



Suho had fallen asleep again, and I paced the room as I waited for Nana to return, my hurtful words to her, replaying again and again in my head. I stood next to the open window, my forehead resting against the cool glass as my mind flashed back to the Day.

I was lying on my bed skimming through Youtube when a knock sounded at my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone right? I looked down at my pink bunny onesie before trudging down the stairs.


Peering through the frosted glass in my front door, I saw Nana. Slightly confused I pulled open the door to be greeted by her, but instead there was no response.  She still hadn’t looked at me at this point.


“Nana..” I called


“He lied” she choked out, finally look up at me, eyes b with tears. Pulling her into a hug, I patted her back as she sobbed into my shoulder. I maneuvered her into the house and sat her down.


“He said that he couldn’t give her up for me. I wasn’t good enough” she mumbles.


“Shh, its ok. He’s a jerk anyways. You’ll find someone better.” I said, trying to gauge what to say.


“I’m just so sick and tired of feeling like I’m not good enough. My mother thinks I’m useless, he thinks that the other girl is better, I just want to be loved” she cries.


“I love you” I said quietly, “Just not in a weird way..”


She looks up, a small smile tugging at her lips.


“You just need to make your own destiny” I determined, “Show them that you are worth the attention of the world, and that you don’t need them, to feel loved. I’m sure, when the time comes, there will be someone waiting for you at the other end, who loves you more than you can imagine.”


She still looks uncertain, and falls quiet, sniffing every once in a while.


“Perhaps its time we took up that offer in Korea” I suggested.


She plays with the edge of her dress, crimping it before smoothing it back out, her foot tapping the floor as she thought about it.


“Perhaps it is” she replies, looking more determined now.

In less than 6 months we stood at Seoul Airport, ready for the journey ahead, only to be here now, almost back at square one.


I groaned inwardly, why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut?


My head flicked up as I heard the door slide open, and I turned to see Nana standing at the doorway with a piece of paper in her hand. Her face was pink, and the trails of her tears could still be seen.


But there wasn’t hurt in her eyes, only determination. What she said next was something I’d haven’t heard in a while, and made me think that, maybe she is ready, maybe its time for her to let go or her past, to live in the present. She deserves it.


Those four words, was enough for me to give her my blessings, to do what her heart wanted, who was I to stop her from loving somebody.


“I’m sorry”, I whispered. She tilted her head to the side, as if it wasn’t something she wasn’t expecting.


“Why are you sorry?”


“I can say, that I honestly don’t have a right to stop you doing what you love, and loving who you want. I just….wanted what was best for you. Seeing you struggle, wasn’t easy, and there wasn’t much that I could do for you.” I looked down, feeling the strain of this conversation. Even though that breakup had nothing to do with me, she had still suffered through so many months, trying to get out of bed.


“I still…remember when your mum called me, asking, no, begging me to do something” my voice cracked, just remember the phone call.


Nana walked into the room, and stopped when she stood directly in front of me.  




I didn’t look up.


“Tae” she whined.


I peeked up at her, her eyes, slightly puffy from crying earlier, but there was a light in her eyes.


“Why are you being like this? I know you’re only trying to protect me, but sometimes, you gotta let me fall. Only after falling will I know, that you can get up. That falling doesn’t mean the end, but simply a way for life to tell us, that nothing will go to plan. But that’s ok, because a life of plans, means you’re missing the present”


I grinned at her.


“Are you laughing at me?” she demanded


“No, I’m not” I replied as I shook my head furiously. “I was just wondering when you got so philosophical. Hello, bring back the young immature Nana please” I called into thin air.


She giggled, and punched me in the arm.


“Well you know, I’m just so acquainted with the hardships of life, it just came to me, the force is strong within me” she chuckled. “Oh, and I think that Suho has a thing for you”, she winked “seeing as I’m on a roll on all.”


I rolled my eyes at her. I think the immature Nana has finally appeared, and with that I knew, she would be able to learn to love again, she could finally prove to herself that she can be loved, and will be loved by those who surround her. That she isn’t alone in her fight, and that we’ll always be here for her.


I grabbed her arm and pulled her out into the corridor, and sat her down in a chair. Fishing around in my bag, I found what I was looking for. I pulled it out and handed it to her.


Looking at the thing I placed in her hand, she looked up at me, questioning.


“Its your choice” I said, while unlocking your phone.



“It’s your choice, and your heart, but I’ll always be here, if you need me” I said. “I believe in you, and never forget what you said.” With that I turned and returned to Suho’s room.


I’ll never give up


Well hello strangers, it has been a while *coughs. Sorry for the hiatus, I have been rather....blocked, idea wise. My imagination has been rather weak of recent. 

This chapter is a rather....forced one, I tried to give more background, but eh, I feel that it is still lacking unfortunately. Mid semester break has finally arrived for me, but there's no such thing as a break when you're in uni :( 

I hope that you did enjoy this chapter, I will try my best to push through, and maybe we will see a union of Lay and Nana before Christmas rolls around...*fingers crossed

Enjoy your day :D








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Chapter 11: ... the last few paragraphs were so deep, it really got me thinking... update SOON author nim!!
Chapter 10: Omg, this is such a fantastic story! I was just gonna read to get the theme and feel of this story for your poster, but I was hooked as soon as I laid my eyes on this story!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: yeah, update more ok I am loving this fic seriously and I wonder what wil Suho do ?
mm0923 #4
Chapter 8: more update soon pls thanks
christineyu527 #5
Yes he does ;)
qwerty28 #6
Chapter 7: hahaha se7en?! Classic!! AND OMG SUHO HAS FEELINGS :'D
Chapter 3: haha thanks for the mention ^-^ again this is really nice......And yeah fight Nana fight show them what a girl is capable of doing....hehe *wicked smile*
Chapter 2: Nice start ^-^ anyway I like the flow and I am really curious of what will happen next sooooo update soon, neh? ^-^