Running Away From Home

I'm In Love With My Bandmate/s

You woke up on your bed at around 11PM. When you woke up, you looked in the mirror and saw that your eyes were red and puffy because you had cried all night, sleeping. You got up, went into the bathroom, and cleaned up your messy face. You decided to see if your parents were still awake or not. Slowly and quietly, you slipped out of your room and went around the house. You saw that both your parents had gone to sleep, and you sighed a sigh of relief.

You were quite hungry, so you went into the kitchen to get some food and drinks. You happily ate some food and drank some water, and then watched TV. Since there wasn't anything good on TV at this hour, you decided to go take a shower. After taking a shower and washing your hair, you dried it and then changed into some fresh new clothes. (Not your PJs) You then hopped back onto the bed and decided to read a NEW book that you had bought recently. It was called, "Wishing Upon A Shooting Star".

Although you knew your wish would never come true.. you decided to just wish for something. *I wish... that I.. could go back to being a kpop star and living with the members of Boyfriend.. and I wish.. I could make up my mind about who I want to go out with..* after you wished for that, you started to read the book. You had read up to about halfway of the book when it was 11:30PM. You couldn't fall asleep and you wanted to get out of this house ASAP.

Then a brilliant idea popped up in your head. *Ah! Why don't I.. run away?* you nodded at your brilliant plan and decided to look for some ropes. You remembered that the store room downstairs had really long ropes, so you quietly went downstairs. You went into the store room and looked around for the long rope. You saw it hanging up on a hook and you carefully took it off the hook, making sure you didn't touch anything else. You then dashed back upstairs and into your room.

You opened your window, and the cold, windy breeze came in and filled the room. You shivered because it was freezing, and then went to go get a jacket. You wore a pink hoodie and then went back to the window.

You got the long piece of rope and then threw it down to where the grass was. Then you saw a hook that was right underneath your window, and decided to tie the rope there. After tying the rope, it was time to run away from home. It was time to be free once again. Although you would miss your parents, you didn't really care about them at this point. They had done nothing to support you. You shook the thoughts of your parents out of your mind and began to climb down the ropes, making sure you didn't fall and injure yourself.

Because you weren't scared of heights, you landed safely on the grass. You looked up at your window and around the house once more, then you ran away like a mad man. You were free..

You stopped by a little, yet dark alleyway and decided to stay there for the night. It was the only place that you could stay at for the moment, as it was already 12AM and probably no one would be awake by now. You were certain that no molesters or rapists or bad people would be out at this time, and continued to walk down the alleyway. You started getting a bad feeling, but you shook it away and didn't trust your instincts. Instead, you kept on walking.. deeper.. and deeper.

You suddenly reached the dead end and then decided to camp there for the night. You hadn't even realised that there were already people there, and you just sat down. You were about to drift off to sleep, as you were getting quite tired, until you heard footsteps. You quickly opened your eyes to see a group of scary, strong looking men. You were frightened as they were looking at you with a flirtatious look. In their eyes, you could see nothing but.. lust.

You were about to run, but then one of the men grabbed your wrist. "Uh uh, where do you think you're going after you trespassed OUR territory, pretty lady? You need to get your punishment.." the man said, flirtatiously. You were scared out of your wits and you were about to call for help, until another man covered your mouth. He made sure that you couldn't breathe.. and then you.. out.

Just then, at the dorm, Kwangmin had started getting a bad feeling.. A bad feeling that something terrible was about to happen to you.. He told the rest of the members about it and told them to stay here. He would call them if he needed help and they nodded. Kwangmin left the dorm, and went to look for you...


Hope you enjoy ^___^...
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ah... hello ^^ lol actually i was gonna subscribe but i ended up reading all in one shot. XD lol i was shocked to see my username but its okay haha :) i love this fic ^^ i have the same bias as you :D minwoo oppa ^^ i hope there is a sequel. i will try to read your other fics. :D
Love this TTM! It's like you're beautiful much. But.. I still like it!! <3 That's cause imma bestfriend. Teehee. Fighting Unnie! :)
Kwangmin_GF #3
i never watch You're Beautiful,,but i am pretty sure this is more fun that that drama.. ^_^ keep up the good writing.. love it.. <3
@SHINeeLoverXOXO Sort of.. but I never had watched Your Beautiful before o-o; Until someone told me it was like it. xD
Lol this is like 'Your Beautiful'. Guessing thats where u got the ideas? :)
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
ItzJaeKay #7
Wahhhh I rally enjoyed reading this story it was fun great job XP
Omo! I so love your story! ^^ I hope you can make a sequel! :)
@Rawr695 Naww thank you <3!