We assume more than we know, and once we know we want to forget about it.

You're Crooked
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********A few days after Chirstmas, on New Years Eve********


I went back downstairs to the rest of the guests, every New Years we invite friends and family over for a huge meal, party like thing, anyone of our choice and the friends are allowed one guest, so I think you can guess that there's a crowd in here. 

I wove my way in and out the crowd to find my lot, who of course had invited Seunghyun and Jiyong...

"Yuri over here!" Jiyong shouted over the pounding music. I made my way over to the group of 10.

"Yuri, there you are!" Jessica shouted "Yuri, hiii!" Tiffany yelled. "Yuri! we found you!" Sooyoung exclaimed.

"Of course you did, I do live here you know" I laughed.

"Hey," A low voice sounded from behind me. I turned around to be right up against Seunghyun, I took a step back.


 "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Yeah we haven't met since school!" I lied. Seunghyun gave a quick wink and played along, knowing Jiyong was here.

"Hey, Jiyong, who invited you?" Seunghyun asked.

"Taeyeon" He exclaimed excitedly. "Freaking Taeyeon fricking invited me!! ahehehhehe! What do I do?" 

"Maybe you should ask me?" Taeyeon said after sneaking up behind him.

Jiyong turned to her  red faced and they went to have their own conversation.

I looked at Seunghyun who was watching Jiyong and smiling, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the near empty kitchen.

He pulled me in for a long kiss then broke away.

"Do you know how long I've waited for that? It's so weird..." He chuckled cupping my face.

I tilted my head.

"You're so strange." I mumbled.

"So, have you asked you parents?"

"Well, not exactly, I mentioned it a few times and it seems hopeful I guess"

"What did you say?" Seunghyun asked sitting down and placing me on his lap.

"I asked my parents if they were ever interested in music, my mother went on about her love of it and how she wished she'd pursued it when she was younger, my dad, he just said he didn't mind British artists and classical music" I answered

"What about SM and YG then?"

"We spoke about them..... my mum said she loved SM and she recommended it to me for a career, if that's the type of thing I liked. My dad...he didn't really say anything."

"Well... you better ask soon enough, you're 18"

"I know..."

He ruffled my hair a bit.

"What did your parents say?" I asked.

Seunghyun smiled

"They said, they were really disappointed" He chuckled.


"Don't worry, I expected that from them, they don't stay home much after all so it doesn't bother me. I can join whenever I want." He replied looking happy with himself.

"But aren't you gonna end up making them unhappy?..." 

"Don't care, it's up to me. It's not their future and I know what I'm doing so.....Ohhh..... So that's why you don't want to do music. You don't want to disappoint your parents." He said nodding his head.

I fiddled with my fingers.

"Yuri, you shouldn't let them decide for you. If you want to do something then go for it." He said playing with the curls in my hair twirling the strands around his finger.

"You think...?"

He nodded.

"I'm positive" He reassured me.

"Hey, hey Yullliieee~"

"Yes Seunghyunnn~" 

"Guess what?" 

"What?" I asked.

"Well you're supposed to guess, but since you're my girlfriend I'll let you off." He chuckled.

"Anyways" He continued. "I've bought my apartment/villa thingy!" He exclaimed.

"Yay for you!" I giggled along with him.

"So now, I have my own place and my stuff is getting moved in this second!" He said excitedly.

"That's great Seunghyun" I smiled. "You're not leaving school yet are you?" I asked.

"Nah, not yet at least. I think I'll finish the term but by the time I'm in YG there won't really be anytime for school. Not like it bothers me though."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good.." I mumbled.


"Nothing~" I teased.

After being in the kitchen a while and messing around, we decided to join the others back in the living room. To find Jiyong and Taeyeon taking.....selfies.....

Seunghyun and I tiptoed behind them and photobombed them.

"Hey!" Jiyong exclaimed.

"Yah! Yuri! Seunghyun! Ji and I are taking a picture!"

"We know" We laughed.

Seunghyun nudged me. "Ji?" He whispered I laughed.

"You call him Ji? How cute" I teased Taeyeon

"Awh Jiyong looks like you've got a girlfriend" Seunghyun teased.

"Yeah, lil Jiyongie has himself a girlfriend~" I joined in.

Jiyong's face turned red as he stuttered.

"Pssshhh, I-I T-Tay-yeon and I a-are u-hm!" He stuttered.

Taeyeon gave him a sweet smile and he wriggled about, giggling.....

"Wow, what a manly thing to do in front of your girlfriend Jiyong" Seunghyun commented shaking his head.

Taeyeon laughed along with us while Jiyong continued to spazz out on the couch.

I noticed my parents watching me, well mainly my mother, who gave me a smile and turned away.

Then I realised that Seunghyun's arm was warped around my shoulders and I had done absolutely nothing about it.

I made a tiny struggle and Seunghyun loosened his grip on my shoulder but didn't let go. I took a sniff of him, no cologne, just him..... strange. He smelt of a mix of alcohol, cigarettes and some kind of sweetish scent I didn't recognise and oddly enough.... the combination smelt great. I looked up at him and started to recognise his features, intense eyes, dark brown hair, prominent jawline, dimples..... After a while Seunghyun noticed me watching him and leaned down and gave me a small kiss.

"You okay Yuri?"

I nodded and smiled.  "Mhm"



"Then move in, come on" Seunghyun said pulling me in a bit and letting me lean on his side.

"You look really nice today" He commented giving my arm a small squeeze

"T-thank you... y-you look really n-nice too." I replied.

I straightened out my dress and began to actually join in the conversation saying a few things here and there, but I spoke alot more than usual and I even cracked a few jokes which surprisingly made everyone (Seunghyun included) laugh.

Taeyeon soon came over to me and tore me away from Seunghyun, leading me to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yuri! Yuri! Yuri!!!!" 

"What, what, what?" I mimicked.

"Jiyong!!!" She giggled.

"Jiyong, what?" I asked.

"Ji he asked me!!! He really didd!!!" She squealed.

"Asked you what?..." I questioned.

She rolled her eyes. "He asked me to date himmm!!!!" She giggled again jumping up and down.

"U-uh g-reat?" 

"AMAZING!!!" She squealed jumping up and down.

"But Taeyeon.... how long have you known him?.."

"For agesss"


She nodded.

"That's why I was always late to break and lunch, I was with the boys." She replied


She squealed and held onto me. "Yurrrriiiii!!!! what should I say?!"

"I-I don't know.... do you like him?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Then say yes?"

She giggled and squealed. "I knew you'd say that!!" She giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the others.

"You have to be there!"

"When you say yes?"

"YEAH!" She exclaimed holding onto me and shaking my arm about.

I rolled my eyes and giggled at her.

Jiyong spotted us from afar and nudged Seunghyun who then nodded at me and checked me out for a second.

Jiyong scurried toward us excitedly.

"So,so,so,so,so,so,sooooo!!!!" . "What do you say?!" Jiyong asked excitedly

Taeyeon nodded her head and pulled Jiyong in for a hug. Jiyong gave her a quick kiss and they took yet another picture. Oh goodness...why did I help her....

Seunghyun wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side.

Suddenly there was a loud screech and the sound of a microphone.

I lowered my head and buried my face in Seunghyun's chest. Dad....Please...don't see me..


My father stepped onto the small step so he could be seen and he spotted me. Oh great....

With Seunghyun's arm wrapped around my shoulder. He glared at me for a second and mouthed 'we need to talk'. This can't be good..

"Hello everyone! And welcome to this small house party we're having for the New Year! I'm glad you all could come and we're going to be starting the count down in a few minutes, so grab the champagne, sparklers and go outside, it's time for the New Year!"    My father announced with his 'I'm really happy on the outside but Yuri, you're so dead' voice. I am soooooo dead...

After 5 minutes and handing out sparklers and champagne to my group we all headed into my large-ish garden.

There weren't enough for everyone person in the groups so me and Seunghyun shared and held onto the sparkler while we counted down.

"20,19,18,17,16,15,!!!" The count began and Seunghyun pulled me closer to him almost cuddling me with the unlit sparkler inour hands.

"14,13,12,11!!!" He gave my arm a squeeze.

"10,9,8,7..!!!!" Everyone joined in, except for Seunghyun and I who were watching the sky.

"6,5,4,!!" He held my face in his hand and leaned toward me.

"3,2,1!!!!" Seunghyun pulled me in for a kiss. A long, warm kiss. I could hear the girls giggle and squeal behind us with the fireworks screeching above our heads.

We broke apart and I giggled a bit myself.

My eyes flickered up to see my father watching us. And he definitely did not look happy... 

Oh well. He'd probably only say 'Kwon Yuri who was that guy?!' or 'I said no boyfriends... EVER!' But I'm 18.... come on... I have a life of my own... But would I have the guts to say  that? probably not... So I better prepare for the lecture of a lifetime...

I looked away and turned around to talk to my friends while we watched the fireworks and lit our sparklers. Seunghyun hugged me from behind and put his hands on top of mine while we held the sparkler. He made me wave it around like a little kid and it actually made me laugh. 

After a while people either left or made their way inside. We on the other hand stayed outside till it was 2.... well me and Seunghyun did. We sat down on watched the stars not saying a word. We sat in a comfortable silence with Seunghyun hugging me from behind and rocking slightly from side to side. Eventually he had to leave, along with the other guests, but before he left he slipped something into my hands. I giggled as Seunghyun gave me a kiss on my head and ruffled my hair before leaving. 

I walked back into my warm, quiet house and got changed into my pyjamas then sat on the floor of my room hugging Raiko and waiting for my father's shouting to begin.

"Yuri-ah, your father wants to speak to you~" My mum said softly knocking on my door.

"Ne omma, I'm coming" I answered reluctantly getting up and opening my door.

I buried my hands into the pockets of my hoodie and slowly walked down the stairs to see my father siting up straight on the couch with a serious expression.

"Sit down." He spoke. I obeyed him and sat on the couch facing him.

"Yuri...I'm disappointed..." He began with his voice

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Chapter 22: Omo! Wow! I didn't except that it has to end thare, tho I was wanting for more! But anyways, still waiting for your next update and all of your stories are really addicted ... to read xD. SPREAD THE LOVE OF TOPYUL FEELS! ^^
minhoyyuri24 #2
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #3
Chapter 22: Please update! <3
kwonyuri1205 #4
Chapter 22: Omg, im supa dupa curious what will happpen next.. they're NOT gonna break up rite?? Please tell me a good news.. huxhux.. update soon~
rachel90anne #5
Chapter 13: haha! oh my gosh! i started to ship Yuri with Top! I like it!