
You're Crooked
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"Yobeseo?" Seunghyun answered I could hear he had been sleeping.

"Seunghyun.... this is going to be a real burden but..."

"Go ahead say it."

"Where's your new apartment?"

"My new apartment? Why?"

"I uhm..."


I sniffed.

"Are you okay?..."

"I-I just need somewhere f-for the night..."

"Oh... okay sure yeah why not?" 


"Mhm I ahhhh, Sorry about that, I'll be there in two seconds" Seunghyun yawned.

"I-it's o-okay I know it-s short notice..."

"No no it's fine honest aha, in fact I was gonna ask you about the place.." Seunghyun chuckled.

I gave a light laugh down the phone.

I heard him make his way somewhere and get some keys before opening a door.

I waited at the usual corner of my street. Now I owe him.. big time...

I don't know why exactly, but the longer I waited the more I figured he wouldn't come, the phone was silent with a small hum in the background whilst I waited, leaning on the suitcase and lightly splashing the puddles with my shoes.

I snuggled into my hoodie and took in the smell, the smell of the Christmas party and Seunghyun all mixed into one jumper.It had been 30 minutes and still no sign of him, just as I was thinking of possibly maybe going back home his black shiny Lexus decided to finally pull up. Seunghyun made it out of the car and put my suitcase in the boot then of course, typical Seunghyun stopped me from sitting in the back forcing me to sit next to him in the front of the car....

Eventhough I opened my mouth to say something no words came out, it was just an awkward silence...

"So.... you okay?"

I sniffed.

"Guess not then huh? You wait till we get inside I have a surprise" He said excitedly.

"A surprise?"

He winked at me and carried on driving till we had reached his new apartment.

After unloading my stuff we dragged it up the private driveway and to the villa.

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Chapter 22: Omo! Wow! I didn't except that it has to end thare, tho I was wanting for more! But anyways, still waiting for your next update and all of your stories are really addicted ... to read xD. SPREAD THE LOVE OF TOPYUL FEELS! ^^
minhoyyuri24 #2
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
kwonyuri1205 #4
Chapter 22: Omg, im supa dupa curious what will happpen next.. they're NOT gonna break up rite?? Please tell me a good news.. huxhux.. update soon~
rachel90anne #5
Chapter 13: haha! oh my gosh! i started to ship Yuri with Top! I like it!