Lead me on and I'll yank you back

You're Crooked
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"Show me where to start." He whispered into my ear.

I could feel his breath on my ear as I stared at the page, I fiddled with my fingers for a bit.

"O-okay, I-I wil." I stuttered still staring at the blank page.

I looked at the homework :

Draw a collection/compilation of the things that give you strong emotions in life (happiness,excitment,saddness/depression) Or represent these feelings in you drawing/ painting. 

You may use any type of technique to create this piece of work.

It's up to you.



He touched my hair, I flinched for a second but realised he was only playing with my ponytail, nothing to worry about. I let him carry on playing while he (hopefully) watched me begin to draw. It was a good 30 minutes until I began drawing the second image and by then Seunghyun had begun his own work. I checked the time. 5:00 I have an hour before I need to leave. I glanced over to Seunghyun who was in his own world, drawing anything he pleased, what's surprising is that he was good. No scratch that, he was amazing at drawing. At art. Needs help my =.=.  



"Woah, who's that?" I asked

Seunghyun smiled at me and chuckled.

"It's you when you're drawing" He replied

"Wow, that's... really good Seungyun" I mumbled staring at the drawing still. It looked amazing

I turned my head to the left and looked up to s

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Chapter 22: Omo! Wow! I didn't except that it has to end thare, tho I was wanting for more! But anyways, still waiting for your next update and all of your stories are really addicted ... to read xD. SPREAD THE LOVE OF TOPYUL FEELS! ^^
minhoyyuri24 #2
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
kwonyuri1205 #4
Chapter 22: Omg, im supa dupa curious what will happpen next.. they're NOT gonna break up rite?? Please tell me a good news.. huxhux.. update soon~
rachel90anne #5
Chapter 13: haha! oh my gosh! i started to ship Yuri with Top! I like it!