The Secret is Finally Revealed

I'm In Love With My Bandmate/s

It had been a few days after Donghyun and Minwoo found out that you were a girl. Their behaviour towards you had changed. Kwangmin was smart enough to act the way he always did to you, but Minwoo and Donghyun... weren't. Whenever you had to carry things for the members, or you had to clean up some stuff, they would come and tell you that they would do it. You thankfully nodded at them, but you didn't know why they were acting like this.

Kwangmin noticed their changed behaviour, and face-palmed himself. *Idiots... Now everyone's going to think that something's up with ~~~~... I also can't believe that Donghyun was listening to our conversation in the car...*


Everyone woke up when they had arrived back at their practise rooms. When they all stepped out, Donghyun dragged Kwangmin and Minwoo with him into a little corner. "Hey, I heard you guys talking in the car. Is it true that ~~~~ is a ... girl pretending to be a ... boy?" Kwangmin and Minwoo gulped and nodded. Then Minwoo hurriedly spoke, "Please don't kick her out. She probably has a goo-" he was cut off by Donghyun. "I know, I won't kick her out. She probably has a good reason for it right?" Minwoo and Kwangmin both nodded in agreement,

"Do you think we should tell the others?" Kwangmin asked. "I don't think we should JUST yet. They'll probably go rambling on about a girl sleeping with them and seeing them topless and stuff like that. Immature freaks. Tch." Donghyun coolly replied. Kwangmin nodded in agreement while Minwoo was just gulping like a freak, as he, was in fact, immature.

"Anyway, just stay and act the same as you always do towards her, okay?" Kwangmin ordered. Donghyun and Minwoo nodded in understanding".

~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~

*Sigh, why don't they listen to what I say... They'll probably end up causing a ruckus. I should put an end to this..* Kwangmin nodded at himself as he was quickly making up a plan inside his quick-thinking brain. As you were about to go down and make some lunch for the members, since it was almost 1PM, Minwoo and Donghyun scrambled downstairs and offered to make lunch this time. You awkwardly nodded and let them into the kitchen. *Why are they acting so nice to me? Did I do anything to make them do this to me?* you weirdly thought to yourself. 

Just then, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Kwangmin turned you around and whispered in your ear, "I think you should go make lunch. Those 2 don't even know how to cook." he smirked then went into the kitchen and dragged Minwoo and Donghyun out into the garden. You blushed because his face was so close to yours when he was whispering. You quickly dashed to the kitchen and hurriedly began making lunch.

Meanwhile, in the garden...
"Are you guys out of your minds!? If everyone finds out that you've been acting like this, they'll all get suspicious!" Kwangmin scolded the both of them. "Mianhae... It's just that she's a girl, and whenever I see girls, I can't help but assist them with everything." Minwoo said. Donghyun nodded in agreement with him. Kwangmin just sighed. "Alright. If you guys both really can't hold yourself in, why don't we just tell everyone about her?" Kwangmin asked. They were both shocked, but they eagerly nodded. Minwoo called them over.

Once they arrived, they were all wondering about what they wanted to talk about. "What's up?" Jeongmin said. The three of them gulped. "You know how we all thought that ~~~~ was mistaken for a girl...?" Donghyun muttered. They nodded. "Well.. she IS a girl. She is pretending to be a boy." Minwoo explained. The members eyed each other and they yelled in unison, "WHAAATT!?"

"Calm your farm down, people!" Kwangmin shouted. They all quietened down. "B-but this is WAY too sudden!" Youngmin said, still shocked. "I knew there was something weird about that guy.. Never would've thought that she was a REAL girl.." Hyunseung said. "HOLY CRAP, WHAT'S A GIRL DOING IN OUR BAND?" Jeongmin shouted. "That's the point. We don't know. But we knew that she probably had a good reason for it, so we are deciding to not tell the manager about this. And who knows, this might be interesting, having a girl in our band.." Kwangmin stated and explained. The members all nodded in agreement.

You had just finished cooking lunch and called everyone over to the dining table. They all rushed over and sat down, eagerly waiting to taste your home-made cooking. For lunch today, you had made spicy dukkbokki, Boyfriend's favourite food. They all happily cheered and each one of them gave you a big hug. You blushed as one by one, they all hugged you, except for Kwangmin of course. You all began to eat in peace.

Then suddenly, Youngmin broke the peace and asked, "Are you a girl, ~~~~?" you choked on your dukkbokki, but quickly regained by drinking the juice you had poured out for everyone. Boyfriend were eyeing Youngmin, giving him a what-the-hell-did-you-just-do look. He didn't notice (as he is clueless). You stuttered, "W-Why are you asking such a ridiculous question, Youngmin? Haha, O-Of course I'm not a-" you got cut off by Kwangmin.

"You don't need to hide it from us anymore, ~~~~." he stated. The rest were nodding along with him and you were... shocked. "H-How did you guys... find out?" you asked, still surprised from the sudden statements. "I don't think we should explain. But the point is, we want to know why you joined this band." Minwoo continued. Again, they all nodded. You bit your lip, but nodded awkwardly.


Blah. I hope this chapter didn't bore you guys....=3=
And I hope I didn't confuse you guys either @~@

So the last chapter, Donghyun and Minwoo found out that ~~~~ was a girl.
They both decided to keep it a secret. So this chapter is referring to after a few days, as said in the first paragraph. Just saying this incase some people didn't follow up with what was happening >___<

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ah... hello ^^ lol actually i was gonna subscribe but i ended up reading all in one shot. XD lol i was shocked to see my username but its okay haha :) i love this fic ^^ i have the same bias as you :D minwoo oppa ^^ i hope there is a sequel. i will try to read your other fics. :D
Love this TTM! It's like you're beautiful much. But.. I still like it!! <3 That's cause imma bestfriend. Teehee. Fighting Unnie! :)
Kwangmin_GF #3
i never watch You're Beautiful,,but i am pretty sure this is more fun that that drama.. ^_^ keep up the good writing.. love it.. <3
@SHINeeLoverXOXO Sort of.. but I never had watched Your Beautiful before o-o; Until someone told me it was like it. xD
Lol this is like 'Your Beautiful'. Guessing thats where u got the ideas? :)
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
ItzJaeKay #7
Wahhhh I rally enjoyed reading this story it was fun great job XP
Omo! I so love your story! ^^ I hope you can make a sequel! :)
@Rawr695 Naww thank you <3!