



Nana had left for the night and I sink into the chair beside Suho. I was surprised he hadn’t woken up from us running in and out of the roon.


Suho was sleeping so peacefully, chest rising once in a while. He scrunched his nose in his sleep, obviously in disgust, before a gentle curve of his lips appeared. I admit, Suho has nice lips, they look so tender and red.


“What would they feel like?”. Unconsciously I reached out to see whether they would feel as soft as they looked. As my hand got closer, I could feel his warm breath on my hand, his breathing still constant.


Centimetres away I stopped. What if he was awake? I waved my hand over his face. No reaction.

“Suho?” I called softly, “Guess he’s still asleep”.  My fingers traced his perfectly shaped lips, and there were just as soft and plump as they looked. His cheeks were tinted pink from his fever, and the dark room accentuated his jawline. My fingers followed the contour of his face to his jawline, all the way to his eyebrows.


Sweeping his fringe off his forehead, made him look like a sleeping prince. A small smile tugged at my lips, “How come I’ve never noticed how you are?” I whispered. He lay motionless in the bed, arms limply at his sides, the IV wrapped around his arm. I gently picked up his hand to unwind the line, smoothing the loose tape in the process.


As I was about to put his hand back down, his grip tightened. I looked up in surprise, thinking he had woken up, but his eyes remained closed. I tried to free my hand, but he had a firm group. Staring at our entwined hands, I tried to come up with excuses should anyone walk in or if the man himself woke up. But, his warm hands were distracting me, whether it was the slightly calloused thumb up against the back of my hand or that my hands fit perfectly into his is unknown.


I groaned in frustration. What is wrong with me? The contract Tae, you definitely don’t want to end up like the last teacher right? I slapped myself lightly, trying to snap out of this weird pool of emotion. Nothing will, can, happen anyways. So why is my heart still racing? Giving up, I buried my face into our entwined hands waiting for morning.




I woke up someone shutting the door to my room. My headache still remained, but at least I didn’t feel like throwing up. My eyes remained close as I heard someone sink into the chair next to me.


“I wonder what they would feel like?” was suddenly muttered. Tae had a weird habit of saying her thoughts out loud without knowing. It was cute. I maintained breathing deeply so she wouldn’t know that I was awake. Bad thing about pretending was that I wasn’t actually asleep, and my nose picked the perfect time to be itchy, and all I could do was wrinkle my nose.


I heard the rustling of her clothes as she moved, before she waved her hand in front me, fanning her perfume around my face.


“Suho?” she whispered, “Guess he’s still asleep.”


Before I knew what was happening, her finger traced my lips, before tracing up my jawline. She caressed my face, before sweeping my fringe to the side, exposing my forehead.


“How come I’ve never noticed how handsome you are?” she mumbled. I could feel my cheeks heating up, but there was nothing I could do to hide. I merely hoped she wouldn’t notice me blush.


I felt her pick up my hand, and unwind the IV, and as she was starting to put my hand down, I tightened my grip. I just wanted to hold her hand for a little longer. She tried to pull her hand out, but I had a firm grip. I could feel her eyes on me, as she tried to determined whether I was awake of not, before she sighed and put our hands gently back onto the bed.


She groaned before saying “What is wrong with me?”, accompanied by a slapping sound. Did she slap herself? Is she maybe contemplating whether we had a future? I’ve been training for so long, I didn’t even know where my goal was anymore, to be honest. Though our debut was said to be in less than a year, I had been given plenty of false hope before.


There had been so many chances for me to debut, but I had failed in each monthly test before the final cut, and was pushed back every time. I had wanted to become a star since I was young, and my parents were supportive. But I’ve let them down so far, failing to debut after six years of training. I’ve thought, countless times, to quit, as I wanted to be a better son to my parents. But I never thought I would leave this world for a girl.


I opened my eyes, and looked down at Tae sleeping with her head against our entwined hands. She was beautiful, gentle, and kind. I didn’t deserve her, not after what I’ve done to her, but every time I look at her, my heart beats a little faster. Reaching out, I tucked her hair behind her ear.


Was this the time to abandon something that I had worked so long for? Was this chapter destined to end with a girl? Or would the story continue on to success as I had hoped for from the beginning?



Hi everyone, I'm finally back with another chapter. I had actually written this chapter for a little while, but hadn't found that time or inspiration to finish and post. BUT I've had a bit on inspiration, so hopefully it will translate across to the story and we can FINALLY get some action :)

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Chapter 11: ... the last few paragraphs were so deep, it really got me thinking... update SOON author nim!!
Chapter 10: Omg, this is such a fantastic story! I was just gonna read to get the theme and feel of this story for your poster, but I was hooked as soon as I laid my eyes on this story!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: yeah, update more ok I am loving this fic seriously and I wonder what wil Suho do ?
mm0923 #4
Chapter 8: more update soon pls thanks
christineyu527 #5
Yes he does ;)
qwerty28 #6
Chapter 7: hahaha se7en?! Classic!! AND OMG SUHO HAS FEELINGS :'D
Chapter 3: haha thanks for the mention ^-^ again this is really nice......And yeah fight Nana fight show them what a girl is capable of doing....hehe *wicked smile*
Chapter 2: Nice start ^-^ anyway I like the flow and I am really curious of what will happen next sooooo update soon, neh? ^-^