



I sat at the table with the rest of the boys eating dinner, we were all exhausted from the day so we ate quietly. Lay had even fallen asleep at the table. His bowl of rice lay dejected in his hand, head nodding forward. Awww such a cutie. I whipped out my phone to take a picture haha, he’ll be mad tomorrow, but there’s nothing he can do about it.


Suddenly the intercom rang. Being on the end, I hurried to the com to see who it was. On the little screen displayed our dance teachers standing looking at the camera, a bit uneasy, before saying


 “I’m really sorry about this, but we’re supposed to live in the dorm with you guys, the CEO said so. You can confirm if you like” said Nana


I stared at them, not really believing what I heard.


“Is it ok if you let us in first? It’s kinda cold” Nana whined


Woah, she actually looks kinda cute when she whines…what the hell is wrong with you Chen, you’ve seen this girl once and this is how you think? I shook my head.


“Sure thing” I beeped them in.


Turning around I said to the rest of the guys, "Well it seems that the new dance teachers are living with us…."


“WHAATTT??!!” spat Chanyeol. Sehun, who was sitting opposite gave him a massive face.


Before more protests could be heard, the bell rung, signaling that the girls were at the door.  Suho turned to say something to the guys, that I couldn't catch, as I went to open the door. Our two dance teachers stood there with two suitcases EACH, looking like they had transversed the globe in the last few hours…oh wait they did. Luckily Sehun had gotten up from the table to help as well and the two girls made their way in.



After Chen left, Suho said,


“I don’t think we can tolerate this.". Yoda nods enthusiastically opposite me. "We need to make sure they know their place and let the CEO know that we need space. We will need to devise some plans though, later tonight….group meeting”


“I don’t think we should do this, they seem like nice girls” mumbled Kris.


“Yeah, isn’t that kinda mean…they just got here, and they’ll be our dance teachers for a year….isn’t it going to backfire on us? if we do bad things to them?” said Lay, who had woken up after Yoda had screamed.


Suho simply glared at them. No one else said anything else and he grinned


“That’s settled then”


After settling Nana in Lay’s room and Taeyeon in Kris’s room, seeing as they had spare beds, while the rest of us were sharing, they joined us to eat.

We were all tired so we started to clean up so that we could sleep, but Suho had other ideas. Since their ages had been revealed in the few questions that were exchanged, it was noted that they were in fact younger than us, Nana was a mere 18 years old!


“Guys don’t clean up, our new dance teachers will”, he said mockingly, “and no one better help them. Or else.”, glaring at Lay and Kris. He turned abruptly and left. The others looked around deciding whether to heed his warning, they certainly didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the leader’s wrath.  Putting the dishes down they looked apologetically towards the girls who looked with wide eyes at where Suho used to stand.


Being the mankae I was undecided. I knew what it meant to have to do everything. Well better them than me, so I too left.



I know this is kinda a short update, but I had another idea, and its kinda stuck in my head right now...making it kinda difficult to write this. 

Credit to whoever owns the photo

And please please leave me some comments...I want to see how I'm doing according to what you think about plot....and stuff ^^ Thanks

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Chapter 11: ... the last few paragraphs were so deep, it really got me thinking... update SOON author nim!!
Chapter 10: Omg, this is such a fantastic story! I was just gonna read to get the theme and feel of this story for your poster, but I was hooked as soon as I laid my eyes on this story!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: yeah, update more ok I am loving this fic seriously and I wonder what wil Suho do ?
mm0923 #4
Chapter 8: more update soon pls thanks
christineyu527 #5
Yes he does ;)
qwerty28 #6
Chapter 7: hahaha se7en?! Classic!! AND OMG SUHO HAS FEELINGS :'D
Chapter 3: haha thanks for the mention ^-^ again this is really nice......And yeah fight Nana fight show them what a girl is capable of doing....hehe *wicked smile*
Chapter 2: Nice start ^-^ anyway I like the flow and I am really curious of what will happen next sooooo update soon, neh? ^-^