits. 

"Not a single one." I was left hopeless with a race of the smirk in his thick lips.

"The beach."

"This late of the night?"

"The marketplace."

"To buy what?"


"Your not the type to go to romantic five star dinners, remember?" Remembering a few months ago where we had stricken our one year anniversary of being a couple, Minho had taken me to the most beautiful restaurant for dinner. The catch, he was correct... It was beautiful and romantic, but not exciting or thrilling as I had imagined it would be. Not that I hated it, it came from Minho's heart, that was the best of all right? 

In conclusion, I sighed while giving up. My brain could no longer get any new ideas, it was all I had. After so many places we had already gone in Jeju for the past few days, my head was left blank. 

"Give up?" I was about to nod my head when a sharp turn came to my senses. My body sledded on the passenger seat, grasping onto the chair in alarm. The turn was sharp but quick, me glaring at the grinning Minho who only shrugged. "Look up." His face nodded to where he was looking directly and I followed along, setting my eyes to the straight sight.

Indeed, it would be the biggest therapy resort of Jeju.

But still, I couldn't help but smile in excitement at the thought of getting such an expensive massage made out of pure oxygen and water. It would be priceless, I knew it because it was the exact thing I had been asking Minho for since day one of our arrival in the airport of Jeju.

"Not that I'm doing this because you want to, but because I noticed you have been stressing lately. Your back is going to get bumps if you keep this up, so I hope this can take that all away, Jinri." Like usual, my mind was powered off by his words. The sweetness was now all over me, I still couldn't handle it even if our marriage was more than a week ago. Our honeymoon was coming to an end alright, this bieng our last night to precise. It was a beautiful vacation, having Minho by my side every single second of the day, seeing him smile just like I would smile, bonding like never before, and us being alone, just us. Yoogeun was missed and we both had that breaking heart of us wanting to hug our now, adopted son after we signed the papers, but we both needed our time alone as a couple to get thing working.

Jeju isn't only a paradise of a honeymoon but also a key to working things out. Minho and I talked about everything. From him being social to me being shy. He knows I'm not going to change from a day to another, it's not possible. Yet, I appreciate him encouraging me to take my time, to be calm about it. He even told me to not rush at all since it's not a 'problem' for him. I hugged him dearly that day, but I knew deep inside I still needed to give an effort to being outgoing. I was knotted to Minho and he had tons of friends of all ages, I needed to start to be a wise person to get around enough to not be known as Minho's ghost of a wife.

We also learned new things about each other in Jeju, our habits, our likes, our dislikes and just mere signals made by our own faces. Just by the look of his face, I know when Minho agrees to something or when he doesn't, I'm sure he knows the same to me as well. I found out Minho is a curious frog. If it's a small little pen or a huge cake of different layers, Minho is curious enough to stop for minutes and just stare at the item or end up buying it out of curiousity. I find it adorable at times to see him act like an amazed child like the time he found a chocolate bar he had never seen before and end up almost puking at the 'horrible' taste. It's just a small thing, but it's just like the fact that he also knows my unhealthy addiction to ice cream of any flavor and has now been buying me a single cone of a different flavor each night before we head back to our room hotel.

"Are you writing on your journal again? Is it about me?" Looking up from the passenger seat, I found a smirking Minho out of the car and near the entrance of the spa. With wide eyes, I quickly got out of my trance and from the rented small car we had been using for the past week and reached for Minho with the outstretched hand.

His warm temperature interacted with my own warmth, making me sigh.

Oh right... He also knows about me having a special red journal that I wirte every single day in.

Now I have to deal with a stubborn male who thinks I write about him twenty four-seven. Isn't that fun?



I don't know about Minho, but my sight turned almost into a million d

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here we go~
varhalaela #3
Chapter 20: syukur deh...minsul bersatu untuk selamanya....ini cerita yang panjang dan bagus banget..
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Chapter 19: aku yakin minsul saling merindu begitu banyak..aku menunggu saat minsul menikah...yeee....
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Chapter 18: bagaimana setelah ini...bagaimana setelah minsul ditemukan..apakah mereka akan tetap bersama????
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Chapter 15: minsul benar benar dimabuk cinta..kekeke...minsul lobe..ini perkembangan yang sangat bagus buat minsul..
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Chapter 14: ya ampun..akhirnya putri keong dan pangeran kodok...hahhahaha
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Chapter 13: hahahhahahahaa...minho oppa bisa aja...kekkekeke
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Chapter 12: wahhh..aku tidak menyangka baby sull berani meluk duluan...ciye ciye minsup...emm...
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Chapter 11: aku harap minsul akan segera menyadari bahwa mereka saling menyukai satu sama lain..:)