You keep pulling me in again.

You're Crooked
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I padded down the stairs, grabbed my phone, coat, shoes and bag put them on then gave Raiko a four note whistle to put on her leash.

"Okay, I'm going now omma I'll be back soon!"

"Where? Oh, you're taking Raiko aren't you, silly me be sure to drop her off at your aunts. You're going to the party aren't you?"

"Ne omma, I have the clothes in my bag, I promise I'll drop her off at auntie's! Bye omma, bye appa!" I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Ah,ah,ahhh you're forgetting something~" My mother cooed. I gave both her and my father a kiss on their cheek and left, locking the door behind me.

"Come on Raiko let's go"

I walked down the usual route and got to the corner of my street, hoping he wouldn't be there. Maybe he forgot? Hopefully he did. Oh nope I'm wrong =.= there he is.. aish..

"Hey" He greeted leaning against a lampost. My grip on the leash tightened, I looked past him.

"Heeeeyyyyy~ Yuriiiiiii~" He cooed pulling on my arm. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.




"You replied, obviously, what else?" He asked sarcastically winking at me.

I began walking and he walked alongside me with my dog.

"You have a dog?"

"Yes... why?" I asked

"No reason you just seem like more of a cat person is all."

"How am I a cat person?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Because with the way you react to kisses you'll prob

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Chapter 22: Omo! Wow! I didn't except that it has to end thare, tho I was wanting for more! But anyways, still waiting for your next update and all of your stories are really addicted ... to read xD. SPREAD THE LOVE OF TOPYUL FEELS! ^^
minhoyyuri24 #2
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
kwonyuri1205 #4
Chapter 22: Omg, im supa dupa curious what will happpen next.. they're NOT gonna break up rite?? Please tell me a good news.. huxhux.. update soon~
rachel90anne #5
Chapter 13: haha! oh my gosh! i started to ship Yuri with Top! I like it!