The Reason Behind All Of This

I'm In Love With My Bandmate/s

Erm.... This is gonna be a LOOONG chapter.. xD
Oh and btw, the flashback might be a bit different to what they actually said ,,, so just think of it as a ... more detailed version of it. xD Enjoy ^___^



It was peaceful during lunch, until Youngmin broke it by saying, "Are you a girl, ~~~~?" he asked, bluntly.

You choked on your dukkbokki but quickly regained by drinking some juice. Five pairs of eyes were glaring at Youngmin, giving him a what-the-hell-did-you-just-do look. Of course, Youngmin didn't realise (as he is clueless).

You then managed to stutter, "W-Why are you asking such a ridiculous question, Youngmin? Haha, O-of course I'm no-" you were cut off by Kwangmin.

"You don't need to hide it from us anymore, ~~~~." Kwangmin seriously said. The others nodded. "I don't think we should explain how we know, but the question is, WHY did YOU join OUR band?" Minwoo asked. Again, the others nodded. You decided to finally explain it to them, I mean, surely you CAAN trust them... right?

~~~~End of Flashback~~~~

After you all finished eating the spicy dukkbokki in absolute silence, you all shuffled outside, into the garden. You all sat down at a table which was nearby. For a few minutes, it was silent. Hyunseung finally asked, "Ready to tell us, ~~~~?" You nodded. The member's ears were all pricked up, eager to listen to your story.

You began to talk... (btw this is gonna be LOOONG :3 Might wanna get some popcorn ^_~)

"My ultimate dream was to become a kpop star. I had been motivated and determined to be one ever since I watched an MV of Girls Generation, Run Devil Run. (Rofl, Chose a random one XD) Their energetic movements and their charisma simply captivated me.

I had decided to become one, and I studied hard for it. I took dancing AND singing lessons EVERY day, including weekends. After 1 year, I had finally gotten the hang of it. I decided to create my own song. It took me 2 years to finish it, as I was an amateur. I was really proud of myself and happy. I then decided to show my music teacher, Mrs. Wind (random name xD) to take a look at it.

She was fascinated, and then she recommended me for the kpop star audition, which was held here recently. I was shocked, nervous and excited at the same time. Mrs. Wind said that when she showed them the song I had created, they were very impressed and that they wanted me to PERFORM the song on Audition Day.

I practised day after day, until it was finally the audition. As I was waiting for my turn, I watched all the others skilfully perform. I reminded myself that ONLY ONE PERSON would get chosen out of 1000 people. I knew it was impossible for an amateur like me, but I decided to try. As it was my turn, I stepped onto the stage and showed my best smile. I began to dance and I performed my VERY best.

By the time I finished, I was sweating and panting everywhere. I looked over at where the judges were and saw that they were nodding and mumbling to each other about my performance.

I walked off the stage and every contestant waited for the results. I was hoping and praying frantically that I would be the ONE who gets chosen from out of 1000 people, but when I thought about it carefully, I knew it was IMPOSSIBLE for me.

Everyone finally gathered on the stage after the judges had finished deciding. They all commented and complimented about everyone. Then, it started to get serious and it was full of tension inside the hall.

I'll tell you this. I was crying tears of happiness as I heard my name called out. My dream had finally come true. But then.. we ran into some complications..

There weren't any girl bamds left. They had been informed AFTER the audition that they had another audition somewhere nearby, and that all the girl bands had been taken. I thought my dream was shattered for life. They didn't want to waste my talent, and they desparately tried finding a band for me to join. When they informed me that there was only one band left, which was your band, I was shocked.

I told them I didn't want to because I disliked boys A LOT, but they insisted. Then I carefully thought about it, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity. I agreed. But they said, I would have to disguise myself as a boy and hide my identity from the manager AND the members. I nodded and that's when I knew my whole life was going to change. I was prepared to be a kpop star, even if it meant I had to be a boy",

After you finished talking, Boyfriend were shocked, surprised, impressed, wide-eyed and filled with all kinds of emotions. They were clearly impressed with you.

"I never knew you hated / disliked boys..." Minwoo sulkilly said. "Haha, mianhae Minwoo. But don't worry. Ever since I met you guys... I've started to not hate you anymore.. You guys are the first boys that I like and admire. Since you guys are the first, you should be happy." you replied to Minwoo with a smile. He brightened a bit.

"I never knew you had created your own song... Can I listen to it sometime?" asked the eager Kwangmin. You nodded.

"Wow, you must've really wanted to be a star, even if you disliked boys.. I admire your determination, ~~~~." Donghyun complimented, giving a thumbs-up sign.

"WOW oh WOW!!! You must be REAALLLYY good if you've made your own song already, ~~~~! I wanna listen, I wanna listen!!" yelled Youngmin. You laughed and happily gave him a nod. Kwangmin just sighed and face-palmed at his own OLDER brother, being immature as usual.

Hyunseung and Jeongmin were speechless, but you could tell that they were fascinated by you. All of Boyfriend pretty much admired you now. Because it was getting quite cold, you all decided to go inside and drink some hot chocolate. You went into the kitchen and prepared some, while the others were crouched in the lounge room, sitting on the couch, talking to each other about you.

"I think we should treat ~~~~ more nicely from now on. And from now on, we WON'T tell the manager about anything. Araseo?" asked Donghyun. Everyone nodded. "Just act normal and act like you don't care about ~~~~ in front of the manager though." Kwangmin reminded. They all nodded just as you came out of the kitchen and gave everyone their mugs of warm, hot chocolate. For the rest of the afternoon, you all lazed around and relaxed.


I'm sorry for updating SOOO LATE tonight D:
Mianhae, Mianhae! *bows head repeatedly*
Please forgive me ;~; I hope you enjoyed though ^___^

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ah... hello ^^ lol actually i was gonna subscribe but i ended up reading all in one shot. XD lol i was shocked to see my username but its okay haha :) i love this fic ^^ i have the same bias as you :D minwoo oppa ^^ i hope there is a sequel. i will try to read your other fics. :D
Love this TTM! It's like you're beautiful much. But.. I still like it!! <3 That's cause imma bestfriend. Teehee. Fighting Unnie! :)
Kwangmin_GF #3
i never watch You're Beautiful,,but i am pretty sure this is more fun that that drama.. ^_^ keep up the good writing.. love it.. <3
@SHINeeLoverXOXO Sort of.. but I never had watched Your Beautiful before o-o; Until someone told me it was like it. xD
Lol this is like 'Your Beautiful'. Guessing thats where u got the ideas? :)
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
ItzJaeKay #7
Wahhhh I rally enjoyed reading this story it was fun great job XP
Omo! I so love your story! ^^ I hope you can make a sequel! :)
@Rawr695 Naww thank you <3!