


That night, Tae and me saw the 11 boys off at the steps of the apartment building. Wishing them well, we watched the two vans pull away as Sehun muttered 'Yehet' and 'Ohlarat' over and over in excitment. As the vans merged into traffic, we walked back into the building. Tae trailed slightly behind as we walked to the elevator.

"What's this?" she questions, holding a small folded piece of paper. 

"Uh...Oh!", it was what Lay had pressed into my hands before he....well...

I snatched it back, just as she began to open it. 

"It's nothing, just a shopping list" I muttered, hoping that she would buy it.

"Hmm" she says, with a bemused smile "Whatcha hiding?"

"N-nothing" I stammer, hurrying into the lift. 

Tae walks in with a smirk on her face.

"Who is it? Was it from one of the boys?" she asks with one eyebrow raised.

I chose not to entertain her fantasies.

"You know what happened to the last teacher, just be sure you know what you want." she says honestly.

We exit the lift and head back into the apartment, only to be greeted with the sound of Suho throwing up. We both run into his room, to see him on the floor, in a puddle of vomit. 

I stopped at the doorway, turning my head away from the room. I wanted to help, but I could feel myself gagging. Tae gently picked him up and dragged him to the bathroom. Side-stepping the puddle, I headed to the other side of the room and opened the window, and did the same for the rest of the apartment.

I could still hear Suho in the bathroom, so I knew we needed to go the hospital. I grabbed some clothes from his room before heading to the bathroom. 

To say he looked pitiful would be an understatement. A sheen of sweat covered his face, his hair was plastered to his cheeks and neck. Tae held a towel against his forehead, and a glass of water in the other. 

"Let's go to the hospital" I said, holding out the clothes to Suho. He groaned in response but took the clothes. "Do you need any help?", I asked, but he shook his head, ever so slightly, his eyes remaining closed.

We exited the bathroom, and leant against the wall. Though I was getting used to the smell, I saw Tae's clothes smeared with vomit. Looking at the ceiling, I said, "I think you need to change too."

She looks down, and sighs. As she walks down the hallway to our shared bedroom, I realised that I still hadn't cleaned up Suho's room yet. 

"Tae" I called, "Before you change, you might want to clean up Suho's room". She turns around very slowly, and glares at me. 

"What? You know that if I do it, you'll be cleaning after me anyways."

She rolls her eyes, but starts towards the laundry. As she cleans the room, Suho staggers out of the bathroom, latching on to his arm, I walk him to the sofa. I put my hand on his forehead, but his temperature still wasn't coming down. As Tae moves between his room and the laundry I see Suho watching her, his rapid breathing slows, and his hands unclench from his sides. 

As I sit in the seats with Tae in the waiting room, I reach into my pockets for my phone, instead I find the folded up piece of paper in my pocket. 

I carefully open it up, one fold at a time. 

Hey Nana,

I don't really know how to say this, or any way to avoid this either, so I'll get straight to the point. I like you. I don't really know how you feel, and I don't want to push myself onto you. You are the person who makes my day brighter, seeing you everyday has made me want to perform better, stronger. I want to sing to you from the global stage, or even better, stand on stage with you one day. Ring me, before the plane takes off tonight, and I'll know how you feel. 


Searching my pockets for my phone returned empty. I must have left my phone back at the apartment. Their flight was 8:30pm, I stood up and walked down to the reception. 

"What time is is?" I asked the nurse on duty.

The nurse looks at her computer, "8:25pm" she replies.

"Can I borrow the phone?" I ask.


I reached for the reciever, fingers trembling. Holding it to my ear, I took a deep breath. It's ok Nana, you can do this. My right hand hovers above the keypad, then it occurs to me. 

I don't know Lay's phone number.

The only way I can call him is on Tae's phone. Putting the reciever back down, I thank the nurse and hurry back to the waiting room.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

What is that annoying sound? I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling above me. I could hear Tae and Nana arguing over something. I turned my head to the right to see them sitting on the sofa, Tae holding her phone as far as possible away from Nana.

Meanwhile Nana had practically climbed on top of Tae trying the get the phone. 

"Give it to me" she whispers softly, obviously trying not to wake me.

"No, this is for your own good. I'm not letting you leave me behind when it all goes downhill."

"It's not going to go downhill" Nana exclaims

"Oh really?...That's what you said last time, but then look at where we are now."

Nana retracts her hand, and climbs off Tae, she looks out the window, gazing off in the distance.

"You didn't have to say that" she mutters before disappearing out the door.

Tae stands up, watching as her friend disappears out the door. "Sorry" she whispers.

I turn my head back at the ceiling. Seems like Nana ran away from something. I guess she's not as perfect as everyone thought. I hear Tae sit down right next to my bed. I close my eyes, not wanting her to know that I'm awake. 

"What have I done", Tae whispers "I shouldn't have said that. She only started to forget about it. I really am the worst friend ever."

"You're not." I said

She blinks at me, as I turn to look at her. She looks so much like her, it hurts, but it also feels like the hole is slowly shrinking.

"You're not" I repeat, "You just want to protect her. You might think I hate you, and that I want you to leave, but...its just that..I wanted to protect her, the memory of her...Before she left....Before she threw me away like trash."

Tae takes me hand, and gently squeezes it. Just talking about the past, make my chest tighten, the air I breathe is not enough. I gasp, but I still couldn't breathe, the monitors began to beep rapidly. The ceiling above me start to spin, but I feel her, holding my hand.

"Suho, it ok, calm down. You have me now, she's in the past", I try to focus on her voice, but the room continues to spin faster and faster. The pitter patter of feet running down the hall tells me that the doctors are coming. I try to focus, but her voice grows fainter and fainter, until she grabs my face, forcing me to look at her. 

"Suho, focus on my voice", she instructs "Take deep breaths for me, its ok. You're ok." She repeats this over and over, until my breathing slows, the room comes to a halt just as the door is slammed open and doctors rush in.

Author's note

So...I know I haven't updated in a while...I lost motivation..then uni got the better of me. I know this is a somewhat crappy chapter...but I'm procrastinating...so here you are. Chapternapping doesn't seem to be working out as well as I though, so I will just post as I write. So...enjoy this writing..it is far from good..

Sorry again for those who've waited patiently :)

Comments are appreciated :D 

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Chapter 11: ... the last few paragraphs were so deep, it really got me thinking... update SOON author nim!!
Chapter 10: Omg, this is such a fantastic story! I was just gonna read to get the theme and feel of this story for your poster, but I was hooked as soon as I laid my eyes on this story!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: yeah, update more ok I am loving this fic seriously and I wonder what wil Suho do ?
mm0923 #4
Chapter 8: more update soon pls thanks
christineyu527 #5
Yes he does ;)
qwerty28 #6
Chapter 7: hahaha se7en?! Classic!! AND OMG SUHO HAS FEELINGS :'D
Chapter 3: haha thanks for the mention ^-^ again this is really nice......And yeah fight Nana fight show them what a girl is capable of doing....hehe *wicked smile*
Chapter 2: Nice start ^-^ anyway I like the flow and I am really curious of what will happen next sooooo update soon, neh? ^-^