


I sat there waiting for the announcement to be made….constantly checking my phone using the crappy airport WiFi. Beside me sat one of the most important people to me….Taeyeon. She was my everything…she was there when I needed her most,..there to wipe my tears…and laugh at my bad jokes and puns. I looked around the small waiting area which was crammed with all the passengers for our flight to Seoul. This was going to be a long flight…


9 hours later….


I stood at the exit of the airport with Taeyeon about to take my first step ever into Korea. The years that I’ve spent training to arrive here seemed short and the end result was definitely worth the sweat and long nights. Being hired as a choreographer for SM Entertainment. A black van stood at the entrance with a tired looking driver holding a sign saying my name and Taeyeon’s. We were going to meet the trainees we were to train for the next year.



It was already 9 o’clock at night but we still had to wait for the new dance teacher to arrive from Australia…I bet she can’t even speak Korean. I was tired and so were all the members of EXO and we still hadn’t had dinner yet…Bacon had even fallen asleep on the couch off to the side. Kai was still dancing…that crazy kid…he has so much energy…or is he showing off? I looked at Kris who had Kungsoo on his lap…he stared back with a blank face…what is he thinking about?


The door opened interrupting me, and our manager ushered in two girls. They didn’t seem to be anything special our manager introduced them as our new dance teachers..and they bowed politely at us, introducing themselves.



I turned around just in time to see the girls introduce themselves. Looking them up and down I scoffed...they have talent?...No, I have talent, I was someone who dreamed for a long time to be on stage, to be a singer and dancer. Here, within EXO, I was already one of the best dancers, though it hasn’t been decided yet, but I was probably going to be debuted as a main dancer. My only competition was Lay, and maybe Luhan. Pfttt and they look young as well, doubt they will have anything worth my attention.



The minute I stepped into that room, I had a feeling of uneasiness, I didn’t like how everyone kinda stared, but no one actually reacted. After introducing ourselves, there was still no response from the trainees. The handsome young man who stood closest to the door, probably leader, looked downright pissed off, there was disbelief on his face, as if we were some losers with no skills and we were wasting their time. I scanned the rest of the room, there were two people asleep on the couch and floor, another stood in front of the mirror. The rest were somehow crammed on to the remaining couches and looked exhausted and disinterested…



I peered around D.O to look at our dance teachers, they looked….well young, there wasn’t any way to get around that fact…it actually looked like they were younger than me..D.O turned around and looked at me with his owl eyes…a question forming but one he never uttered. The silence in the room was so awkward, it was kinda rude to ask straight out how old they were, even though I was very interested in. How did they even manage to get a job here at SM?

“Hi I’m Kris” I mumbled from behind D.O...”From EXO-M”, as it had been already decided that we were to debut as two sub units promoting in two countries simultaneously.


The one that had introduced herself as Nana, tilted her head to the side to get a proper look at me, before smiling and said, “Nice to meet you Kris.” Surprisingly D.O introduced himself next, and soon everyone had done their intros and the manager signaled us to get going for the dorm.



After the awkward encounter we had one more meeting before we could hit the sack. Meet the CEO – Lee Soo Man. His reputation preceeded him as a man who tolerated no crap from anyone. We needed to finish signing our deal with SM for the year.


We were ushered into the massive office at the very top of the SM building where the records of all the achievements of his idol groups were crammed into selves, and hung on the walls around his office. There must have been hundreds of trophies…This guy is weird…I thought groups usually got to keep their own trophies…its not like he earned it through his own hard work and perseverance…


He was seated in a high backed office chair, facing a glass wall, which showed the brightly lit Seoul. A sight that I have never seen until now. He said without turning “I have very high standards for your work, but there is one thing that I will not tolerate in the slightest bit” he said in a menacing tone,  one which made me glance at Tae, and she in return looked at me slightly confused. He spun around in his chair…I think it was for a dramatic effect, but he almost fell off his chair, and I sniggered.Trying to keep a straight face, he continued “Any activities that do not adhere to your contract of teaching them dancing and respect, will see to your contracts being ripped up and your employment terminated, and that means ANYTHING ROMANTIC!”.


I jumped at the last words. From what I could tell most of them couldn’t give a that we were here, I don’t think we are going to have any problems, especially since we would only see them a couple of hours a week. Then he added “Oh and since board and food are included in your contract, you will be living in the same dorms as EXO, effectively watching them when the managers cannot, because honestly they are a handful” he chuckled.


Wow.....We honestly aren’t paid enough for this, it feels like I’m being ripped off. Taeyeon looked surprised, but kinda happy at the sudden change in plans. We had to share living quarters with 12 stinky boys, which had hectic practice schedules in order to meet their ‘maybe’ debut timeline in 12 months. This was not going to be fun at all, what on earth is she thinking? Maybe I should have gone to YG instead...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note:

Happy New Years everyone :) I hope you have an awesome 2014 

Ok, due to some advice from a little friend of mine....yes you, you know who you are...I've decided to merge the two chapters that I had together, it makes for a long read....I'm sorry.

Another special mention to me first subby: 


Thanks everyone again :) Please leave a comment to tell me what you think about the story :D

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Chapter 11: ... the last few paragraphs were so deep, it really got me thinking... update SOON author nim!!
Chapter 10: Omg, this is such a fantastic story! I was just gonna read to get the theme and feel of this story for your poster, but I was hooked as soon as I laid my eyes on this story!! Update soon!!!
Chapter 9: yeah, update more ok I am loving this fic seriously and I wonder what wil Suho do ?
mm0923 #4
Chapter 8: more update soon pls thanks
christineyu527 #5
Yes he does ;)
qwerty28 #6
Chapter 7: hahaha se7en?! Classic!! AND OMG SUHO HAS FEELINGS :'D
Chapter 3: haha thanks for the mention ^-^ again this is really nice......And yeah fight Nana fight show them what a girl is capable of doing....hehe *wicked smile*
Chapter 2: Nice start ^-^ anyway I like the flow and I am really curious of what will happen next sooooo update soon, neh? ^-^